Alpha 11 is a release that added 8 new Characters, new Hideouts, new Traits and Special Abilities, along with large amounts of various other new content. It was also the first release to Tumblr (after the transition from the TIGSource Forums).
- Industrial area background tiles (viewable in level 2-1)
- Park background tiles (not yet viewable in game)
- Particle effects added for hacking, hypnotizing people
- Added 50+ new sound effects
- Added 60+ new level chunks, primarily “Hideouts” for bad guys, featuring most of the new trap objects that were added. Also Police Stations.
Special Abilities[]
- Handcuffs (Cop)
- Bite (Vampire)
- Charge (Jock)
- Limited Invisibility (Assassin)
- Joke (Comedian)
- Toss Objects (Wrestler)
- Possess (Shapeshifter)
- Hacking overhaul - Can now hack Television, Refrigerator, Arcade Game, Sell-O-Matic, Clone Machine, Slot Machine, Ammo Dispenser, Security Cam, Turret, Safe
- Serve Drinks (Bartender) (needs work)
- Art of the Deal (Shopkeeper)
- Jugularious (Vampire)
- The Law (Cop)
- Pacifist (Doctor)
- Computer Illiterate (Jock, Wrestler)
- Loud (Jock, Wrestler)
- Diminutive (ShapeShifter)
- Naked (ShapeShifter)
Status Effects[]
- Security Camera
- Fire-Spewer
- Exploding Barrel
- Flaming Barrel
- Turret
- Dart Trap
- Crusher
- Trapdoor
- Door Explosion Trap
- Flame Grate
- New types of Laser Emitters (Alarm, Trigger Traps)
- Floor Switch Trap
- Descriptions for all selectable characters
- Lots of new character dialogue
- Added “Law of the Land” text to some signs describing what not to do in front of cops
Other Additions and Changes[]
- Freeze Frames no longer occur when people are hit with the Flamethrower
- Player always faces the object with which they’re currently interacting
- Light that appears when bombs are dropping is now animated
- When fires appear and disappear, the light that they cast fades instead of being instantaneous
- Player identifier circles beneath players in coop mode are more visually standout
- Objects in the world now have custom-drawn shadows
- Slow motion when switching to and from split-screen lasts a shorter amount of time
- If a player is a ghost when the game ends, the ghost will explode
- Added “curtains” animations when entering and exiting levels
- Varied ambient light in different levels
- Added small animations to Character Select screen
UI / Controls[]
- Added ability in Settings to select which monitor you want to use
- Owners and owned property are now indicated by gold text
- “Hateful” is now “Hostile”
- Added Wiki and Discord buttons to title screen
- Special Ability icon becomes transparent when it is not usable
- “Drop” cursor text appears when dragging items outside of the inventory
- Status effect countdowns in buff display go down to 1 instead of 0
- Keys and Safe Combinations display the name of the building where they were retrieved
- Text at bottom of Missions screen flashes when you try to teleport when it’s not possible
- Added widget to title screen to check for new versions of the game and new devlogs posted
- Added warning message when about a lack of split-screen mode when starting the game in non-16:9 resolutions
- When playing with keyboard and gamepad, gamepad player can unpause the game
- When targeting using items with gamepad, target is now twice as big as normal
- When targeting using gamepad, game is better at determining what you’re pointing at
- Added additional “helper” target image when throwing items or using guns with gamepad to help players aim
- Indicators appear over objects and people when you can use your special ability on them
- When items like Hypnotizer are selected a second time using hotkeys, they are now deselected
- “Death By” and “Killer” added to final stats
- On Character Select, characters’ names appear next to mouse cursor when mousing over slots
- Cursor text now has a transparent background
- Word bubbles can now be multiple lines
- Delay periods added to when AI people can attack again after an attack is blocked, and after they have landed a successful attack
- Knockback from blocks is affected by the power of the person’s attack
- (Removed) Less durability is depleted from melee weapon blocks and strikes
- Adjusted melee weapon hitboxes
- Melee weapons are now 25% bigger
- Melee swinging animation has been shortened slightly
- Small health penalty for blocking melee weapons with your fist
Level Generation[]
- Work on game structure – level pacing, size, balance, content that appears within different level themes
- Support for walls that appear randomly based on percentage chance and area difficulty
- A bunch of changes to accommodate new Hideout chunks
- Entire level is now surrounded by a pit
- The streets are now more bustling with random people
- People are now capable of attacking objects
- Modified how the game determines whether a person is “Innocent”
- Killer Robot spawns further away from the player
- People are less adept at avoiding grenades. It’s more fun that way.
- If you tell someone to stand guard and then tell them to attack someone, they’ll start following you after they’re finished
- “No Followers” trait merged with Malodorous
- Malodorous people who gain “Perfumorous” or “Charismatic” can have party members
- Hypnotizers now change the target’s opinion of your entire party
- Opening context buttons on objects no longer cancels Cardboard Box item
- Player only loses Hacking Tool if they actually do something and not cancel their interaction
- If people catch you hacking their property, they become angry
- If two players are close together and one of them presses quick-teleport, they will be sent to a quest location instead of nothing happening
- In Fullscreen Only mode, players can now quick-teleport
- In Fullscreen Only mode, neither player will teleport if either player is blocked from being able to teleport
- Added Randomize option to Character Select
- Patrolling people may randomly patrol in the reverse direction that they are normally assigned
- Fire can spread to dead bodies
- Fire knocks people back a bit further
- Aligned Slavemasters will give you a slave free of charge
- Thrown objects are no longer blocked by dead bodies
- People who are you are rescuing are not given as much extra health as before
- Anyone who joins your party is given extra health
- Fires do not inflict a lessened amount of damage to people aligned with the arsonist
- Ammunition counts increased for many guns
- Player regains full health on Level Up
- Chests and Safes contain more money on average
- Possible to bribe bouncers with alcohol
- Shopkeeper carries more items, and they are more varied
- Rocks are more commonly found
- Only money is found in chests in buildings where unrelated missions exist
- Steel doors appear a bit less frequently
- When selling projectile and melee weapons, ammo and durability are factored in, as well as add-ons
- Chloroforming can only be done when the player is in the proper position
- No longer possible to chloroform people whose backs are against the wall
- Chloroform has a cooldown timer
- More variation in Endurance levels that characters start with
- Tech Expert trait determines if you’ll have a full range of options when using computers
- Backstabber does 3X damage if the player is invisible
- “Teleporter” item no longer appears in game due to no longer being very useful
- Bartender now has “Team Building Expert”
- Gun prices increased
- Added more time to “Find all the bombs” missions
- Money transactions with people are affected by how much they like you
- On “Bombs Falling” levels, bombs fall a bit slower
Artificial Intelligence[]
- People’s cone of sight reduced
- People no longer notice the sound of doors opening unless they are specifically guarding that door, due to noise radius confusion amongst players.
- People stop their interactions with the player when they lose health
- Aligned people are better at determining when they should turn on you if you are attacking them, also aligned people nearby will turn on you
- Aligned people in your party can always be commanded to attack
Bug Fixes[]
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for sometimes being able to press Esc on the title screen and enter a black void
- Fix for some Mission Screen tooltips not appearing with gamepad
- Right-clicking closes the Character Select screen, as the instructions state
- Selection Box for Player 2 no longer appears in front of Main Menu
- Fix for Missions Screen not being able to be opened while on various menus using gamepad
- If players end the game while teleporting or in similar states, they will be gibbed upon returning to the playfield.
- Fix for the game proceeding to the next level if ‘End Game’ is chosen after Player 2 has finished the level
- Fix for player 2 controlling player 1’s target on certain controller configurations
- Fix for difficulties interacting with people sleeping in beds
- If the player is interacting with someone and that person dies or is knocked out, interaction ends
- Fix for gamepad target sometimes flashing repeatedly between green and red
- If player is dragging an item when Quest Sheet is opened, the item is put back in the inventory
- If the player is targeting when quest sheet is opened, they stop targeting
- Player can no longer cancel dragging an item or quit targeting while on certain screens
- An invisible person’s info no longer appears appear when space bar is pressed
- When Operating bar is on screen, pressing Attack closes the bar but does not attack
- Made it more difficult to accidentally stop interacting with something because you moved out of range. This range has been increased.
- Minimap no longer appears when returning from Gameplay menu in 2-player mode
- Fixed issue where question mark might remain over a person’s head when it wasn’t supposed to
- Fix for text at the bottom of Missions screen sometimes going outside of its bounding box
- Possible fix for player 2 tooltip not being visible on some configurations
- Fix for issue where player might perform unexpected actions when returning a dragged item to the inventory
- Fix for players’ initial health displaying as 100 even when it was higher
- Fix for attack commands not registering during freeze frames
- Objects that are on fire no longer glow green, since they are no longer usable
- Screen no longer shakes when hitting bullets with melee weapons, since this currently does nothing
- Tooltips no longer appear when mousing over people and objects on Missions screen
- Fix for Dizzy Stars not always appearing
- Fix for certain hairstyles not being shown on dead bodies wearing hats
- Fix for newly dead bodies briefly looking weird during their “white flash” frames
- Possible fix for items flashing red when dropped, even if they aren’t grenades
- Fixed small graphical glitch that could occur when hitting someone and causing them to flash
- White flashes when people are hit last a normal amount of time during slow motion
- “Operating” animation now plays properly
- Fix for people throwing with the wrong arm
- Fix for game remaining in slow motion if player died while targeting with an inventory item
- Large bullets have properly sized lights
- Fix for bullets sometimes not having lights attached
- Fix for player identifiers in coop mode not reappearing if the player was gibbed
Playfield Objects[]
- Slot Machine doesn’t get busted after one try anymore
- No longer possible to hit objects and people with melee weapons from behind a door
- No longer possible for both players to hack the same object at the same time
- Safe no longer capable of flashing green after being unlocked
- Fix for Keys and Safe Combinations sometimes not working
- Cigarette Lighter now appears in inventory properly
- Bribing people with items now subtracts those items from your inventory
- No longer possible to sell Safe Combination
- Identify Wands are subtracted from inventory properly after using
- Fix for starting headpieces on NPCs not always being destroyed properly
- Fix for characters incorrectly stating that there is no more room in the inventory
- Fix for party members bogarting all your syringes when you try to give them 1
- Fix for player never reappearing after Quick-Escape Teleporter was used after slipping on banana peel
- No longer possible to hack objects that are on fire
- Ghosts can no longer step on harmful items
Status Effects / Traits[]
- “No In-Fighting” works when either player hits the other, instead of only one way
- “Friend of the Common Folk” works properly during riots
- Players with classes that are Hateful toward one another now start the game Aligned
- Fix for invisibility effect not carrying over between levels
- Fix for Ghosts sometimes being stopped by walls
- When a person is being knocked back quickly, certain objects are now capable of stopping them
- Teleportation now works properly when Lighting turned off in Settings
- When teleporting to another player, it is no longer possible to teleport to the inside of a building if the other player is outside the building
- Fix for Player 2 not being able to teleport properly in Fullscreen Only mode
- Fire can no longer harm ghosts
- Players can no longer use special abilities while in Ghost form
- Fix for weirdness occurring if the player ended the game directly after purchasing a slave
- Fix for player saying they don’t have any way of opening a door after opening a locked door
- People’s velocity is set to 0 when they do non-delayed teleportation (Wall Bypasser, etc.)
- Bullets shot to the left or right when near a northern wall are much less likely to hit the wall
- Fix for being able to shoot some objects through walls when they were very close to the wall
- Fix for shrunk people technically being inside buildings if they stood too close to a window, and fast people being able to slam into a window and momentarily be inside the building
- No longer possible to teleport in Killer Robot levels
Artificial Intelligence[]
- When you threaten someone and fail, their response dialog doesn’t immediately disappear
- People whose default goal is to examine objects in the area will now just wander aimlessly if they can’t find any objects
- Fix for people sometimes believing that objects were on their property when they were not
- Fix for internal errors when shooting people in prisons
- Fix for AI being slightly busted after people returned from “Shrunk” state
- Players can now speak to Aligned people who are fleeing
- Loyal people no longer get angry at you if you open doors on their property
- Fix for people who wander from object to object getting stuck if there is no clear path
- Fix for people attempting to path around lasers that had already been triggered
- Talking to non-owners who are Annoyed at you now shows correct “Annoyed” dialogue
- A bunch of adjustments to account for trap avoidance
- People are better at determining when they can open certain doors
- People react better to noises in out-of-reach locations
- Fewer instances where people try to path through dangerous buildings when it’s the fastest route
- Fix for people investigating noises when there was no reason for them to do so
- Fix for people thinking a noise came from inside their property when the player shot a gun directly against their wall from the south
- People who were set in the level generation to stand behind counters don’t wander off anymore
- People no longer get angry when you shoot non-wooden walls with flamethrower
- Fix for people leaving your party if you die after drinking Resurrection Shampoo
- In coop mode, if a player dies while escorting someone, that person will run to the other player
Level Generation[]
- Objects that create blockages in alleys no longer appear
- Fixed floating point errors that could cause holes to appear in the level geometry
- Fixed issues that occurred when breaking walls next to level borders
- Fix for issue where no one in a building would have a key or safe combination when it was necessary
- “Combine Items” sound no longer plays when placing item back in its own slot
- Item pickup sound no longer plays when quests are completed
- Proper sound plays when chloroforming enemy
- “Unequip weapon” sound no longer plays sometimes when people die
- Sound effects are paused/unpaused properly when entering main menu, missions screen, etc.
- Fix for Quest Fail sound effect being able to be played twice in rapid succession
- Significant performance improvements when lots of people are active at the same time
- Fix for hiccup that occurred when too much gas was spawned at the same time
- Fix for hiccups when spawning lots of fires on objects at the same time