Alpha 12 is a release that contained mostly balance fixes.
Other Additions and Changes[]
- Killer Robot bleeds yellow blood
- Red background for equipped items is more prominent
UI / Controls[]
- Dev Notes removed from title screen
- Tooltips for consumables now tell players how long the status effect will last
- Cursor Text tells you when a chest is empty
- The Take All button automatically closes the chest
- Level numbers like 1-1 replaced with names in several spots
- Included text to make it more obvious what some of the Stats screen information actually means
- Feedback window can now be scrolled
- Sound plays when trying to change hair/skin color etc. on a character where this is not possible
- Sound plays when entering and exiting Cardboard Box
- Doctor can use thrown weapons
- Bumping into people as Assassin no longer removes Invisibility
- Added a bit of time to the slow motion period after split screen occurs
- Player cannot hire people to join their party after dismissing them
- NPCs with the Resurrection status effect no longer drop items when they die
- Vampire sucks blood faster than before
- Player movement speed slowed down when biting people or operating objects
- Slaves are now capable of buying their own freedom
- Shapeshifter keeps their traits when switching bodies, except for Naked and Diminutive
- Thief does not lunge forward as much when using Stealing Glove
- Slave Helmet Remover can be used by the player on themselves
- If an owned slave wanders too far from their Slavemasters, their Slave Helmet will explode
- Shopkeeper, Bartender and Drug Dealer appear Missions Screen map
- Interacting with empty chests will prompt the player character to tell you that they’re empty
- Ammo Dispenser refill price takes into account the number of bullets you have left
- It is now possible to complete multiple actions on the computer without the interaction stopping
- Money is not given as a mission reward as frequently
- Slave Helmet explodes when an owned Slave attempts to remove it
- Shapeshifter loses health if the person they are possessing is killed
- Comedian has a lower chance to make people hostile with unsuccessful jokes
- Comedian has a chance for people to become followers after telling a successful joke
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Cops no longer attack you if they see a property owner chasing you – only if they see an attack occur, as per the “Law of the Land” sign on Floor 1-2
- Slightly more difficult to get Aligned people to turn against you
- Friends of the person you turned on are more cognizant of what has happened
- Followers leash back to you from a shorter distance if engaged in combat
- If Killer Robot has no weapon, he will try to punch you
Bug Fixes[]
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for environment objects staying highlighted if the mouse was highlighting them when the player entered the Missions screen or Main Menu
- Fix for touch screen users not being able to click buttons with mouse
- Fix for control rebinding menu not appearing
- Fix for people’s health bars appearing to be full after being depossessed by Shapeshifter
- Status effects that the player cannot keep between levels are removed from the side of the screen when player completes the level
- Fix for armor-based starting items not appearing on the Character Select screen
- Fix for slowdown remaining after scrolling weapons and then immediately entering the main menu
- Fix for “Guilty” text appearing in weird spots when viewing all objects’ information with space bar
- Fix for button weirdness when interacting with windows from the inside with Thief
- Possible fix for a person’s name remaining on the screen if they are killed while a player is interacting with them
- Right-clicking on Missions screen no longer attempts to teleport the player
- Fix for names of objects appearing permanently next to gamepad target
- Fix for inventory disappearing on entering new levels when auto-sort is turned off
- Possible fix for Missions Screen getting stuck in certain 2-player circumstances
- Fix for sign text not closing if sign is destroyed while player 2 is viewing
- Fixed issues with skill bar and related text not displaying properly after Esc was pressed
- Fix for traits sometimes appearing in slightly the wrong spot for Shapeshifter
- Fix for NPC health bar sometimes going haywire after rescuing people on Rescue missions
- Tooltips appear when moving the cursor over “mission slot boxes” for objects and people
- Dark background appears behind cursor text on Missions screen when using gamepad
- Shapeshifter’s face in the upper-left corner looks correct when possessing people
- Fix for hair not appearing properly on Character Select if the player starts bald and switches styles
- Fix for only 5 items being capable of appearing under Starting Items on Character Select screen
- Possible fix for floors not appearing when certain video recording software is turned on
- Fix for being able to see the Assassin’s face when changing hair type
- Flamethrower fire no longer appears to clip through walls, and also looks a bit better
- Short character select animation only plays if player clicks slot with character in it
- Cardboard box no longer appears tiny when placed over Shapeshifter
- Fix for people sometimes holding their guns weird when dancing
- Fix for hats not initially appearing when new people are spawned into the game
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for Laser Emitter immediately blowing up when the player commanded followers to attack it
- No longer possible to use the Clone Machine to clone certain items like Possession Stone
- Fix for Generator counting down negative numbers after being destroyed using Wrench
- No longer possible to trigger lasers with melee weapons from behind walls
- Fix for the player sometimes not being able to pick up items if there were a lot of items on the ground
- Wrestler has Codpiece initially equipped as intended
- Fix for Key and Safe Combination sometimes not working
- Possible fix for Quick Escape Teleporter teleporting the player outside the level
- Fix for armor not being equipped properly when received from NPCs
- Possible fix for items turning into random glitchy graphics when playing as Wrestler
- Player faces proper direction after exiting Cardboard Box
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Gorilla exits Cardboard Box when using Primal Lunge, Cop during Arrest, and Wrestler during Toss
- No longer possible to receive “Ghost” status effect twice
- Killer Robot can no longer be handcuffed
- Fix for Assassin being able to keep Camouflage permanently if it was on when exiting level
- Special Ability recharge stops after a person exits the level
- Can no longer Backstab dead bodies
- “Clumsiness Accepted” now allows you to break windows without repercussions. But not doors.
- If Shapeshifter possesses another Shapeshifter, that Shapeshifter cannot possess another person
- People with Resurrection will not stay frozen if they die after being frozen
- Fix for game potentially locking up when entering elevator if player was about to lose status effect
- Possible fix for Camouflage not working in some cases after player was teleported
- Fix for Camouflage not working if a Security Camera was viewing the player prior to being destroyed
- Fix for people not noticing the player when they stopped being invisible if they were standing still
- Fix for issues occurring if certain things like death happened while Gorilla or Jock were charging their special abilities
- No longer possible to Bite, Possess, Handcuff, Chloroform or Steal from people through shelves and doors
- As Wrestler, no longer possible to pick up objects from behind walls
- Fix for players always facing to the right after being Frozen
- Fix for armor not being equipped properly when possessing people wearing armor
- Slave Helmet is automatically equipped and unequipped when possessing/depossessing Slave
- No longer possible for the Jock to charge into ghosts
- Gorillas are capable of using Primal Lunge while holding thrown weapons
- Player does not receive as many skill points for knocking out innocents
- Fix for Game Over appearing if a player died directly after the other person exited the level
- Fix for Game Over appearing if a player was teleporting while the other player died
- Fix for level completing if a player was teleporting while the other player exited the level
- Fix for game ending if a player dies while the other is falling into a hole
- Gas no longer affects Holograms and playfield objects
- Player can no longer gain skill points for killing people with Resurrection status effect
- No longer possible for shopkeeper to ask the other player for his Key and Safe Combination
- Player can no longer lose health while in the process of teleporting
- Possible fix for players being teleported over Flame Grates and other dangers
- Attempted fix for people going through walls and not breaking them
- Fix for player sometimes being unable to teleport after failing Rescue quest
- Fix for cases where player wasn’t able to move after being resurrected
- Fix for controls locking when player trips on banana peel or crashes into wall as Jock while under cardboard box
- Fix for player sometimes not doing proper amount of damage to aligned people who had turned hostile toward them
- Fix for cases where player wouldn’t gain skill points for freeing prisoners
- Missions complete properly if the player is dead while it completes, but is about to Resurrect
- No longer possible to “Dismiss” slaves or people who you are rescuing for a mission
- Mission status takes into account when people are dead but have Resurrection status effect
- Doctor receives mission rewards properly now, instead of banana peels
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for followers not returning to follow you if you told them to attack something and they couldn’t find a path
- Fix for slave ownership not transferring properly when possessing Slavemaster
- Fix for people sometimes not recognizing when they have been broken out of prison
- Slavemasters react properly when speaking to their owned Slaves
- Fix for people getting angry at invisible people when they knock other people through walls and objects
- Aligned NPCs can no longer turn on each other by accidentally hitting each other
- Cops can never become “Guilty”
- “Alerted” sound and animation no longer triggers every time people get up after being tripped
- Non-owners in quest-oriented buildings are no longer considered “Guilty”
- Fix for other cases on quests where people who were supposed to be Guilty were Innocent
- Non-residents of an area who you dismiss from your party will always do “wander” behavior
- People react appropriately when you enter their property and talk to them from behind
- No longer able to distract people from property damage by having the other player talk to them
- Fix for cases where AI wouldn’t realize that you had caused property damage
- People no longer immediately stop searching for you when you turn invisible
- Killer Robot no longer continues moving after being tripped by Banana Peel
- Fix for Slaves not having the “Follow Me” option when possessing their Slavemaster
Level Generation[]
- Fix for random objects appearing at the bottom left corner of the level
- Possible fix for player spawning outside of the map
- Corrected a small sound issue when using Gorilla’s Primal Lunge
- Fix for Flamethrower and Ghost Gibber sound effects continuing after player was teleported
- Gorillas no longer speak English when they get annoyed at you
- Corrected misspelling in Tech Expert description
- Fix for “Death By” appearing incorrectly on stats when killed by Turret or Fire Spewer
- Fixed other cases where wrong “Death By” message was appearing
- “Killer” text on stats screen no longer appears if you killed yourself with explosions or other means
- Slaves owned by the player say correct line of dialogue upon interaction