Alpha 14 was an update released on October 17–18, 2016. It added the Werewolf as a playable character. This release was posted to Steam one day after it was posted on Tumblr: https://steamcommunity.com/games/512900/announcements/detail/804282765939408056.
Big Features[]
- Fan Translation Support
New Content[]
Special Abilities[]
Status Effects[]
Other Additions and Changes[]
- Attempt at minimizing times when people are knocked through walls without them breaking
- Items thrown with the gamepad without aiming are always thrown their maximum distance
- Security Cameras don’t become alert when the player is under a Cardboard Box
- Dizzy now removes Withdrawal from Investment Banker
- Soldier starts with Kill Ammunizer
- Clone Machine has a 3 item limit
- Drug Dealer sells more varied items
Artificial Intelligence[]
- When possessing Slavemasters as Shapeshifter, owned Slaves will join your party
- Don’t Trigger Floor Hazards is now called Graceful
- Good Trader is now called Shrewd Negotiator
- Bad Trader is now called Sucker
- Lunges knock people back further
- When using Lunges, game does extra prediction to figure out who you were trying to target
Bug Fixes[]
UI / Controls[]
- No longer possible to interact with things while performing a melee attack or throw
- Fix for longer level names not always fitting on the Missions screen
- Projectile weapon ammo count appears red when the weapon is at 25% capacity
- Pressing LT on the gamepad now cancels hacker’s special ability
- Fix for status effect display moving to odd location on the screen if the player opened a Shop or Chest while having more than one status effect.
- Fix for cursor text background appearing when it shouldn’t when dropping items
- Fix for cops getting angry if you stole from trash cans by clicking specific items instead of Take All
- oAuth field text is now blocked so that viewers can’t see it
- Fix for player’s head being missing after Depossessing from Gorilla
- Fix for the wrong hair/facial hair/hair color/skin color appearing on recently Depossessed person
Playfield Objects[]
- Goodie Machine context buttons close properly after hacker lowers the price
- Player does not lose a Hacking Tool every time they do something new on a Computer
- Checking email on computers does not cost you a Hacking Tool
- Dynamite is affected by incendiary damage
- Ammo Stealer can no longer be used on the player
- Water Pistol no longer appears to have 12 ammo initially despite not being filled
- Water Pistol can no longer be cloned
- Fix for armor breaking repeatedly but never disappearing after being given to an NPC follower
- Fix for Food Processor being able to turn important items into food
- Key is not destroyed if a door is opened, but not unlocked
- Keys and Safe Combinations are destroyed if the corresponding Door or Safe is destroyed
- Key is not destroyed if a door is opened/destroyed, but is not a prison door
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for being able to do 1 damage to Aligned people when they are Invincible
- Kneecapper can no longer be used by the player on themselves with AoE weapons
- Fix for Kneecapper having effect that “Don’t Make Me Angry” was supposed to have
- When depossessing as Shapeshifter, Slow and Fast remain active as they should
- Fix for Slum Dweller’s health not being restored properly during level-up when gaining Endurance due to “Potential To Not Suck”
- Fix for stats being able to go past 4 as a result of “Potential To Not Suck”
- Fix for two players being able to simultaneously arrest the same person
- Fix for Vampire victims not becoming Dizzy if Vampire walked away mid-snack
- People can no longer be knocked out while Invincible
- Fix for debt not being reset properly between games
- Fix for “I’m Outtie” causing ghost player to run at extremely high speeds
- Fix for dizzy stars appearing at times when they weren’t supposed to
- Fix for Confused not carrying over between levels
- Confused people will no longer walk around while Frozen
- When Possessing, the Shapeshifter only switches weapons if the possessed person is unable to use the currently wielded weapon, or if the possessed person had a weapon and the Shapeshifter did not
- Fix for “Charge” and “Lunge” being cancelled during freeze frames
- Fix for issue where killing someone on a Retrieve mission after bribing them for the item would cause the mission to fail
- Fix for issue that could prevent “Find Bombs” mission from being completed if bombs fell in holes
- In “Bombs Falling” levels, fixed issue where bombs could spawn near a player who had already exited the level
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for people ignoring your other party members when factoring ‘threaten’ percentage, and determining whether to keep fighting you
- Made internal adjustments to support long pieces of text fitting in small spaces, for when languages other than English are being used
- Fix for Hiring Voucher button having error text
- Fix for Gorilla not speaking English when talking to you while being rescued