Alpha 20 was the first version to be released on Steam, and ultimately ended up being comprised of many smaller releases which were deployed from March 11 to March 26.
Due to work of transitioning over to Steam from Tumblr, there were no public releases for Alpha 16 through Alpha 19.
This version featured the following significant additions:
- Online Multiplayer
- 4-Player Local Coop Support
- Home Base
- Daily Runs
- Mutators
- Unlockables
- Steam Achievements
- Game is saved when the player quits
- Cloud Saves
- Steam Big Picture virtual keyboard support
- Introduction, Tutorial, and other story additions
- Support for 7 new languages: Chinese (simplified), Korean, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian
Alpha 20b (March 11, 2017)[]
UI / Controls[]
- Fixed “Accept” button text not appearing on the Missions screen
- “Host” filter for multiplayer games now works properly
- Added filter for Locked multiplayer games
- Text on Character Select screen fits better in all languages
- Twitch username and channel name are forced to lowercase to prevent mistakes
- Potential fix for incorrect keys appearing during instructions/tutorial
- Fix for instance where you could break the tutorial with the Wall Bypasser
- Fixed instance where you could break the tutorial by hitting the rock to an unreachable position
- Banana Peel unlock now works as stated in the description (you need to kill someone with the banana peel)
- Possible fix for issue where players could get “Withdrawal” and “Feelin’ alright” at the same time
- Game no longer attempts to manually set the resolution to 1024x768 windowed mode directly after starting.
Alpha 20c[]
- Changes to multiplayer that reduced desync issues.
Alpha 20d (March 14, 2017)[]
- Changed appearance of Health Pack so that the Red Cross won’t throw a fit
UI / Controls[]
- Added “Online” option to Home Base “Co-Op” character
- Nugget display appears at the corner of menus to make your nugget count more obvious
- Devlog button now links to Steam news
Level Generation[]
- Tutorial is now accessible through a more obviously placed character in the Home Base
- Wrestler now appears properly in the Home Base
- Fixed tutorial exploit that allowed the shopkeeper to open the locked door
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Now possible to unlocks Assassin if you anger someone (just not make them hostile)
- Reduced number of drinks to unlock Bartender to 10
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for game sometimes freezing if you unlocked something while simultaneously completing a mission
- Fix for unlock notifications sometimes staying on the screen permanently if activated at the end of a level
- Unlock notifications are non-skippable to prevent people from missing them
- /teleport can no longer be used in the Home Base
- Fix for user’s Fan Translations setting not being saved properly
- No longer possible to receive certain items that have not been properly programmed for multiplayer
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for players being able to keep some status effects permanently between levels if exiting with 1 second left
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fix for one of the Unlock items not actually being unlockable
- Fix for clients not being able to unlock certain end-of-level unlocks in multiplayer mode
- Fix for some end-of-level unlocks not triggering when completing the final level
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fixed Chinese text appearing too small in certain spots
- “Rewarded” text now appears in the appropriate language
Alpha 20e (March 15, 2017)[]
- Fixed last build's addition of "miniature health pack"
UI / Controls[]
- Potential fix for some players not being able to use gamepads past the title screen
- Potential fix for some players not seeing gamepad button icons properly within in-game instruction texts
- Fix for being able to scroll “details” text in local coop scrolling menus out of its box by using the d-pad
- Now possible to use d-pad on scrolling menus in local coop
- Fix for being able to accidentally return to home base if ‘Q’ was pressed after dying as Shapeshifter in while in someone else’s body
- Fixed characters appearing with wrong heads on Character Select after achieving new unlocks
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for “Addict” trait not appearing for Investment Banker on Character Select
- Players who are knocked out are revived in 10 seconds, and no longer need someone else to revive them
Stats / Unlocks[]
- If the player triggers achievements while Steam is not online, they will be triggered when the player goes online and starts the game
- Added limit of 50 nuggets that the player may possess at any time
Level Generation[]
- Possible fix for game occasionally getting stuck at 100% on loading screen
- Fixed being able to break the tutorial by hitting bouncer into lasers
- Fixed yet another tutorial exploit where you could get an extra Wall Bypasser if you used the first one in just the right spot
Level Generation[]
- Possible fix for game occasionally getting stuck at 100% on loading screen
- Fixed being able to break the tutorial by hitting bouncer into lasers
- Fixed yet another tutorial exploit where you could get an extra Wall Bypasser if you used the first one in just the right spot
- Added Region setting to make it easier for people to find games
- Fixed clients not being able to bring party members between levels during online play
- Fixed player 4 not being able to bring party members between levels during local play
- Fix for not being able to create or join games after pressing Esc while on the Loading screen
- Fixed some instances where client could connect and choose a character, only for it to say “Waiting for host to select a character” when he already had
- Fix for scenario where clients could screw up the host’s game if they quit at the exact right time while the level was changing
- When clients quit manually, they are removed from the server immediately
- We had mistakenly listed the game as supporting Portuguese, when in actuality we are supporting Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br). Changes have been made in-game, in Steam Achievements, and on the store page to reflect this. Localization files updated as well.
- Fixed text size for various languages in a few spots
Alpha 20f (March 18, 2017)[]
UI / Controls[]
- Gamepad targeting movement (i.e. using hacking tools, telling people who to attack, etc.) slowed down a bit
- Added failsafe for people getting very far in Endless and not having any more traits to pick
- Fix for people getting very far in endless and banana peels appearing as rewards
- Potential fix for Twitch vote staying on the screen after it has completed
- If the player chooses Industrial through the Mysterious Elevator and dies, they will start at 2-1.
- Fix for Unlocks not working in Home Base if Sandbox mutator is activated
- Fix for stackable items sometimes changing position in the inventory when a new item of that type was picked up
- Fixed ability to duplicate items when the player’s inventory is full
- Added better 21:9 Widescreen support so you can actually see the whole interface (edit: won't be available until next build unless you force it)
- Added simple command line parameters for fullscreen and windowed: +fullscreen and +windowed
- When blood is disabled, players who are gibbed will simply disappear in a puff of smoke
- Fix for characters sometimes appearing weird in Daily Run after the player had done a normal run
- Fix for Shapeshifter being able to use weapons after possessing people who weren’t capable of using them, and subsequent weapon wheel weirdness
- Gave Killer Robot some potential drops. These are just temporary, I’ll change this later!
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for Werewolf sometimes losing his transform ability after dying in multiplayer
- Fix for players not punching when affected by Rage Poison
- Fix for characters getting stuck inside walls
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fix for “Time Limit + Time Bonuses” not appearing on Mutators menu
- Level timer begins when level has finished loading entirely
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fixed Killer Robot not punching if he loses his ammo
Level Generation[]
- Fixed rare freeze when spawning Killer Robot
- Character Select screen no longer shows E_ in circumstances where the player will not start off with any items due to mutators that they’ve applied
- Added text to indicate more clearly that Save and Quit exists
- Sandbox text indicates that you can’t unlock things in this mode.
- Localization files updated
- Fixed issue where player could teleport to the beginning of the level after destroying the generator, allowing them to get stuck
- Added another method of checking for disconnects. This will hopefully alleviate issues where someone disconnects and their character remains in the game.
- Added 60 second timeout when host exits level. After completion, everyone will be teleported to the elevator.
- If someone remains on the character select screen for too long when other people have finished the level, the straggler will be kicked from the game.
- Clients quitting manually and kicked players are forced out of the game more quickly and using a modified algorithm
- When kicking, no longer necessary to use proper capitalization in the player’s name
- Fixed some instances where player could enter the game as a horrific purple lollipop monster thing
Alpha 20g (March 21, 2017)[]
UI / Controls[]
- Potential fix for game starting with black screen and “New Text”
- Potential fix for game occasionally freezing when displaying “Quest Completed” messages
- Added more controller calibration options so players can set dead zone, sensitivity, etc.
- Players can now rebind the Attack and Special Ability buttons on the gamepad (RT and LT).
- Ultrawide resolutions should appear in the graphics settings now if your monitor supports them (let me know if they don’t)
- More interface changes to accommodate Ultrawide users
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for issue where characters could disappear and then reappear at the very corner of the map, introduced along with last update’s “people can’t get stuck in walls” fix
- Fixed NPCs taking damage while in Elevator during Radiation Blasts levels
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fix for “Time Limit + Time Bonuses” not unlocking
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for some instances where characters could appear stuck between an object and the wall
Level Generation[]
- Fix for Rescue missions appearing more often than they were intended to
- Another potential fix for “Freeze at 100%”
- Quick-Health button will always use health items during “Low Health” mutator
- No longer possible to use the Item Teleporter while in ghost form in Sandbox mode
- Fix for end-of-level time limits being shorter than stated in the text (example: “You have 30 seconds to exit the level” only gave the player 10 seconds.)
- Fix for “Everyone Hates You” mutator not affecting clients
- Players are required to enter password when invited to password-protected matches
- Fix for clients being able to close host’s menus
- Improvements to how canceling during load works as client
- Set up the basis for retrieving multiplayer game ping on matchmaking screen (still needs testing before I add to the UI)
- Fixed clients not receiving skill points for stealing items from chests
Alpha 20h (March 25, 2017)[]
UI / Controls[]
- Now possible to click multiplayer browser headings to sort by their value
- Small fixes to timing when quest completion notification appears
- Fix for game not being paused while “Mission Complete” notification was on the screen after completing optional missions
- Fix for characters sometimes appearing with gorilla head after playing Daily Run
- Chicken nugget appears less potato-like and more chicken nugget-like
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for game freeze that could occur when exiting levels as Investment Banker
- Fix for Giantizer not allowing players to knock down walls if they used it while standing next to a steel door
- Fixed syringe giving NPCs 2 status effects when given directly to them
- Fixed difficulties going through east/west-facing windows
- “Hidden Bombs” disaster does not occur in Sandbox mode since it is essentially a mission
- Fix for banana peels appearing as Optional mission rewards
- Fix for instructions sometimes not appearing directly after killing Shopkeeper
- Added “Rogue Vision” mutator: You can only see people within your character’s line of sight
- In “Everyone Hates You”, people who are normally aligned with you remain aligned
- Killer Robot does not run out of ammo during Rocket Chaos mutator
- Fixed “New character every level” not giving people access to all characters during Daily Runs
Level Generation[]
- Time-based disasters such as Radiation Blasts or “Find Bombs” will not spawn when the player has activated a time-based mutator
- Updated localization files with some new text
- Twitch integration can be used in multiplayer games
- Updated NAT Traversal plugin
- Fix for clients not being able to properly give items to NPCs
- Fixed NPC text sometimes appearing in the wrong language when playing with someone from a different territory
- Fix for pick-uppable items not flashing on client
Alpha 20i (March 26, 2017)[]
- New Simplified Chinese Translation
- New Korean Translation
- Reverted NAT Traversal changes from the Previous Build