Alpha 21 was an update released on March 31st, 2017. It contained a large amount of game balance changes.
UI / Controls[]
- Game does not go into slow motion mode when remotely hacking
- When hacking certain objects that allow for multiple commands, the contextual buttons do not disappear after entering a command
- Auto-aim is slightly smarter
- Fix for issue where it was possible for players to get stuck in walls after returning from ghost form
- Fix for not being able to place some stackable items into toolbar slots
- Cops and other character classes that are walking around levels randomly have a chance to carry guns and other more powerful weapons. This chance is increased as the player progresses in the game.
- Hackers start with 2 Time Bombs instead of 3
- Investment Banker starts with $300 instead of $500
Playfield Objects[]
- Destroying Gravestones has a chance of spawning an angry Ghost
- When Wrestler throws certain types of objects, they will inflict status effects upon the person they hit
- Objects thrown by Wrestler have a chance of dizzying the person they hit
- Stove spawns a fire when destroyed
- When hacked, Refrigerator is capable of breaking through walls
- Refrigerator plays proper sound effect when smacking into people after being hacked
- Doors armed with Detonators can now be hacked to disarm them
- Sell-O-Matic and Portable Sell-O-Matic prices for weapons and armor now take durability and ammo into account
- Player receives 100 skill points for “Found Cool Stuff” instead of 200
- Safes no longer have a chance of containing a tiny amount of money
- Winning chances on slot machine are capped at a certain point when using things like the hacking ability and Four-Leaf Clovers in conjunction with one another.
- Added item “Fud”, which is a new type of food item
- Food Processor only produces Fud
- Resurrection Shampoo’s value has been increased from $100 to $200
- Armor Durability Spray’s price increased from $50 to $100
- Cyanide Pill’s price increased from $50 to $150
- Kill Ammunizer only restores ammo for 1 of the weapons in your inventory, selected at random
- Kill Ammunizer and Kill Profiter show status text when giving the player ammo and money
- Water Pistol holds 8 shots instead of 12
- Water Pistol cannot be refilled through Ammo Dispenser or Kill Ammunizer
- EMP Grenades cause Killer Robot to become temporarily Paralyzed
- Doctor is capable of using Tranquilizer Gun and Leafblower, but can no longer use Thrown Weapons that inflict damage
- Portable Sell-O-Matic gives slightly worse deals than normal Sell-O-Matic
- NPCs have a lower chance of carrying items that are not weapons or money
- Chest Objects have a lower chance of containing multiple items
- Throwing Rocks does damage to people now
- Investment Banker can no longer use Cigarettes to prevent withdrawal from taking hold -- they’re just not strong enough!
- Fix for some NPCs having an item called “E_”
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Vampire’s bite adds 3 health per suck instead of 2. Damage per suck is still 4.
- Vampire’s bite may do a max damage of 20 to a person (+15 health to Vampire) before that person is “tapped out”.
- Skinny Nerdlinger now causes certain guns to cause knockback to the player when fired
- Tank-Like cancels out all gun knockback
- Shapeshifter “Possess” ability now has a 10 second cooldown after exiting someone’s body
- Fix for Shapeshifter not being able to possess sleeping people
- Shapeshifter now has “Antisocial” trait
- If Shapeshifter possesses someone in front of a Neutral NPC, that NPC will become Annoyed
- Werewolf is no longer required to gib people for Bloodlust to activate, he only needs to kill them
- Werewolf’s Lunge ability no longer has a charge-up period
- Added “Unstoppable-ish” trait for Werewolf, which works similar to Tank-Like, but bullets do not cause knockback
- Added “Ultimate Butterfinger-er” trait for Werewolf, which knocks weapons out of people’s hands every time a collision occurs
- Size of Werewolf’s claws increased
- Comedian’s audience has a lower chance of becoming hostile and attacking the Comedian when a joke fails
- Comedian’s audience has a small chance of becoming Aligned instead of Loyal when a joke is successful
- Backstabs can only be performed if the victim is not already in combat
- Added “Master of Disaster” trait for Jock, which gives him a small amount of XP for each object or wall that he destroys
- Thief receives 15 skill points for pickpocketing instead of 10
- Investment Banker’s “Withdrawal” stops taking health from the player at 20 HP (10 with the Low Health mutator) instead of 5
- Radiation Blasts occur every 20 seconds instead of every 15 seconds
- Falling bombs produce a more obvious lighting effect to help players better avoid their radius
- In Rogue Vision, fences are always visible, so doors next to fences won’t appear to be floating in a void
- When Low Health mutator is activated, hazard damage from crusher traps, holes, acid, and poison is halved to alleviate the chance of cheap deaths
- In Low Health mode, health items only give the player half the health they normally do.
- Fix for Crusher sometimes appearing at inappropriate times with Rogue Vision turned on in Rogue Vision, fix for out-of-view NPCs’ flashing outlines appearing when using Hypnotizer and other methods where NPCs are being targeted
- Fix for bullet particles sometimes remaining on-screen for clients in multiplayer Rogue Vision mode
Level Generation[]
- Player is more likely to see 1 of each type of “vending machine” per level (Sell-O-Matic, Ammo Dispenser, etc.), with fewer duplicates
Artificial Intelligence[]
- When a cop starts arresting someone, interactions between that person and other players will cease
- Ghosts deal with solid walls a bit better
- Cops now only attack people who they’ve witnessed attack someone else, instead of just attacking both people. However, if they see two people fighting, they will still attack both of them.
- If cops witness a property owner attacking someone, they will always side with the property owner and attack the other person.
- People employed by Werewolf do not run away when player turns into Werewolf
- Releasing people from prison makes them Loyal toward the player
- After rescuing someone for an optional mission and bringing them to a questgiver, they will remain Loyal to you
- Fix for some of the German translation not appearing properly
- “Acid” is now known as “Sulfuric Acid” to avoid confusion with the drug of the same name
- Mutators are cleared when the player enters the Tutorial
- Fix for Shapeshifter clients losing their extra traits when depossessing
Alpha 21b[]
- Hotfix to remove some code that was accidentally left in, which was preventing people from seeing all of the mission rewards.