Alpha 22 was an update released on April 13th, 2017. It added additional content to the Industrial area.
- Factory floor
Status Effects[]
- Wet (serves no purpose yet)
- Electrocuted (can't do this yet)
Items Added[]
Items Modified[]
- Cigarette Lighter can be used to set oil on fire
- Fix for Killer Robot sometimes getting “non-infinite” version of Rocket Launcher
Objects Added[]
- Saw Blade
- Mine Cart
- Conveyor Belt
- Tubes that spew objects onto conveyor belts
- Objects spewed from tubes
- Continuous Crusher Trap
- Overclocked Generator
- Non-trapdoor-based holes
- Slime Barrel
- Slime Puddle
- Fire Hydrant
- Indoor flame grates
- Permanently flaming flame grates
- Permanently spewing gas vents
- Oil spilled on ground
- Water spilled on ground (with “expanding puddles”)
- Water projectile
Objects Modified[]
- Crusher does damage as soon as it hits people, rather than having to traps people between it and the wall
- Crusher does 30 damage instead of 40
- Changed collider size of Crusher
- Fixed issue where Crusher would get screwy on clients if they went far away and came back
- Floor trap switches are no longer found in Industrial
- Vampire’s victims no longer get “tapped out”. Vampire gains 1 health for every 3 health he drains from his victim. Victim also emits a louder noise for other people to hear.
- Fix for player’s death method being classified as “Fell in Hole” if this occurred after they died
Level Generation[]
- Added new Industrial objects into existing buildings
- Industrial factories tend to be filled with Workers and Goons
- Some factories will permanently spawn gas
- NPCs will wear Gas Masks when necessary, if factory is permanently spawning gas
- Mine Cart tracks may now appear in the middle of levels
- Industrial factories no longer have Floor Switch traps
- Oil appears on the ground at random spots in Industrial levels
Artificial Intelligence[]
- NPCs are better at avoiding traps and holes