Alpha 26 was an update released on May 25th, 2017. It was a patch that made the Cannibal a playable character.
- Cannibal is now a playable character
- Soldier now has proper “Joined” dialogue instead of saying “E_Joined”
- Fix for “E_HireAsProtectionVoucher” appearing when hiring Soldier with Hiring Voucher
- Cannibal no longer has trait “E_Dumb”
- Ambient lighting added to Lakes
- Fix for shadows being visible in Rogue Vision after characters jumped out of water while out of sight
- Fix for shadows being visible in Rogue Vision while characters were underwater
- Fix for light appearing on NPCs hidden in Bushes in Rogue Vision when playing as client
- Fix for weapons appearing behind people’s hair
- Fix for player’s name appearing as “Player (Player)” after Level 1
- Bars and Barbed Wire Fences appear on Minimap
- Fix for minimap not appearing when first starting online multiplayer games
- Glass Walls
Building Types[]
- Greenhouse
Playfield Objects[]
- Killer Plant
- Well (throwing money in doesn't do anything... yet)
- Barbecue (can't cook things... yet)
- Fireplace
- Player can hide in Bushes by pressing Interact
- Player Ghosts float over water
- Ghosts’ movement is not affected by ice or water
- Characters are better at determining which direction to jump when entering and exiting water
- Status effects added to water bodies last 60 seconds instead of 90
- Computers in certain buildings can be used to poison all water bodies in the level
- No longer possible to teleport directly next to chests in the middle of hedge mazes, or other objects in the middle of outdoor “buildings” for that matter
- NPC vision is blocked by Boulders and Trees
- Trash Cans can no longer spawn in front of Doors and Windows (thanks to the 300 people who notified me about this)
- Fix for not being able to destroy Bush with Flamethrower as multiplayer client
- Fixed collider size on small boulders
- Keys for new building types no longer say “Key (E_…)”
- Bear Trap does 15 damage instead of 20
- Fix for melee hits sometimes not registering
- Added Unlock for Cannibal
- Added Achievement for Cannibal
- “Destroy All” mission type added
Level Generation[]
- Water bodies spawning near factories may be poisoned with random status effects
- Water bodies spawning near factories may have Slime Barrels nearby
- Fix for Water Pump spawning on top of other objects
- Fixed bug where Graveyards and Hideouts could not appear in Park levels
- Changes to level generation algorithm that allow me to better control the frequency of certain building types
- Elevators can no longer spawn in the middle of Lakes
- Level generation attempts to force each type of Vending Machine (Ammo Dispenser, Sell-O-Matic, etc.) to appear at least once per level
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for party members not wanting to follow the player through Water
- NPCs are better at navigating owned outdoor “buildings” like Hedge Mazes and Caves
- NPCs in a “wander” state now pause for a longer period of time after reaching their destination to allow the player a bit of time to react if they were attempting to sneak by them or something
- Player can no longer command party members to attack Boulders, since they are (nearly) indestructible
- Fix for NPCs continuing to avoid pathing through certain objects after they had been destroyed
- Cannibals hiding in Bushes only pop out if the player is within their line of sight
- NPCs no longer immediately become angry if the player shoots an owned fireproof object with the Flamethrower
- Fix for Home Base Elevator to higher floors not being usable
- Updated to Unity 5.6.1f1
- Updated Rewired plugin to
Alpha 25b[]
- Fixed various issues with Cannibalizing on multiplayer client
- Updated A* Pathfinding Project plugin from an ancient 2-year-old version 3.5.x to younger, hotter 4.0.10
Alpha 25c[]
- Fixed Holes sometimes not appearing in Park level Factories
- Another fix for Vending Machines and Trash Barrels sometimes appearing in front of doors/windows. This one should cover 100% of cases.
- Fix for NPCs spazzing out while investigating hackings, and in a few other cases
- Fix for NPCs failing to avoid stepping on Floor Switches
- Fixed NPCs failing to path over unopened Trap Doors