Alpha 26 was an update released on June 2nd, 2017. It was a patch containing a large amount of bug fixes
- Fixed issue with Player 2’s lighting not appearing properly in 3-player or 4-player local coop mode
- Fix for Bushes having bright lighting on client in multiplayer mode
- Fix for stars continuing to appear above the head of a knocked-out person after the Cannibal has eaten that person
- Dizzy stars disappear properly if a person is teleported when they are active
UI / Controls[]
- Fixed issue with Player 2’s buff display not appearing properly in 3-player or 4-player local coop mode
- Fixed issue where highlighted characters could remain highlighted permanently if the player entered the Main Menu or Missions Screen while they were highlighted
- Fix for “targeting” cursor (used when hacking, using hypnotizer, etc.) remaining onscreen after player has died and will soon be resurrected in some way
- Changing filters in server browser scrolls to the top of the browser list
- Poisoned lakes can no longer cause “Paralyzed”
- Killer Robot can no longer be gibbed
- No longer possible to “ice gib” frozen players who have the Resurrect status effect
Playfield Objects[]
- Another (hopefully fool-proof) fix for players being warping on top of holes after falling in the first time, causing a falling loop
- Fix for Gravestones not spawning Ghosts or counting towards Vampire unlock when thrown by Wrestler
- Fix for Crushers sometimes being able to damage the player from the other side of walls
- Fixed issue where Crusher was harming the player when it began extending, rather than when it actually hit the player
- Fire Hydrant’s water spray does not push characters back so hard that they can’t walk against the current
- Goodie Dispensers no longer gives Guns and Melee items when the “No Guns/No Melee Weapons” mutators are active
- Fix for Loadout items not appearing in-game when player takes Elevator to higher levels
- Player can no longer quit the game after choosing a loadout item, and take it into the Daily Run
- Cube of Lampey functions properly when Wrestler throws Lamps
- Cube of Lampey no longer spawns items 100% of the time
- Silencer and Accuracy Mod can no longer be used on Oil Container
- Important items such as the Possession Stone can no longer be stolen from a player’s inventory
- Fixed instances where kill profiting devices like Kill Ammunizer could be triggered more than once from the same person
- Kill Ammunizer must restore at least 1 ammo to a gun. There were instances where it would restore 0.
- Ammo Processor can no longer be used on Water Pistol
- EMP Grenade does 100 damage to Killer Robot in addition to Paralyzing him
- EMP Grenades can be used to disarm Door Detonators
- Fix for thrown items bouncing for a frame or two after they are supposed to be destroyed
- Bear Traps in the Park level have a more visible light
- Fix for music notes appearing on random items after Boombox was destroyed
- Boombox no longer continues to play music if it falls into a hole
- Fix for player being able to drop the Cardboard Box while hidden under it
- For for issue where if the player was wearing Hard Hat and Codpiece and removed one of them, they would lose “Resist Damage (Small)”
- Syringes are identified when the player gives the Syringe to a follower and they use it
- Tranquilizer Gun, Shrink Ray, Freeze Ray etc. can be used to trigger switches and other trigger-able things, just as normal bullets do
- Bracelet of Strength effect “Strength +1” replaced by “Strength (Small)”, which also fixes an issue where strength from Bracelet would be added to player’s base strength at the start of new levels
- Fix for equippable items sometimes not giving traits to the player if they were added to the inventory while another item of the same type existed
- Fix for Mixed Drinks not working properly with Water Pistol
- Player armor is not depleted when attacking other players while “damage other players” is turned off
- Player is prevented from using Health items when their health is already full
- Player can no longer be teleported onto Bear Traps and other dangerous items
- When ““No Guns/No Melee Weapons” mutators are active, player will no longer see gun and melee related items, like Silencer and Ammo Stealer
- Fix for certain guns like Flamethrower and Water Pistol still appearing when “No Guns” was active
- Potential fix for NPCs dropping “E_” item sometimes, particularly when “No Guns” and “No Melee” were active
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Electro Touch no longer damages Ghosts
- Electro Touch does 3x damage when the victim is underwater
- Cannibal cannot eat bodies while they are on fire
- Chloroform can no longer be used on Killer Robot
- Fix for Jock being able to move normally while in his “pre-charge, revving up” state
- Fix for Jock taking damage from non-hazardous objects while charging
- Fix for Jock taking excess damage from hazardous objects while charging
- Fix for Jock stopping his charge when near water bodies
- Fix for Jock sometimes jumping in the wrong direction when charging into bodies of water
- Fix for objects’ Destroy function getting called multiple times when Jock charged into the objects, resulting in weirdness
- Jock’s charge attack can destroy Bushes now
- Fix for player losing status effects tied to wearable items after dying and resurrecting
- Cyanide no longer gibs people
- Fix for issue where player would retain super-fast speed when using “I’m Outtie” trait and depossessing as Shapeshifter, or returning to human form as Werewolf
- Fixed player not gaining “I’m Outtie” benefits immediately when entering Werewolf state or Possessing someone
- Kneecapper cannot cause Slow when the player causes harm to themselves
- Kneecapper does not cause Slow on other players when “Damage other players” is turned off
- Status effect-causing bullets do not work on other players when “Damage other players” is turned off
- Shapeshifter possessing an un-transformed Werewolf cannot transform into a real Werewolf, this was causing a bunch of bugs and would have been a pain to program properly. Saving for later.
- Shapeshifter cannot possess a transformed Werewolf
- Shapeshifter is more clear about why they can’t possess certain people
- Regenerate Health When Low will not continue restoring health if the player’s health has reached its max, for example with the Low Health For All mutator
- Being Knocked Out does not result in an immediate Game Over
- When Shapeshifter levels up while Possessing someone, their original body is given the Full Health bonus
- Fix for “No Effect!” being spammed when Killer Robot jumped into a poisoned lake
- As Shapeshifter, players can no longer Possess a person who is being Arrested or Bitten
- Ghost can no longer squash people who are Shrunk
- Fix for NPCs sometimes not attacking objects when their AI dictates it
- Sticky Glove can no longer be used to deflect melee attacks
- Auto-Aim no longer attempts to target certain objects
- Fixed issue where Flamethrower and Fire Spewer could break windows when aiming in the direction of the window, rather than the fire actually hitting it
- Fix for Flamethrower/Fire Spewer damage and knockback being higher than it was supposed to be at times
- Fix for looping weapon sound effects continuing to play if the gun was firing directly before the player was teleported
- Sound effect plays when you try to equip a weapon that is out of ammo, or if the character is unable to equip weapons of that type
- Fix for player death sound effect playing a second time if the player was gibbed after being killed
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fix for “Death By” and … reading as “E_” if a ghost progressed to the next level, and then a Game Over occurred
- Fix for owners of buildings with bombs in “Find Bombs” missions not being flagged as Guilty
- Fix for item “E_” sometimes appearing as mission reward when No Guns and No Melee mutators were active
- With New Character Every Level, players will not get repeats until all unlocked agents have been used
- Fix for issue in Daily Run where starting character could vary in New
- Character Every Level when the game was restarted after death
- Potential fix for game freezing at times when Investment Banker cleared a floor on New Character Every Level
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Ghosts no longer follow Comedian when they like his jokes
- Potential fix for NPCs being rescued for missions following Ghost players
- Two people can no longer sleep in the same bed (apparently this is a more puritanical city than one might expect)
- Cops do not get angry when you attack dead bodies
- Fixed NPCs refusing to path over conveyor belts in any circumstance
- Fixed issues NPCs were having pathing past Crushers
- Fixed NPCs not avoiding Flame Grates in their pathing
- NPCs will not enter a Flee state after walking onto a Conveyor Belt
- Fix for NPCs having a tendency to walk too close to Killer Plants
- Fix for NPCs not pathfinding around certain obstacles properly in multiplayer mode
- Added note in Laptop description letting players know they can move while hacking
- Changed Strict Cannibal text to make more clear that you can still drink alcohol
- Modified “No In-Fighting” description to indicate that it only applies to melee and bullet attacks
- Fix for Shopkeeper not being able to revive other players
- Added Gameplay Settings menu option “Delete Save Data”