Alpha 27 was an update released on June 15th, 2017. It was a patch containing a large amount of bug fixes
- Fix for objects sometimes flashing after being destroyed as if the player could still interact with them
- Character select screen animation plays properly when the random character button is pressed
UI / Controls[]
- Windows appear as a shade of grey on the minimap instead of not appearing at all
- Fix for context buttons disappearing when the player is talking to an Investment Banker, and he loses health due to Withdrawal
- Fix for controls not appearing at the start of the game in 3-player and 4-player co-op mode
- Fix for menus not scrolling properly with gamepad on 4:3 resolutions
- Fix for issue where player would attack if they clicked to drop an item while the inventory was closed
- Player can hold the Extra Info button while interface elements like the Inventory are visible
- Fix for gamepad players not being able to press the Stats button while viewing Missions
- Player markers disappear from the minimap when a player exits the level
- Fix for levels completing in coop mode if one player finished a level, and another player ended the game from the Main Menu
- Comedian starts with Team Building Expert
- Fix for issue where ending the game and returning to Home Base while
- Possessing someone as Shapeshifter would cause you to spawn as the possessed character
- Fix for characters appearing in the Home Base with the wrong skin and hair if the player’s game ended, then they selected a character, changed their mind, and went to the Home Base
- Fix for player being able to have anAssassin mask over a Slum Dweller head if they started the Tutorial as an Assassin
- Fix for issue in online multiplayer where if a person selected a character in the Home Base and backed out, then closed the Character Select, mousing over that player would show the other players “E_”
- Werewolf no longer speaks English when attempting to interact with Elevators
- Fix for Cannibal’s face getting fixed when Possessed by Shapeshifter
- Slaves no longer blow up if a slave owner client in multiplayer games brings the slave to the next level and teleports
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for fires not always starting properly when wooden walls were hit with the Flamethrower from the south
- Fix for issue where windows could not be destroyed by extremely powerful melee attacks if they had already been shattered
- Goodie Dispenser can only dispense 3 goodies, which should fix the “Hacker getting infinite cash” exploit
- Players cannot be teleported onto Slime Puddles
- Fix for Slot Machine sometimes not dispensing money properly
- Potential fix for people being teleported a few steps back when walking through destroyed windows
- Fix for Vending Machines sometimes facing toward a wall instead of away from it
- Turret, Security Camera and Fire Spewer no longer block people’s paths with collision detection
- Another attempted fix for issue where players could be teleported on top of Flame Grates and Mine Cart tracks
- Bulletproof Vest no longer protects from Flamethrower and Fire Spewer
- When purchasing Loadout items, the player is given the same amount of the item that they receive when the item is given as a quest reward
- Hypnotizer, Haterator, etc. can no longer be used on Hologram
- If the player throws the last item in a stack, fists are now selected instead of weapon types
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Cyanide gibs people again due to popular demand, despite making no sense. Whatever.
- Fix for bug introduced in Alpha 26 where Kneecapper chance to activate was set to 98%
- “No In-Fighting” does not work on NPCs who need to be neutralized for a mission
- Fix for instances where “No In-Fighting” would be active on an NPC who hates the player
- “No In-Fighting” now applies to NPCs who are Loyal or Submissive, in addition to Aligned
- Fix for Backstab not gibbing people when Bloody Mess is active
- Fix for Thief not being able to steal items from people when they had a full inventory, but the item was stackable
- Players with the “Loud” trait no longer make noise when they are Ghosts
- NPCs will not laugh at Comedian’s jokes if they are already Hostile
- Assassin’s Camouflage is not immediately removed mid-swing when hitting dead bodies
- Fix for player becoming visible if hiding in Bush when Camouflage wore off
- Antisocial trait actually works as stated, and prevents the player from attaining party members much of the time
- Fix for players not receiving health boost on level-up if they are teleporting
- Fix for Thief being able to move while Paralyzed by using Sticky Glove
- Vampires and Cannibals no longer continue to devour their prey after they have been killed themselves
- Fixed cases where players were able to be damaged after finishing a level
- Auto-Aim no longer targets NPCs who are hidden in bushes
- Fix for “picking up” sound not always playing the next time something is picked up after Thief uses the Sticky Glove
- Fix for issue where during slow motion, people would often be teleported out of a wall before the wall was triggered to be broken
- Fixed issue where player could hire someone and teleport to automatically complete Neutralize missions
- Player can teleport again if Killer Robot is killed
Level Generation[]
- Gravestones should no longer spawn in the middle of Lakes
- Potential fix for Park loading getting stuck at 87%
- Fix for cases where trash barrels and vending machines could spawn in tight spaces and block the player’s path
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Cannibals cannot be triggered out of hiding by Ghosts
- Fix for AI not pathing properly around Slime Puddles
- Cops get angry at the Thief for using the Sticky Glove on someone
- NPCs who start in an “idle” state will always return to their original position after being lured away
- Fix for NPCs laughing at a Comedian’s jokes if they have teleported halfway across the map
- Fix for issue where player would kill someone, later gain a follower who was aligned with the dead person, and then the follower would be angry at the player upon seeing the dead person
- NPCs are better at determining when to get out of the way of dangerous traps like Fire Spewers when they are in the trap’s direct path
- NPCs stop at Fire Spewers slightly before they start spewing
- NPC followers are especially better at not stepping in a trap’s direct path in their efforts to follow the player closely
- Cannibals are triggered to pop out of bushes by any Hostile person, rather than just specifically “any player”
- Party members who are following the player will walk toward the player’s position when he is not in their line of sight
- If a person A is hostile toward person B and person B is Loyal to the player, person A will only become hostile toward the player if person B is in the player’s party
- If a person becomes Loyal to the player, other people who are loyal to the player will only become loyal to that person if they are a member of the player’s party
- It is now possible to command people who are Loyal to you to attack other people who are Loyal to you
- Prisoners who start the game in Prisons or Police Stations are marked as Guilty if they escape
- Fix for Slaves and Gorillas not following clients in multiplayer games through 2 consecutive elevators
- Fix for Slaves not having full list of commands for Slavemaster clients who brought the Slave to the next level
- Fix for NPCs in a multiplayer client’s party not having the correct relationship to the client when brought to the next level
- Fixed “Death By” not appearing properly when players were Stomped, Chaaarged, or Electro Touched
- Fix for incorrect text appearing when attempting to hire more Soldiers than you’re allowed to
- Changed Park sign text slightly to indicate more clearly that Cannibals are hostile toward outsiders specifically
- Invisible box for status effect text at the side of the screen has been extended to accommodate languages with really lengthy text
- Fix for “Accept Mission” chat announcement not appearing when host accepted the mission
- Fix for issue where items could be retrieved from chests twice if client retrieved the item first
- Fix for Suicide message not appearing in the chatlog when the host ends the game
- Fix for all chests on the client side that contained money, containing exactly $5 instead of the correct server-side amount
- Updated Rewired plugin to
- Updated 2D Toolkit plugin to