Alpha 28 was an update released on June 29th, 2017. It was a patch that added the Slavemaster character to the game.
New Features and Content[]
- Added support for Alienware Alien FX, which causes Alienware keyboards to light up in flashy ways during gameplay. This can be turned off in Gameplay Settings.
- Slavemaster is now a playable character
- Special Ability "Enslave" added
- Taser item added
- Status effect “Electrocuted” added
- Trait "Ideological Clash" added
- Trait "Poor Hand-Eye Coordination" added
- New Korean translations added
- Slavemaster
- Player always stops pointing their gun when the “Operating...” bar is present
- Fix for player identifier circle appearing in the incorrect position if the player was Shrunk or Diminutive while underwater
- When Shapeshifter possesses someone, their eyes become red
- Fix for geyser of blood appearing on multiplayer client when Cannibal ate someone
- Fix for knocked-out people on multiplayer client not always having their eyes closed
- Fix for dizzy stars sometimes not appearing over the heads of knocked-out people on multiplayer client
- Fix for dizzy stars animations sometimes appearing ‘out of sync’
- Fix for sleep Z’s not appearing on multiplayer client
- Fix for bullets being nearly invisible in Werewolf mode
UI / Controls[]
- Player’s character type now appears on Stats screen
- Fix for an NPC’s map marker disappearing after they teleport
- Fix for Context Buttons interface getting glitchy when there were too many buttons
- Fix for incorrect item slots flashing when an item is equipped when the “use item on object” interface is present
- Fix for “Mission Complete” notification appearing a bit too quickly when objects were destroyed for a mission
- Made it less easy to accidentally cancel out of handcuffing someone if you were spamming right-click
- When selecting Object Context Buttons, pressing Up on the first button brings you to the bottom of the list and vice versa
- Inventory slot “cost” text moved slightly up so as not to obscure the image as much
- Fix for inventory items sometimes disappearing when assigning toolbar slots with Auto-Sort Inventory set to Off
- Fixed incorrect character being initially selected in Character Select in multiplayer mode when Shapeshifter player died while Possessing another character
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for vertical-facing Bars/Fence appearing weird sometimes
- Fix for Gas clouds being able to affect people from behind walls if the person hugged the wall
- Hacker can’t clone a person by hacking the Clone Machine if they have reached their follower limit
- Turret does not shoot at Vampire when Security Cam detects someone
- When hacking Cameras and Turrets, the interface now indicates the current setting to the player (i.e. whether turret is targeting owners or non-owners)
- Fixed bug where Wrestler picks up a weird looking item and tosses “E_TossItem”
- Fixed some important bugs relating to the instantiating of items when there were more than 50 items in existence. This may fix some random problems
- Fixed issues relating to equipped items at the beginning of levels causing various bugs
- Fix for issue where Shopkeeper purchasing a weapon directly from an NPC’s hands would cause the weapon to appear equipped in the inventory without actually being equipped
- Fix for Slave Helmet sometimes not exploding when they Slave went too far out of range of its Slavemaster
- Slave Helmet does not blow up immediately after its wearer dies, it takes a second now
- Slave Helmet cannot blow up while the wearer is falling into a hole
- Slave Helmet no longer drops to the ground after a Slave is freed
- Slave Helmet produces Normal sized explosion instead of Big one
- Slave Helmet Remote now blows up multiple owned Slaves at once
- Slave Helmet Remote cannot be dropped when in the possession of Slavemaster
- Fix for Gorilla not being able to use Oil Container
- Oil Container does not disappear from the player’s inventory when it runs out
- Cigarettes and Cigarette Lighter are available as loadouts and from the Item Teleporter
- Doctor can now throw Banana Peels
- Ammo Processor and Kill Ammunizer can no longer be used on Oil Container
- Fix for player exiting Cardboard Box when walking over dead bodies
- Fix for head-based armor not being properly equipped on NPCs brought to the next level
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for issue introduced in Alpha 27 where player would not receive health bonus for gaining a level if the level was gained after the floor was finished
- No longer possible to gain extra health from leveling up while dead or a ghost
- Fix for player being able to transform into Werewolf immediately after returning to human form if the Special Ability button was pressed quickly enough
- Fix for player being able to Possess a person a second time after leaving their body if the Special Ability button was pressed quickly enough
- Jock stops Charging when teleported
- Fix for client being Tranquilized and countdown numbers not appearing for host or other clients
- Fix for issue where, if a Shapeshifter who was Possessing someone was knocked out and then killed before they woke up, they would not Depossess properly, and would become a ghost instead
- Fix for Gorilla being able to do multiple lunges without charging if the Special Ability button was pressed at the exact right time
- Fix for Shapeshifter becoming a normal-sized human after Depossessing while Shrunk or Giant
- Player does not lose most status effects when knocked out. Rather, they are only paused.
- Fix for Jock falling down immediately if a wall was behind him when beginning a Charge
- Doctor’s Chloroform's cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 5
- Fix for “can’t do” sound effect sometimes playing when cycling to Fist
General Gameplay[]
- Fix for Shapeshifter player disappearing after possessing a Slave and falling into a hole
- NPCs can no longer bump Cannibals out of their hiding spots if they walk on top of their position
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fixed issue where if the Shapeshifter entered the elevator while possessing a person, that person would be counted as an “angered” person in Stats
- Alerted stat does not increase when the Rage Poison is used on someone
- Fix for missions being failed if the NPC holding the item teleported
- Fix for Cop losing XP for killing Hostile NPCs in Everyone Hates You
- In Low Health mutator, players now only need 10 health to revive a teammate rather than 20
- Fix for sleep Z’s in Rogue Vision not disappearing when a not-in-vision NPC got up and started walking around
Level Generation[]
- Fix for Trash Barrels and Vending Machines occasionally blocking the player’s path when a wall was nearby diagonally
- Fix for Air Conditioners sometimes spawning directly next to each other and blocking the player’s path
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for prisoners sometimes walking back to prison after escaping
- Fix for Cops not becoming Hostile after seeing the player Tranquilize someone or shoot them with a Water Pistol
- If you own a Slave that is Aligned with someone else, that other person will become hostile toward you
- Slaves no longer refuse to obey your “Attack” commands on the grounds that they “would get killed”
- Fix for NPCs sometimes not attacking the player if they became Hostile while they were Loyal towards the player
- Fix for non-partied NPCs sometimes following invisible players
- Fix for NPCs not giving the player normal interaction options after being rescued for a mission
- Fix for NPCs not being able to sell items to the player after being possessed by Shapeshifter
- Fix for NPCs sometimes running into walls after being Depossessed from Shapeshifter. Might have fixed some other cases of this occurring as well
- Fix for party members who become hostile towards the player sometimes appearing again on the next floor
- Fixed cases where a Hostile person would not attack the player if they became Hostile when the player was extremely close
- Fixed cases where a party member would become hostile toward another player but not attack them
- Cops do not care about crimes committed by friendly/loyal people
- Fix for NPCs being able to hear certain crimes while having the “Hearing Blocked” status effect
- When commanding groups of people at the same time (“All Attack”, etc.), only those that speak your language will obey
- If a person A is hostile toward person B and person B is Aligned to the person C, person A will only become hostile toward the person C if person B is in person C’s party. In the previous update, this only applied to Loyal people and not Aligned people. Also, the employment rule is now only necessary if person B or C is a player, and not if both are NPCs
- NPCs who are Loyal toward the player don’t mind the player committing small crimes toward them, like stealing their stuff.
- NPCs that you are rescuing for a mission will not go out of their way to attack Turrets, Fire Spewers, etc. due to the probability of them getting themselves killed.
- Fix for Prisoners sometimes running into their cell doors when the prison wall has been destroyed
- No longer possible for someone to quit your party due to low health, and then join again with full health if their health was within a certain small range.
- Not being able to hire NPCs with low health now extends to all classes, whereas before this only applied to gangsters
- Party members will take a bit more damage before they decide they’re too hurt to continue
- Fix for NPCS being rescued for missions not always obeying Attack commands properly
- Fix for NPCs standing still when being told to Stand Guard behind a locked door
- Fix for endgame stats screen not stating the cause of death properly when a Jock charged into a wall killed himself
- Fix for Stats screen sometimes showing the player’s killer as “E_ObjectAgent” when player was killed by Generator explosion
- Changed G-P-Yesss description slightly to be more clear
- Werewolf no longer says human dialogue when attempting and failing to teleport
- Fix for NPCs not being interactable on client after certain status effects
- Fix for clients sometimes not receiving skill points or mission credit for killing NPCs
- Fix for issue where it was sometimes possible for client to interact with NPCs if they were being arrested or being bitten
- Potential fix for issue where people’s save data could be deleted on rare occasion. At worst, there’s now a rare chance that a save could fail, but this shouldn’t affect your existing data.
- Lots of preparation for incoming new batch of sound effects
Alpha 28b[]
- Fix for game occasionally getting stuck at 87% loading on Park levels.
- Fix for Slave Helmet Remote having 0 charges when a Slave was purchased.
Alpha 28c (6/30/17)[]
- Fix for Taser not working properly if the player exited a level while it was recharging.
- Fix for Taser not working properly if the player resumed a saved game.
- Fixed a few other issues with items not having correct properties when saved games were loaded.
- Taser no longer recharges while certain events are occurring to the player, such as teleportation or being knocked out.
- Taser can no longer be refilled at Ammo Dispensers.
- Taser's recharge counter appears correctly when being viewed in the "Use Item On Object" variation of the inventory
- [[Taser and Tranquilizer Gun are available as Loadout items, and within the Item Teleporter.
- Fix for non-Slavemasters being able to sell Taser at high prices if they sold it while it was recharging
- Fix for Slave Helmet Remote not working for multiplayer client Slavemasters after they died and resurrected.
- Fix for Slave Helmet Remote not losing charges on multiplayer client
- NPCs chosen to hate the player based on "Ideological Clash" are the same for all players who have this trait.
- Slavescan now be commanded to attack NPCs with whom they are Aligned, and objects that they own
- Fix for Slaves not being freed when multiplayer client Slavemaster died
- If a Slavemaster player is killed and resurrected, their former Slaves will be hostile toward them
- When NPCs are Enslaved by a player, they become Neutral toward other players instead of sometimes becoming Hostile.
- Chance of Slave mutiny reduced by a bit
- "You're Free" button moved to bottom of context buttons when you didn't purchase the Slave
- Now possible to ask Enslaved people for items instead of needing to bribe or threaten them
- Fix for enslaved people that are set free just wandering around afterwards instead of going back to their normal routine
- Fix for enslaved Slum Dwellers attempting to walk away after causing a Ruckus
- Fix for player being able to receive multiple bonuses on Armor items when transferring them to different inventory slots while Auto-Sort was turned off
- Fix for Armor items not appearing on the Character Select screen list
- Fix for "Break Out" quests being uncompleteable if prisoner was blown up by an explosion at the exact same time he was released from prison (typically by a wall being blown up)
- Added more safeguards to hopefully prevent the stupid E_TossItem bug. So stupid.
Alpha 28d (7/1/17)[]
- Added safeguards to ensure that NPCs cannot melee attack other NPCs who are being arrested/enslaved, particularly during periods of online lag
- Added safeguard to hopefully prevent issue with Taser unequipping when fired
- Fix for Wastebasket in Home Base appearing as “E_Wastebasket” and only appearing sometimes
- Fixed issue with some NPC types attempting to leave the player’s party due to low health when enslaved
- The only types of NPCs who will refuse to go on due to low health, are NPCs who will also refuse to come with you to new levels
- Fix for bars/fences appearing at incorrect angles on multiplayer client
- Fix for slaves going back to their normal routine after one of their owned doors was destroyed
- When you tell NPCs to stand guard somewhere they they can’t get to (like behind a laser), they’ll inform you of this
- Fixed Slavemaster being able to sell Taser
- Fix for player being able to get infinite XP if they kept enslaving and freeing someone