Alpha 40 was an update released on December 14th, 2017. It added Steam Trading Cards and many balance changes.
Initial Release[]
Big New Features/Content[]
- Steam Trading Cards added
- Loadout-O-Matic appears in levels. Player can purchase any of their starting items, including loadout items. Note that this may not work properly with saved games from previous versions
- Vendor Stand appears in Park levels. Player can purchase items from Bartenders or Shopkeepers.
- New Trait: “Honor Among Thieves” given to the Thief at the start of the game. Allows him to purchase discounted tools from other Thieves, and also prevents Thieves from stealing from him
- Medical Professional has completely changed. Rather than giving a health bonus for using first aid kits, it allows the player to restore the health of their followers, once per follower per floor
- Accuracy is now known as Firearms, Strength is now known as Melee
- Firearms (formerly Accuracy) now affects damage, spread of rapid-fire weapons, and cooldown for non-rapid fire weapons, in addition to the percentage of time auto-aim is triggered
- Fix for multiple televisions spawning on top of each other in one of the hotels
- Fixed a case where Sawblade movement could potentially go in the wrong direction
- Fixed a case where a tube in a factory was spewing gibs in a slightly incorrect position
- Fix for a Goon in one of the Banks facing the wrong direction sometimes
- Fixed an instance where a Crusher could push its way into a window
- Fixed instances where certain buildings had 2 locked doors and no computer, since this could result in cases where the door would be impossible to get open without the right items
- Changed placement of a number of Gas Vents
- Lakes that are poisoned when the level loads can no longer contain Enraged
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for player or NPCs sometimes being blamed when Alarm Buttons were destroyed due to natural causes
- Laser Emitters can be disabled with the Wrench
- Slightly more difficult to destroy Fire Spewers
- Fewer Trash Cans are spawned in levels, but they are never empty
- Reduced size of Gas collider
- Cost to hire NPCs is a bit less
- Cost to hire people is dependent on your floor
- Cost for Doctor to heal you is dependent on your floor
- Cost to purchase Slaves is lower when they are not being rescued for a mission
- Fix for cost of muggings from Mobsters being a bit higher than intended
UI / Controls[]
- Auto-Aim can be disabled from the Control Setup menu
- When the player moves the cursor over an NPC or holds the space bar, status effects are shown
- Fix for health bars of other players not appearing above their heads in online multiplayer mode when the player holds space bar
- People can no longer Jump while in a Trip animation
- Item cost is affected by the current floor. As the player progresses, items become more expensive and can be sold for more money
- Player can get better deals on items from Shopkeepers and Drug Dealers after enslaving them
- Reduced base extra cost of cloning items in Clone Machine
- Increased base price of Giantizer pills from $50 to $80
- Bartender is capable of selling more than 2 drinks
- Tranquilizer Gun costs more and has a smaller initial ammo count
- Shopkeeper no longer starts the game with Kill Profiter
- Doctor now starts the game with the Tranquilizer Gun
- Scientist starts with the Leafblower instead of the Tranquilizer Gun
- Bartender NPCs now serve Cocktails, which will give you a completely random positive status effect
- Fix for player being able to use multiple Hacking Tools on the same object, and only losing the first Hacking Tool
- Fix for items sometimes remaining for sale after multiplayer client had purchased them
- Fix for player not saying “I can’t pick that up” when inventory is full, after gibbing someone in very close proximity
- Fix for items sometimes making a noise that could attract people nearby, if two items were spilled at the same time in close proximity to one another
- Fix for never being able to see the contents of Cocktails that you clone
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Hacker has a 50% chance for their hack to cause an alarm, rather than 100%
- Hacker can hack Slave Helmets being worn by Slaves
- Hacker can hack the Killer Robot
- Always Crit effect time reduced to 20 seconds
- Giant effect time reduced to 20 seconds
- Shrewd Negotiator benefits improved a bit
- Crepe Crusher, Blahd Basher, Scientist Slayer and Specist give the player more skill points for killing members of the opposing class
- Cannibal receives extra health for eating people who have been “cooked” by fire
- Wrestler’s Toss move does more damage
- Backstabs are easier to perform - The player will always attack in a forward motion when they have the Backstab trait and are in the proper position
- Sleep Killer is now completely silent
- Sleep Killer does not gib people anymore
- Soldier starting Endurance is now 2 instead of 3
- Investment Banker’s Speed, Strength and Accuracy stats are higher
- Withdrawal causes reduced strength, speed and accuracy
- Nicotine lasts for 30 seconds, freezes the timer on Feelin’ Alright, and freezes the effects of Withdrawal
- Clumsiness Accepted now allows you to break people’s walls without them becoming Hostile
- Modern Warfarer regenerates health to 15 instead of 20 when Low Health mutator is active
- When Werewolf is running low on time before transforming back into a human, numbers will appear over his head. The same goes for Assassin’s Camouflage
- Fair Game cancels Suspicious, Charismatic and Malodorous in character customization
- Bite cancels Strict Cannibal, and Cannibalize cancels Jugularious
- Bite has a chance to give 2 health instead of 1, with a slightly greater chance of the number being 1
- Bite costs 10 points in character customization instead of 5
- Fair Game gives a 10 point benefit in character customization instead of 7
- Assassin’s Accuracy stat reduced from 3 to 2
- People are knocked back a proper amount when blocking hits from Primal Lunge and Sharp Lunge
- Flesh Feast no longer works on dead people, it was functionally too similar to Cannibalize. However, it now restores 3 health instead of 2.
- People turn into Zombies after dying more quickly. The amount of time had previously been extended to allow for more Flesh Feast hits
- Zombie Phlegm charge time has been reduced
- Darts can no longer randomly cause Paralyze, since this could make the player a sitting duck if it occurs near a turret
- Players with Tech Expert have a 100% chance to turn off Security Cams and disarm Door Detonators when interacting directly
- When NPCs laugh at the Comedian’s jokes, the chance that they will join their party is less predictable
- Fix for Traits not being removed properly on New Character Every Level for clients in multiplayer games
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fix for only the server player in multiplayer games receiving nuggets when someone completes a mission where nuggets are the reward. Now, all players will receive the nuggets.
- For Neutralize missions, it is now possible to threaten people to leave town (or ask them nicely if you have a good relationship)
- Added 30 seconds to the “Find Bombs” disaster
- Fixed crash when loading saved games with “New Character Every Level”
Level Generation[]
- Cops are no longer spawned near Power Boxes if the Radiation Blast disaster is occurring
- Varying number of cops is spawned near Power Boxes, rather than the number always being 2
Artificial Intelligence[]
- If an NPC is Hostile toward a player, they will no longer immediately become hostile toward another player upon seeing both players at the same time
- Fix for NPCs standing at the exact same spot as one another when “All Stand Guard” command is used
- Added “All Follow” command for when the player has told more than one party member to Stand Guard
- Prices for services are now properly affected by the player’s relationship with the seller in all cases
- NPCs in combat are not as scared of large groups of players
- Fix for NPCs who are Submissive to the player not always having the correct relationship with other players
- Cops react properly when the Power Box that they are guarding is hacked
- Normal Cops become Hostile if you destroy an Alarm Button
- Fix for Thief not being able to steal from player when the PVP was turned off in Settings
- Fix for Thief sometimes trying to steal from players who are dead or had disappeared
- Fix for property owners becoming Hostile if the player takes something from one of their owned chests (Safes, etc.) after the player has purchased a Key or Safe Combination from them
- Fix for Ghosts not always acting properly if Gravestones were destroyed by natural causes rather than a specific person
- Fix for issue where NPCs in buildings where quests are taking place are aligned with the player for no reason
- It is now possible to revive other players from the dead using money
- 30 second timer for players to get the the elevator instead of 60 seconds. The same goes for the other timer that appears when everyone has reached the elevator
- Unity engine updated from 2017.2.0 to 2017.2.1
- Updated Rewired plugin from to
- Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Patches / Hotfixes[]
Alpha 40b[]
- Fix for Cannibalize not functioning
- Fix for Loadout-O-Matic not appearing properly when facing south
- Fix for too many options appearing sometimes when hacking Slave Helmet
- Fix for being able to ask people to leave town after they turn into Zombies
- Fix for player not receiving “I can’t pick that up” message after chloroforming someone and immediately attempting to pick up their items while inventory is full
- Fixed a case where a Fire Spewer is positioned such that it destroys a window
- Fix for people still being hurt by Gas clouds after the player turned them off via computer
Alpha 40c[]
- Borderless Window button appears in the Graphics Settings menu, though it doesn't actually do anything. Rather, it explains that you need to use a command line parameter to do borderless, "-popupwindow".
- Items are properly sorted when using Sell-O-Matic and Clone Machine
- Player can drop items when using Sell-O-Matic and Clone Machine
- Potential fix for “Operating/Doing Something” bar not always closing properly
- Vendor Stand is no longer Hackable (for now)
- Fix for Loadout-O-Matics providing armor with only 1 durability instead of 100
- Fix for drinks created with Drink Mixer and Syringe having the wrong status effect
- Fix for prices on armor and headwear being incorrect
- Fix for Class Solidarity still being triggered with NPCs who are Hostile toward the player
- Fix for Backstab not working on multiplayer client
- Fix for Security Cam turning sound continuing to play after it’s been shut off
- Fix for followers often having difficulty attacking locked doors
- Fix for followers refusing to walk past yellow Lasers when commanded
- Fixed NPC pathfinding issues with buildings spawning gas at the start of the level
- Fixed NPC pathfinding issues near large objects when in a Wander state
- NPC AI no longer runs prior to the game starting in multiplayer games
- Fix for NPCs sometimes trying to examine Security Cam and Turret through walls
- Player cannot ask or threaten Slaves to leave town
- Fix for Hostile people sometimes turning around when in the presence of an invisible player