Alpha 41 was a minor update released on December 28th, 2017. It was mostly bug fixes and performance improvements. It was the last update of 2017.
Patch Notes[]
Big Stuff[]
- Major improvement in performance on multiplayer clients. Please let me know if this has negative side effects on your connection, causes disconnects where this did not occur before, etc.
- People can now be knocked through Glass Walls, with the exception of the ones surrounding the arena, specifically during the battle. It’s a bit of a hack. In the process, fixed issue with people getting knocked through the Glass during arena battles without it breaking.
- Fix for Vendor Stand not having correct shadow
- Fix for white squares sometimes appearing for a split second in place of state indicators above characters’ heads
UI / Controls[]
- Potential fix for issue with items sometimes not appearing properly in inventory unless in interfaces for Sell-O-Matic, Clone Machine etc.
- Fix for character creation menu not showing the character’s name at the right side of the screen when first creating the character
- Fix for issue where a player in Home Base would open the Character Creation screen or the Mysterious Elevator menu, and other players’ personal menus would not close
- Fix for issue with Trackpad Mode where the player would sometimes aim toward the mouse’s position
- Fix for player not being able to interact with Zombie immediately if Zombie resurrected while player was within range
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for doors sometimes not opening and closing properly on multiplayer client when they are opened and closed by NPCs
- Fix for players on multiplayer client not stopping their interactions with doors when an NPC opens the door
- Fix for Cocktails from Bartender sometimes having negative effects
- Fix for Hypnotizer not working properly on NPCs who are Hostile
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for issue where quest-related NPCs would become hostile toward custom characters who were Zombified but did not have Fair Game
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to talk to Zombies that have turned in the current level when they should not have the ability to understand each other
- Fixed issue where “Chaaarge” ability could sometimes result in the player charging into an object infinitely without being knocked to the ground
- Fix for players not being able to Enslave anyone when they have the Antisocial trait
- Death sound effect does not play when NPCs are knocked into holes
- Fix for Security Camera rotating sound effect not playing on multiplayer client
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Fix for kills counting twice for XP and stats when a dead body is knocked into a hole
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for NPCs not always having correct initial relationships to multiplayer client players
- Fix for NPCs not always responding to noises properly, particularly knocks on doors and windows
- Fix for multiplayer client sometimes being able to interact with NPCs who had moved out of range
- Fix for host player in multiplayer games being able to press End Game and gib themselves after dying
- Unity engine updated from 2017.2.1 to 2017.3
- Updated Rewired plugin from to
Alpha 41b[]
- Some of the changes from this changelog may have been omitted somehow in 41. This should be corrected now.
- Unity engine updated from 2017.3 to 2017.3.0p1
Alpha 41c[]
- Reverted engine back to Unity 2017.2.1, the newer version was causing a bunch of crappy performance issues.
- Mac version updated to 41c. I had previously had to revert this from 41a to 40c because presumably Unity 2017.3 was causing the game to not work for some users. Let me know if the game does not run.
Alpha 41d[]
- Performance fixes for online multiplayer host
- Fix for issue in online games where Zombies and Cannibals would sometimes stand still and not attack anyone
- Fix for inventory items not appearing in certain interfaces (Ammo Dispenser, Clone Machine, etc.) when Auto-Sort was turned off
- Fix for game freezing when player attempts to return to the menu in multiplayer mode when not connected to Steam
- Fix for incorrect “points gained” message appearing when player disables a Laser Emitter with a Wrench
- Fix for Traits appearing in-game if the player disables them immediately after unlocking
Alpha 41e[]
- Fix for traits menu not appearing properly at the end of levels if the player recently unlocked a new trait.
- Fixed internal errors occurring in multiplayer games when canceling a character selection.