Alpha 42 was an update released on January 11th, 2018. It mostly featured bug fixes.
Patch Notes[]
UI / Controls[]
- On the LAN screen, client IP address is automatically detected
- Fix for camera sometimes not focusing in the correct spot when interacting with objects in three- or four-player mode when only one player is alive
- Fix for camera focusing on wrong player in three- or four-player mode when the only living player chooses a thrown item
- Fix for second target image that appears when aiming on gamepad with guns/thrown appearing too dark in split-screen modes
- Fix for game freezing when starting Daily Run after turning Fan Translations on
- Fix for Twitch voting sometimes ending early before votes were cast in online multiplayer mode
- Fix for charge-up attacks being cancelled on freeze frames
- Supercop speed reduced from 4 to 3
- Fix for NPCs’ bodies and arms sometimes looking weird for a bit after teleportation
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for steel doors not blocking explosions properly
- Fix for Loadout-O-Matics sometimes not getting items properly after loading saved games
- Fix for line-of-sight issues when two objects are directly adjacent to one another, including explosions occasionally not hitting objects they were supposed to
- Potential fix for player falling into trap door and then spawning on an adjacent trap door, causing a loop of falls. Same goes for Manholes.
- Potential fix for items sometimes not appearing on multiplayer client
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for instances where the player could not use Camouflage despite not being in NPCs’ vision
- Fix for NPCs not always being Zombified when hit with melee attacks from multiplayer clients
- Fix for player being able to hack Killer Robot after its death, which could cause interface errors
Level Generation[]
- Better randomization of level start and end points
- Fix for NPCs in gas-spewing buildings sometimes starting without a Gas Mask
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for Supercops sometimes getting stuck near the Police Box and not disappearing
- Fix for some instances where NPCs would pause to let Fire Spewers finish when the fire was blocked by a wall
- Added proper description for Perfumorous
- Created new Show Floor version of the game for PAX