Alpha 51 was an update released on May 17th, 2018. It was patch that added 9 new Big Quests and several bug fixes.
Patch Notes[]
Big Quests[]
- Bartender - Serve drinks to 3 different people
- Gorilla - Rescue all gorillas. Likelihood of finding captive Gorillas in levels is increased when playing as Gorilla
- Thief - Rob all Chests and Safes
- Wrestler - Ask a certain person to fight, and win without cheating or using projectile and Thrown Weapons
- Jock - Destroy every object of a certain type
- Comedian - Tell jokes to a percentage of people
- Slavemaster - Enslave someone of a certain class and bring them to the entrance
- Soldier - Destroy all Generators
- Cannibal - Eat a person of a particular class
- Fix for Investment Banker’s quest not being completeable
- Fix for Big Quest status not loading correctly for clients who quit and rejoin the game
- Fix for Big Quest status for multiplayer clients sometimes saying “Failed” when it was meant to say “Wait for Next Game”
- Fix for Big Quest district status for multiplayer clients sometimes saying “Wait for Next Area” at incorrect times
- “Wait for Next Area” now reads “Wait for Next District”
- Big Quest required totals for Doctor and Cop take Quick Game into account
- Fix for Gangsters not being counted properly in online multiplayer mode if only the client is playing as a gangster
- Fix for orange arrows appearing for players in online games who were not doing that particular Big Quest
- Only need to Zombify 30% of a level instead of 40% for Zombie Big Quest
- Missions screen displays number of people that must be Zombified instead of a percentage
- People who are Zombified and then die count toward your total
- Big Quest map markers no longer appear on the minimap, only on the missions screen
- Big Quest map markers only appear on the map once discovered
- Big Quest map markers appear smaller than before
- Fixed an issue that was causing music clips to eat up an ungodly amount of RAM
- Performance improvements to lighting engine
- Improved frame rate during load times, meaning that the game won’t try to load as much stuff all at once within a single frame. This could potentially help with issues where some players may crash between levels
- The game boots up more quickly
- AI work is distributed more evenly amongst frames to avoid CPU spikes
- Fixed monstrously inefficient “show NPC names” code from when you hold space bar
- Other various performance improvements
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for Character Select not appearing properly under certain circumstances when using a custom character
- Fix for rare cases of the Quick Escape Teleporter freezing the game if it couldn’t find an appropriate position for the player to teleport
- Fix for screen remaining black at the start of the new game following the failure of a “Find Bombs” mission
- Butler Bots spawn a bit earlier during War Zone
- NPCs who are normally spawned outdoors are no longer spawned during War Zone
- Ooze expands faster than before
- Fix for mutators not loading properly when loading saved games
Level Generation[]
- Potential fix for freeze at 87%
- Fix for odd pathfinding in one of the Arcade buildings
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Cops will not attack the player if the player attacks enemies who pop out of manholes
- Chinese translations for some of the newer text have been added
- Fix for “Remove Disaster” unlocks not appearing properly in multiplayer chat
- Descriptions for Longer Status Effects and Shorter Status Effects are more specific
- Fix for clients who quit and rejoin the game losing their level and skill points, and a couple of other stats
- Unity Analytics disabled
Alpha 51b[]
- Fix for levels sometimes hanging at 50% loaded
- Fix for AI sometimes updating at the wrong speed
- Fix for Item Teleporter menu causing the game to go into slow motion in multiplayer mode
- Fix for Cannibal’s Big Quest sometimes assigning the player to eat Gorillas, which is not possible because they are not humans, and that would not be very Cannibal-like
- Fix for NPCs who start in gas-filled buildings not always having Gas Mask
- A few small performance fixes
Alpha 51c[]
- Fix for multiplayer lobby sometimes displaying Mutator names incorrectly
- Fix for Shopkeeper being able to buy the same item from NPCs multiple times when playing as multiplayer client
- Fix for NPCs taking up a slot in the player’s party after exiting the level through the level entrance
- Slavemaster can no longer receive Big Quest to enslave a Slave
- If the Slavemaster escorts an NPC to the level entrance to complete their Big Quest, the NPC will drop their important items (such as keys) before exiting the level
- Fix for Slave Helmet exploding after the player brings a Slave to the entrance, has them ostensibly exit the level, and moves far enough away
- Fix for Movie Screen sometimes having the wrong sprites
- Fix for Cop’s Big Quest not being completeable
- Fix for Comedian Big Quest sometimes only requiring you to entertain 1 person
- Fix for Zombie Big Quest sometimes only requiring you to zombify 1 person
- Wrestler can no longer receive Big Quest to fight a Cop during Lockdown, since Cops are always initially hostile in this case
- If you rescue a Gorilla from a prison and you already have a full party, they will not join your party
- Fix for Flame Grates at the end of factory conveyor belts not always having fire
- Fix for Fire only doing 1 damage
- Larger Chair has been renamed to “Armchair” and larger Table has been renamed “Big Table” to avoid confusion with smaller varieties in Jocks Big Quest
- When completing a level, skill points awarded for Big Quests are displayed before other types of points at the top-left of the screen
- Added some pitch shifting for one of the melee hit sounds (not sure why it was missing…)
- Small performance fixes