Alpha 56 was an update released on July 26th, 2018. It had no 'main' feature, but rather had many small new additions and focused on balancing certain Systems, Characters and Items.
Patch Notes[]
- Removed Investment system. Too exploitable. Open to ideas on how to modify the existing system to work better (maybe something that doesn’t involve the player himself gaining money but rather affecting some other aspect of the game), but its current iteration isn’t really working
- If the player receives an achievement while offline, it will be triggered the next time the game is started
- Fix for incorrect particle effects spewing from certain types of bullets
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for character’s UI disappearing in 3- and 4-player mode after player closes Item Teleporter menu
- Fix for Stats screen sometimes listing the player’s killer as ObjectAgent
- Player can no longer switch from P1 using Keyboard to P1 using Gamepad from the Home base, as this was causing extra controller issues
Playfield Objects[]
- Sell-O-Matic now has a limit on the amount of cash it can dispense
- Alien can no longer be spawned from the Clone Machine
- When the player fails to disarm a Door Detonator, he will have a second to run away before it explodes in his face
- More money is dropped from Gravestones, and slightly fewer Gravestones contain it
- Vendor Cart now spills items when destroyed
- Disabling Power Boxes turns off constantly-spewing Gas in Industrial buildings
- Fix for not being able to tap on Windows in Gated Community
- Objects will attract the player’s auto-aim when they must be destroyed for missions
- If the player adds a stackable item to the ATM that is already in the ATM, then the new item will be added to the total instead of replacing the original
- Safe-Cracking Tool and Skeleton Key no longer appear during gameplay, though they can still be added to custom characters (Note: They can still appear in the Soldier's Loadout Menu.
- Ghost Gibber can now be used on other supernatural characters like Zombie, Vampire, and Werewolf
- Changed Kill Ammunizer functionality - It only triggers once every 3 kills, but it restores ammo for all weapons in your inventory
- Base price for Kill Healthenizer and Kill Ammunizer changed from $70 to $100
- Lowered Haterator cost in character creation and loadout
- Hacker no longer starts with Time Bomb, starts with Translator instead
- Cop now starts with Dizzy Grenades
- Cologne’s price raised from $50 to $100, unlock/character creation/loadout prices increased as well
- Tranquilizer Gun’s value raised from $100 to $120
- Syringe’s base price raised from $30 to $50
- Money can be chosen as a starting item during character creation - Specifically $300, much like the Investment Banker starts with
- NPCs spawned via Clone Machine, Friend Phone or through Loneliness Killer may start with weapons
- Flamethrower’s base damage is 4 instead of 2, though this is still dependent on the character’s Firearms stat. Damage from Fire Spewers remains the same
- Fix for Quick Escape Teleporter activating when the player gives blood at a Hospital Clerk
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Assassin now loses Camouflage when he bumps into non-aligned/loyal/friendly people
- When Assassin backstabs someone in Camouflage, 2 seconds are removed from the Camouflage timer
- When Assassin backstabs people in Camouflage, they are not knocked back
- Electro Touch no longer causes extra Fist damage, the player must touch the other person with their body
- Electro touch does greater damage when people are standing over puddles
- Zombie Phlegm takes 3 health instead of 5
- Zombie starts the game with a new Trait, “Bullet Sponge”, also available as an Unlock
- Werewolf’s Pea-Brained trait now allows you to consume food and drinks while in Werewolf form
- Chloroform cannot be used on people wearing Gas Masks
- Ideological Clash makes fewer people turn against you
- Slavemaster has a default speed of 2 instead of 1
- Cost of unlocking Sleep Killer or adding it to a custom character has been reduced
- Fix for Vampire not being able to Bite people who are fleeing. The same goes for arrests
- Shapeshifter cannot revive another player while possessing an NPC
- Floats Like Butterfly reduces the amount that your character lunges forward when they attack
- Purchasing items from people’s inventories using Art of the Deal costs much more than purchasing items from shops
- Invisible lasts for 15 seconds instead of 20
- Comedians have a very low chance of making people Hostile with their jokes, unless you tell a joke to someone who is already annoyed
- Handcuffs cannot be used on Zombies or other non-humans
- Fix for errors when Depossessing
- Fix for incorrect sound effect playing on multiplayer client when Zombie is resurrected
- Player receives more XP for completing “Find Time Bombs” mission (700 XP instead of 300)
- Find Time Bombs missions do not appear on levels that have Lockdown Walls
- Clerks in Deportation Center can no longer be questgivers
- Added fail-safe for issue in online multiplayer mode where clients picking up a quest item could result in the quest being failed if their connection was too slow
- Fix for questgivers not talking to players with Fair Game
- People in the same building as questgivers will not be Hostile toward the player as a result of Fair Game
- Fix for player receiving missions to rescue an opposing gang member, or a Scientist as a Gorilla, or vice versa
Big Quests[]
- Slum Dweller no longer receives a discount for being aligned with the Clerk when putting money toward a home
- Fix for Vampires secretly being Werewolves
- Shopkeeper will no longer be required to obtain Slave Helmet
- Fix for Werewolf continuing to gain points on the Missions screen for his Big Quest after it had been completed
Home Base[]
- Elevator can be unlocked using Custom characters, as long as they are not overpowered
- Zombie disaster does not occur when one of the players is a Zombie
- In Endless mode, prices that are affected by the current level remain high on the player’s second loop
Level Generation[]
- Fix for issue where destroyed objects from previous levels might appear in the next level Zombies may appear caged in labs
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for NPCs running away from nonexistent danger
- More difficult to stun-lock NPCs without taking damage by melee’ing them repeatedly against a wall
- Zombified Werewolves cannot turn into their Werewolf form
- Shapeshifter NPCs that pop out of people are classified as Guilty
- Cops will not become Hostile when you attack Shapeshifter NPCs
- Supercops guard Power Boxes properly instead of wandering away
- NPCs do not become angry when NPC Cops enter owned property
- Smaller chance that Slaves will become Mutinous
- Zombie can purchase items from Zombified Shopkeeper, Bartenders, etc.
- During War Zone disaster, Soldiers will not be initially hostile toward Zombie
- War Zone Soldiers are never considered Guilty
- Fix for NPCs leaving your party after Resurrecting
- Fix for Zombies picking up items on multiplayer client
- Fix for Zombies not using attacking with a slash attack on multiplayer client
- NPCs will attempt to pick up fewer types of weapons
- Fix for NPCs not firing Ghost Gibber properly in online multiplayer mode
- If you kill someone while Invisible, nearby friends of the deceased will search for you and become hostile if they find you
- When an invisible player hits an NPC, they will run far away
- Vampires are considered Guilty after biting someone
- Fix for issue where if multiplayer host quit the game as a Ghost, they would die immediately upon resuming the game. Now, they start with 1 health
- Updated Rewired plugin to version
- Work on final level
- Work on new Mutators
- Work on new Achievements
Alpha 56b[]
- Reverted change where Zombie disaster wouldn’t occur if the player is a Zombie
- Kill Ammunizer restores a bit more ammo than before
- Shopkeepers sell many more types of items than before
- Bushes shake a bit when there is a hidden Cannibal
- Chance to Threaten is now affected by the both the player and the other person’s currently held weapon, in addition to team size
- Player does not attempt to auto-aim when using Rocket Launcher - The slow movement of the rocket combined with the player’s potential desire to cause an explosion at a certain point made this a more ideal choice
- Vocally Challenged players can now speak to questgivers
- Ghost Gibber ray is not classified as a “bullet” when calculating bullet resistances
- If a Shopkeeper, Bartender etc. is Zombified and one of the players is a Zombie, their marker will remain on the map since the player can now purchase items from them
- If the player uses Zombie Phlegm on an NPC and Zombifies them but the player’s party is full, that NPC will still be Aligned
- Ham Sandwich is now available in character creation and from the Item Teleporter
- Fix for fire from Fire Spewers appearing to travel a bit too far through walls on multiplayer client
- Potential fix for giblets sometimes flashing white as soon as they are spit out of pipes
- Fix for items on multiplayer client flashing right before they are picked up
- Fixed some of the wall top textures for wood walls to look better
- All of the lights in a level turn red when a player transforms into a Werewolf instead of just the ambient
- Fix for Friend Phone only spawning 1 NPC from multiplayer client
- Fix for issues stemming from multiple people falling into a Trap Door at once
- Fix for major Train position discrepancies between client and host players
- Fix for lights on NPCs blinking off when they are just out of view
- Fix for bullet lighting for certain types of bullets sometimes appearing darker than it was meant to
- Potential fix for Werewolf health appearing too high after transforming back to human form
- Removed Chest from easy-to-reach location in one of the Broadcasting Station buildings
- Fix for red “thrown item” target moving with the mouse when the game is paused
Alpha 55c[]
- Backstab no longer removes 2 seconds from Camouflage
- Fix for backstab’s noise being louder than intended
- If the player backstab-kills someone or kills them in their sleep, the next hit will not gib that person as it did previously
- Fix for Big Quest requirements changing for some characters such as Slavemaster if the last “target” NPC is teleported
- Another fix for objects flashing when being spit out of tubes
- Corrected wreckage sprites for quest switches that count down