Alpha 59 was an update released on September 6th, 2018. It was a small patch created in preparation for the final level of the game to be added.
Patch Notes[]
- Fix for NPCs looking weird for the first half-second of a level
- Fixed some incorrect corner grass tiles
- Fix for Invisible NPCs’ hands sometimes appearing
- Fix for player appearing to have extra hands after becoming Invisible while pointing a gun
UI / Controls[]
- Added color animation to menu selection interfaces
- Multiplayer games can be ended from the main menu if the host has finished a level but other players have not
- Fix for cases where context buttons could become larger in width than intended
- Fix for Character Creation Attributes description box reading “Strength” initially
- Fix for instruction text on certain 3- and 4-player menus in home base not being fully visible
- Player toolbars disappear when entering main menu
- Minimap in 2-4 player modes disappears when entering main menu
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for multiplayer client not always being able to make ATM spit out money
- Fix for fires on War Zone NPCs not always being destroyed properly
- Fix for fires from Fire Barrels not being destroyed properly internally
- Projectile weapons are worth much less money when Infinite Ammo mutators are active
- Fix for Research Gun appearing to knock NPCs back when on host when used by client player
- Quick-Escape Teleporter works better in levels with Lockdown Walls
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- On Daily Run, traits and items may appear regardless of the player’s unlocks and settings in the Home Base
- Ideological Clash added to Character Creator
- Army of Darkness renamed to Army of Five, since the original title wouldn’t make much sense when applied to non-Zombie custom characters (edit: this will happen in the next build)
- Fix for NPCs brought from one level to the next sometimes having 0 health
- Potential fix for dead party members coming back in the next level as ghosts
- Charismatic and Malodorous have no effect on Cop Bots
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for NPCs attempting to path through certain objects
- Only 5 NPC party members per player can be brought to the next level
- Friendly Cop Bots will still stop the player
- Much quicker loading into games from the main menu
- Fix for internal errors when quitting multiplayer games
- Unity engine updated to 2018.2.6f1
Alpha 59b (September 7)[]
- Fix for mutators not loading properly when saved games are loaded
- Fix for wood doors sometimes not taking damage, as if they were steel doors
- Fix for NPCs not appearing to be dead when the Shapeshifter possessing their body dies
- Fix for people having shadows when they resurrect underwater
- Potential fix for fires appearing permanently where they are not supposed to
- Better internal handling of “recycling” of wreckage objects
- Army of Five added to character creation