Alpha 67 was an update released on January 3rd, 2019. It was the first-ever “off-schedule” update due to Christmas break. Alpha 67 was reverted to Alpha 66b on January 5th, 2019 due to major bugs in the multiplayer.
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for Wrestler’s thrown objects acting weird when thrown onto Conveyor Belts
- Fix for spills from Toilets not appearing
- Fix for countdown switches making button press sound when hit after the countdown has ended
- Player is no longer awarded Peaceful Takeover when they get the “bad ending”
- Bunch of text formatting fixes for non-English languages
- Made some corrections to typos in translations
- Fix for Train having incorrect “highlighted” sprite
- Fix for Supergoon body appearing as Goon body in character creation
- Player can no longer swing their gun around while biting or cannibalizing
- Fix for particle effects such as electrocution particles appearing on NPCs at the start of a level
- Fix for certain larger objects like Satellite Dish not fitting properly into Missions Screen boxes
- Fix (again) for NPCs’ hands appearing when outside vision range in Rogue Vision mode after they put away their gun
- Fix for player appearing to hold giant thrown items after possessing someone while holding a thrown item
UI / Controls[]
- When the player teleports to objects or people who are inside buildings, the player will be teleported to the door of the building
- Hopefully fixed “can’t interact with objects” bug once and for all
- Added Loading text in various places
- Fix for issue where custom characters with certain traits removed from the game could not be selected
- Fix for random selection on character select not working properly
- Fix for Tutorial marker appearing over bottom elevator in Home Base after completing tutorial
- Fix for item teleporter menu item titles and details not appearing properly when the items had not been unlocked yet
- Fix for multiplayer client seeing multiple pieces of text when pickpocketing people
- Fix for cases where status text (numbers, etc.) could remain over people’s heads permanently
- Player will unequip weapons during the ending
- Portable Sell-O-Matic is available in character creation
- Auto-Aim is applied to Rocket Launcher again, after having previously been removed
- Zombie Phlegm no longer triggers Quick Escape Teleporter
- Fud Processor, Ammo Processor and Cube of Lampey are no longer sold 1 “charge” at a time
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Wall Walloper depletes 20% of your weapon’s durability instead of 40%
- Fast Melee removed from the game for technical reasons. Basically, hits didn’t connect 100% of the time, and fixing it would have required major changes
- Fix for player being offered upgraded versions of traits that they don’t currently have as rewards
- Special ability upgrades will not appear with the New Character Every Level mutator turned on
- Computer Illiterate players can no longer interact with Power Boxes
- Computer Illiterate players have a lower chance to disarm Door Detonators
- Fix for Speed Coder not working properly on custom characters
- Bite is less effective in Low Health For All mode
- Cannibalize is less effective in Low Health For All mode
- Random Reverence can no longer trigger on NPCs that need to be killed for Assassin’s Big Quest
- If a Wrestler player challenges an NPC to a fight and dies, the NPC will no longer follow the player’s ghost
- Fix for Burning Bullets being able to light walls on fire with Research Gun and Leafblower
- Fix for Legal Enslavement not working properly
- Fix for Bloody Mess still appearing at as a selectable trait at the end of levels
- Fix for Cops getting angry at players who pick up money from ATMs and have Above the Law
- Super Special Ability “Feelin' Alright” traits will not trigger for Shapeshifter
- Fix for Always Crit appearing to last permanently after the player gets this status effect with the Investment Banker’s Super Special Ability active
- Fix for money pickup sound playing when Shapeshifter NPC is spawned
- Boombox sound effects do not carry as far
- Fix for multiple Conveyor Belt ambient noises emanating from a building if multiple conveyor belt tracks existed
Big Quests[]
- Fix for Shapeshifter sometimes being assigned to possess people for Big Quest that could not be possessed
- Doctor no longer loses points for killing zombies and robots
- Comedian is no longer required to entertain people during Police Lockdown
- Hacker’s Big Quest will be marked as failed when all computers are made non-functional through Power Box destruction, EMP Grenades, etc.
- Police Lockdown can occur in Uptown again, after previously being removed
Level Generation[]
- No more than 2 Drug Dealers may spawn per level
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for Cop Bots saying human stuff when the player breaks things in their vicinity
- Cop Bots turn off sensors and related sound effects during ending
- Butler Bots no longer clean up items
- Fix for Vampire being able to bite people who had finished the level
- Cannibals, Vampires and Thieves will not Cannibalize, Bite or Pickpocket when they are enslaved
- Vocally Challenged players cannot make purchases or have non-quest-related interactions with questgivers
- If the player challenges someone to a fight as the Wrestler and moves out of vision range of that person, they will stop following the player
- Mobsters will not mug Enforcers
- Fix for Cops in Police Stations not caring that the player is outside during Lockdown
- Fix for Zombies being hostile toward players when bringing them to the next level with the Everyone Hates You mutator active
- Fix for NPCs attempting to bite or steal from the player after becoming aligned, loyal or friendly
- NPCs are more vigilant about detecting when the player knocks a wall down with a melee weapon
- Slaves become mutinous slightly more often
- Fixed a couple of typos
- Players cannot slip through windows during the tutorial
- LOADS of internal changes to multiplayer to help fix bad data being sent. Hopefully I didn’t break much.
- Fix for doors sometimes appearing on multiplayer client when they had been destroyed while client was loading the level
- Fix for east-west facing door colliders being too narrow on multiplayer client
- Fix for Lockdown Walls sometimes not appearing on multiplayer client
Alpha 67b[]
- Thief’s Big Quest only requires him to rob a maximum of 3 chests or safes per level
- Fix for Generators, Safes and other Big Quest related objects sometimes being non-interactable in online games
- Fix for Hacker not being able to install malware properly for Big Quest
- Fix for teleporting to a building not working if that building’s doors had been destroyed
- Fix for multiplayer client not being able to select a trait on at the end of the next level if they run out of time while selecting a trait
- Fix for game intro elements remaining on-screen during load when skipping the tutorial
- Fix for “Esc - Main menu” text remaining on-screen when returning to main menu
- Fixed an error message causing very large output logs
- Fix for player sometimes getting “teleported” when wandering through broken border walls
- Fix for Generators smoke and certain other particle effects not spawning at the correct positions on multiplayer client
- NPCs no longer leave their homes to investigate explosions and other loud noises during police lockdown
- Orange arrows for Big Quest will no longer appear on the final level
Alpha 67c[]
- Fixed a major multiplayer issue present in 67 and 67b that was breaking a whole bunch of stuff for clients if they weren't in close proximity to the host player (NPcs not moving, objects not being updated, etc.)
Alpha 67d (January 4)[]
- Potential fixes for multiplayer issues introduced in 67
- End-level traits that the player has already seen throughout the course of the game are less likely to appear
- Fix for NPCs taking your entire stack of syringes when you bribe them with one
- Fix for upgraded trait and original trait both appearing when upgrading at the end of levels
- Fix for NPCs pathing to positions they shouldn’t when the player hits a wall and makes a noise
- Fix for Chloroform Hankie attacks not making Cops become hostile
- NPCs will become annoyed if they see you use Chloroform Hankie on someone
Alpha 67e[]
- Fixed an error message causing very large output logs (for real this time)
- More work on fixing multiplayer issues
Alpha 67f (January 5)[]
- Another attempted fix for issues with NPCs disappearing in multiplayer