Alpha 68 was an update released on January 17th, 2019. It contained multiple bug fixes and game balance changes.
- Adjusted cave tile sprites a bit
- Fix for east-west-facing doors having incorrect lighting
- Fix for dizzy stars sometimes appearing at the bottom-left corner of the map or in random spots
- Fix for items sometimes appearing as other items for a single frame after being spawned on multiplayer client
- Fix for Slave in Home Base appearing to not have Slave Helmet on multiplayer client
- Fix for lights appearing too bright on certain objects
- Fixed a pixel on the Slum Dweller’s north-facing texture
UI / Controls[]
- Dialog box for cutscenes shifts to the left only when the chatlog is on-screen
- Fix for not being able to open the Esc menu using the Start button on gamepads while viewing the initial character select for online games
- Animated “Waiting for host…” dots on client loading screen
- Changed some positioning of text on character select screen
- Player is prevented from typing in chatlog during parts of the load process where the message cannot be sent
- Fix for speed run timer not always being correct when progressing to new levels
- Fix for being able to start dragging inventory items while opening the missions screen
- Fix for character select screen soft-locking after pressing gamepad Chat button
- Fix for “interaction” dialogue appearing over players after pressing the gamepad Chat button in the Home Base
- Fix for tooltip remaining on the screen after pressing gamepad Chat button while displaying the inventory
- Fix for case where Loading message and Esc menu could appear at the same time
- Loading percentage does not appear when entering Home Base
- Credits list Done button is smaller
- Fix for issue with vertical scrolling of multiplayer match listing
- Fix for “Retrieve Item” marker not appearing over item on multiplayer client if the person who was originally holding it gets Zombified
- Fix for “Retrieve Item” marker disappearing from an NPC’s head on multiplayer client if the NPC is killed while having Resurrection
- Fix for tooltip remaining on the screen if the game window loses focus while the tooltip was visible, and the player returns to the game
- Fix for cases where question mark could remain over NPCs’ heads past the point when it was supposed to on multiplayer client
- Fix for auto-targeting not always working properly on multiplayer client
- Fix for level number not appearing on multiplayer matches list right after the player starts a new game
- Fix for “doing something” bar sometimes appearing partially transparent
- Attribute upgrades at the end of levels typically appear at the top of the list instead of the middle
- Fix for clock sometimes not appearing in Disaster levels on multiplayer client
Playfield Objects[]
- Ammo Dispenser can refill a percentage of your ammo even if you don’t have enough money to fill the entire gun
- Fix for Ghost being affected by Crusher
- Fix for Refrigerator and Saw Blade not always having collision
- Fix for player being able to slip past lasers when firing a gun very quickly
- Cannibal NPCs no longer store normal foods in their refrigerators
- Fix for Crusher on multiplayer client not having full collision
- Fix for Fire Spewer sometimes appearing to spew through walls on multiplayer client
- Knocking on the red doors of Bars, Dance Clubs and Music Halls will no longer result in someone answering
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to press the “Release Gas” and “Turn Off Gas” buttons more than once in a row while operating the Computer
- Killer Robot drops more items when killed
- Cost to identify syringes is affected by the player’s current level
- Voodoo Doll removed from the game for now, since it currently has no function
- Fix for multiplayer client finding a different type of syringe when they examine a chest multiple times
- Fix for player being able to use Food Processor and Ammo Processor after they run out of uses
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Added “Lock and Load +”
- Fix for Paralyzed NPCs not falling into holes when on Conveyor Belt
- Fix for people who fall in holes remaining Electrocuted
- Slaves who are infected with Zombiism before being killed will still get blown up when their helmet explodes
- Fix for cases where Assassin could not Camouflage when they were supposed to be able to
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to gib NPCs who have Resurrection
- Fix for Backstab not playing proper animation on multiplayer client
- Assassin can Camouflage when hidden NPCs are nearby (Bushes, Manholes)
- Fix for NPCs not getting annoyed when multiplayer client Slavemaster starts enslaving someone
- Questgivers will no longer ask the player to rescue NPCs that the questgiver doesn’t like
- Fix for cases where Missions all appeared to be “Not Accepted” on multiplayer client
Big Quests[]
- Fix for NPCs being spawned in the same spot as Big Quest Gorillas
- Player will not receive optional missions to rescue Gorillas when playing as a Gorilla, since this could lead to interface-related confusion with the Big Quest
- The same goes for Soldiers and optional missions to destroy Generators
- Secret Werewolves for the Vampire’s big quest can no longer be wandering NPCs, since this can make the process of tracking them down more arduous
- Shopkeeper can no longer be be required to sell Syringes for their Big Quest
- Fix for Cop’s Big Quest counter appearing with incorrect numbers
- Fix for cases where NPCs would be added to Assassin’s hit list despite not being in sight range when the original target was killed
- Fewer cases where 0 Gorillas spawn in a level for Gorilla’s Big Quest
- Fix for Werewolf total kills on missions screen not extending past 5, even if the player had killed more than 5 during a single transformation
- Fix for NPCs sometimes spawning outside in certain Uptown locations during Police Lockdown and Radiation Blasts
- When clients enter game during Radiation Blasts disaster, they will spawn close to the host
- Fix for NPCs taking double damage during Radiation Blasts disaster in multiplayer
Level Generation[]
- Fixed some small level geometry issues
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for cases where AI could get stuck in one spot while battling a multiplayer client due to them seeking out a nonexistent weapon on the ground
- Fix for cases where AI could get stuck in one spot after being Zombified by a multiplayer client
- Fix for cases where AI could get stuck in one spot relating to maneuvering around hazards
- Fix for cases where AI could get stuck in one spot on multiplayer client relating to areas of the map they are permitted to traverse
- Fix for NPCs with guns stopping in their tracks after losing sight of their multiplayer client opponent
- Fix for Cop Bots not always displaying their particle effect at appropriate times on multiplayer client
- Cops surrounding Mayor, as well as anyone residing in the Mayor’s home or office, are not considered Innocent
- Allies of your opponent are better at determining when they should become hostile toward you
- Fix for cases where a party member would attack an object like a Turret when you commanded them to attack someone or something else
- Fix for items having showing their name and description in incorrect language after loading a saved game that was saved with a different language
- Fix for “Syringe” text not being translated to different languages when NPC takes Syringe
- Fix for foreign language text appearing in multiplayer games when playing with people who had selected a different language
- Improved performance when blowing up walls
- Fixes for NPCs not appearing in levels
- Fixes for issues starting the game when punchthrough is used to connect
- Fix for clients sometimes falling into an invisible pit at the start of levels
- Players in online multiplayer have 45 seconds to choose traits at the end of levels instead of 30 seconds
- Better handling of knockback physics on multiplayer client when player deals the killing blow to an NPC
- Fix for cases where multiplayer client’s party members would not appear on the next level
- Fix for NPCs not appearing to attack when hitting static objects on multiplayer client
- Fixed internal errors with spawning noises
- Fixed a repeating output log message about wreckage