Alpha 7 was a content patch that added several new types of missions as well as the Killer Robot disaster.
Alpha 1 is listed as "IGF Alpha" in screenshots and videos of it. That's referring to the 2016 Independent Games Festival, at which Streets of Rogue was an entrant. Streets of Rogue was again an entrant in 2018) with Alpha 7, and once again in 2020 after that.
Big Features[]
- Added controller rumble (option to turn it off is coming!)
- Added Killer Robot levels
- Implemented Flip All Switches missions
- Implemented Destroy Object to Retrieve Item missions
- Implemented Plant Item missions
Other Additions and Changes[]
- Many more hairstyles are now visible while the person is wearing a hat
- Modifications to floor and wall textures to increase readability
- Rug color is now randomized
- Player position on map screen flashes to be more visible
- Changed one of the Money graphics
- Added Falling Bomb graphics
- Changed Sandwich graphic a bit
- Changed the time bomb images for Find Bombs quest
- Holograms are now ‘Hologram Bigfoot’
- New particle effects for Shrink Ray and Tranquilizer Gun
- Created effect for when player fails in “Find Bombs” quest
- Boombox spouts out music notes
- Added Dancing animation
- Added ‘Switch’ object graphics
- Added Wastebasket graphics
- Ghost has been made more visible
UI / Controls[]
- Proper support for Xbox One controllers and a number of others
- Player can now access the Main Menu after the game has ended
- Player indicator arrow appears when a player turns into a ghost, or teleports as a ghost
- Player indicator arrow appears for longer when players break into split screen
- On character select, player 2 default characters have different hair color, style, etc. than player 1
- Both players have control on Main Menu
- Added a whooooole bunch of new sound effects
- Changed hitboxes on some weapons
- When a player dies in coop mode, they are teleported to the other player
Bug Fixes[]
UI / Controls[]
- Fixed issue where player might attack twice when pressing RT very slowly
- Fix for triggers not working when multiple Xbox 360 controllers were plugged in at the same time. As a result of this fix, I needed to remove the option to reconfigure the triggers.
- Can no longer press interface buttons while quest notifications are on the screen
- Fix for thrown items going to wrong location the first time something is thrown
- No longer possible for game to unfreeze on Map screen after Level Feeling notification
- Fix for hang that occurred if player entered main menu during freeze frame
- When two Xbox 360 controllers are plugged in, players 1 and 2 are associated with the correct controllers
- Fix for camera focusing on wrong player when player 2 dies and player 1 equips a thrown item
- Fix for context buttons on objects floating to wrong locations during camera movements
- ProTip text uses different font
- Fix for coop camera focusing on player who had been gibbed
- Fix for coop camera focusing on player who had exited the level
- Fix for non-stackable items stacking on top of each other despite taking up 2 inventory spaces
- Fix for yellow line on quest sheet not disappearing after completing questgiver-based quests
- Fix for item price appearing in wrong spot when using voucher
- Fix for exploit where player could drop voucher while talking to shopkeeper and get free items
- Corrected Steel Wall Top texture to not be Wood Wall Top texture
- Shelves are facing proper direction when facing away from walls
- Explosions do not slow down the game when the player is far enough away
Playfield Objects[]
- No longer possible to hit the hologram
- Spilled items are no longer duplicated when players die in coop mode
- Items no longer do damage when thrown at people
Status Effects / Traits[]
- Correct number of HP is taken away when knocking out people who are aligned
- When players wake up after being knocked out, their health bar does not read ‘0’
- When players wake up after being knocked out, dizzy stars disappear
- In coop, bombs are no longer dropped near ghost player, only the living player
- No longer possible to complete missions after death
- Free Slave quests do not automatically fail during riots
Artificial Intelligence[]
- When people are transfixed by a noise, they no longer lose focus occasionally
- People react more appropriately when you shoot their property
- Fix for people sometimes not getting angry after being hit with tranq dart
- Fix for issue where opening a door with a detonator remotely wouldn’t free people from prison
- Fixed a number of issues relating to how sounds are played