Streets of Rogue Wiki
Armor Durability Spray

  ArmorDurabilitySpray   ArmorDurabilitySpray   ArmorDurabilitySpray

Item Type: Tool
Value: $100
Custom Character Points: 1
Custom Character Quantity: 1
Use on a wearable item to raise its durability up to 200 points
In-Game Tooltip
"Increase any piece of armor's durability to 200%"

The Armor Durability Spray is a Tool in Streets of Rogue. It can be used to make any worn equipment last longer. No matter what state the armor is in, the player can bring it back up to 200 points as long as it isn't completely broken.

Notes[ | ]

  • It doesn't work on the Mayor's Hat or the Mayor Visitor's Badge because those items dont have any durability.
  • The durability is set to 200 and does not go higher with further spray uses.

Tips and Strategies[ | ]

  • Its better used when an item is about to break.
  • Works well with cheap armour like the Codpiece.
  • It works on most Wearables and Headwear, not only armour.
  • you can increase the selling price of an item by increasing its durability, for example an undamaged Bulletproof Vest can be sold for $40 but when its durability is 200 the price increases to $80.
  • Starting with a Hard Hat and the durability spray gives you more durability for the same CCP of an Combat Helmet but it takes more item slots.

Sources[ | ]

Weapons Melee Axe Axe  · BaseballBat Baseball Bat  · Crowbar Crowbar  · Fist Fist  · Knife Knife  · PoliceBaton Police Baton  · Sledgehammer Sledgehammer  · Sword Sword  · Wrench Wrench
Projectile FireExtinguisher Fire Extinguisher  · Flamethrower Flamethrower  · FreezeRay Freeze Ray  · GhostGibber Ghost Gibber  · Leafblower Leafblower  · Machinegun Machinegun  · OilContainer Oil Container  · Pistol Pistol  · ResearchGun Research Gun  · Revolver Revolver  · RocketLauncher Rocket Launcher  · Shotgun Shotgun  · ShrinkRay Shrink Ray  · Taser Taser  · TranquilizerGun Tranquilizer Gun  · WaterPistol Water Pistol
Modifiers AccuracyMod Accuracy Mod  · AmmoStock Ammo Stock  · RateOfFireMod Rate of Fire Mod  · Silencer Silencer
Thrown BananaPeel Banana Peel  · BearTrap Bear Trap  · DizzyGrenade Dizzy Grenade  · Grenade Grenade  · EMPGrenade EMP Grenade  · LandMine Land Mine  · MolotovCocktail Molotov Cocktail  · ParalyzerTrap Paralyzer Trap  · Rock Rock  · Shuriken Shuriken  · WarpGrenade Warp Grenade
Wearables Headwear CombatHelmet Combat Helmet  · GasMask Gas Mask  · HardHat Hard Hat  · MayorsHat Mayor's Hat  · SlaveHelmet Slave Helmet
Other BraceletOfStrength Bracelet of Strength  · BulletproofVest Bulletproof Vest  · Codpiece Codpiece  · FireproofSuit Fireproof Suit  · MayorVisitorsBadge Mayor Visitor's Badge
Tools AmmoProcessor Ammo Processor  · AmmoStealer Ammo Stealer  · ArmorDurabilitySpray Armor Durability Spray  · Blindenizer Blindenizer  · BloodTransfusionKit Blood Transfusion Kit  · BodySwapper Body Swapper (Item)  · BombProcessor Bomb Processor  · BooUrn Boo-Urn  · Boombox Boombox  · CardboardBox Cardboard Box  · CigaretteLighter Cigarette Lighter  · DeliveryApp Delivery App  · DoorDetonator Door Detonator  · DrinkMixer Drink Mixer  · Duster Duster  · EarWarpWhistle EarWarp Whistle  · Explodevice Explodevice  · Fireworks Fireworks  · FreeItemVoucher Free Item Voucher  · FriendPhone Friend Phone  · FudProcessor Fud Processor  · HackingTool Hacking Tool  · Haterator Haterator  · HiringVoucher Hiring Voucher  · HologramBigfoot Hologram Bigfoot  · HypnotizerMark1 Hypnotizer Mark I  · HypnotizerMark2 Hypnotizer Mark II  · IdentifyWand Identify Wand  · ItemTeleporter Item Teleporter  · Lockpick Lockpick  · MechKey Mech Key  · MeleeDurabilitySpray Melee Durability Spray  · MemoryMutilator Memory Mutilator  · MonkeyBarrel Monkey Barrel  · Necronomicon Necronomicon  · PortableSellOMatic Portable Sell-O-Matic  · Possess Possession Stone  · RemoteBomb Remote Bomb  · RemoteBombTrigger Remote Bomb Trigger  · SafeBuster Safe Buster  · SafeCrackingTool Safe-Cracking Tool  · SkeletonKey Skeleton Key  · SlaveHelmetRemote Slave Helmet Remote  · SlaveHelmetRemover Slave Helmet Remover  · TimeBomb Time Bomb  · WalkieTalkie Walkie Talkie  · WallBypasser Wall Bypasser  · WindowCutter Window Cutter
Passive CubeOfLampey Cube of Lampey  · ElectroTetherVest Electro Tether Vest  · FourLeafClover Four-Leaf Clover  · KillAmmunizer Kill Ammunizer  · KillHealthenizer Kill Healthenizer  · KillProfiter Kill Profiter  · MiniFridge Mini Fridge  · QuickEscapeTeleporter Quick Escape Teleporter  · Translator Translator
Consumables Antidote Antidote  · Cigarettes Cigarettes  · Cocktail Cocktail  · Cologne Cologne  · CritterUpper Critter Upper  · CyanidePill Cyanide Pill  · ElectroPill Electro Pill  · Giantizer Giantizer  · KillerThrower Killer Thrower  · MusclyPill Muscly Pill  · RagePoison Rage Poison  · ResurrectionShampoo Resurrection Shampoo  · Shrinker Shrinker  · Sugar Sugar  · Syringe Syringe
Healing BaconCheeseburger Bacon Cheeseburger  · Banana Banana  · Beer Beer  · BloodBag Blood Bag  · FirstAidKit First Aid Kit  · Fud Fud  · HamSandwich Ham Sandwich  · HotFud Hot Fud  · Whiskey Whiskey
Special ChickenNugget Chicken Nugget  · Key Key  · Money Money  · RecordOfEvidence Record of Evidence  · SafeCombination Safe Combination
Quest BigBomb Big Bomb  · Blueprints Blueprints  · Briefcase Briefcase  · CircuitBoard Circuit Board  · CourierPackage Courier Package  · Evidence Evidence  · HardDrive Hard Drive  · IncriminatingPhoto Incriminating Photo  · MacguffinMuffin Macguffin Muffin  · SignedBaseball Signed Baseball  · Tooth Tooth  · Will Will
Unused AugmentationCanister Augmentation Canister ·BFG BFG ·BodyVanishingSalt Body Vanishing Salt ·Chainsaw Chainsaw ·FiveLeafClover Five-Leaf Clover ·GrapplingHook Grappling Hook ·GuidedMissileLauncher Guided Missile Launcher ·KeyCard Key Card ·MagicLamp Magic Lamp ·MoodRing Mood Ring ·PlasmaSword Plasma Sword ·PropertyDeed Property Deed ·Shovel Shovel ·SixLeafClover Six-Leaf Clover ·SniperRifle Sniper Rifle ·Teleporter Teleporter ·TripMine Trip Mine ·VoodooDoll Voodoo Doll ·WarpZoner Warp Zoner
