Streets of Rogue Wiki
Streets of Rogue Wiki
Arrest (XP Reward)

Arrest is a type of XP Reward in Streets of Rogue.



  • An easy way to get almost free XP is to go after Drug Dealers since they are always guilty.
  • You can easily level up for the first time quickly just by arresting 10 NPCs, so it's good to try using this for the first early floors.
  • You dont lose the XP bonus if the Handcuffed NPC dies so you don't have to worry about accidentally hitting them.

Arrest (Innocent)[]


  • The XP loss from arresting is bigger than other neutralizing methods so its easy to just kill the NPC to get a lighter XP loss if necessary.
  • Getting Crooked reduces the XP loss by half letting you neutralize Innocent NPCs without the extra XP loss.