The Barbed Wire Fence is a Barrier in Streets of Rogue. Projectiles can pass through, but unlike most barriers, the barbed wire fence can damage characters colliding with the fence, dealing 5 damage.
It can be destroyed by melee weapons and the Flamethrower can break it, but not set it ablaze. They only spawn in Military Outposts in the Park.
Tips[ | ]
- Most of the time soldiers are at adventage as they can use their weapons through the fence to finish off posible intruders but you can use it to your adventage too! notable damage can be done agaist NPCs if knocked back agaist the fence, such as Leafblower and Knockback King, getting lined up so they hit multiple fences on their way is the best way to quickly kill NPCs, thrawbles can also go through the fence letting you use the Molotov Cocktail to create fire with a pretty good chance to cause the NPC to bounce back and forth in a cycle of pain until they die without breaking the fence.
Trivia[ | ]
- For most purposes it seems to be treated more as a object than as a barrier as it is inmune to Wall Walloper (unless augmented, espite the fact its way weaker than a wood wall) ,can be destroyed by your bare fists, NPCs can see through it (behavior shared with the Glass Wall), and it does not show up in the minimap.
- A bug fixed Version 86 proves that it originally was categorized as a object.
Spawns[ | ]