Beta 74 was an update released on April 11th, 2019. It added the No Limits mutator to the game.
- No Limits Mutator - Limitations removed from a number of objects, items and traits to allow for extreme exploits, grinding and min-maxing
- Sell-O-Matic can dispense infinite money
- Clone Machine can clone infinite items
- Slot Machines can be played as much as you want
- Goodie Dispenser can dispense infinite items
- Augmentation Booth can remove any trait
- Slum Dweller can put an unlimited amount of money into the ATM for his Big Quest
- Barbecue can create infinite Hot Fud
- Player can toss as many coins as they want into a Well
- Alarm Button has infinite uses
- Player can give as much blood as they want at Hospital
- Kill Profiter has unlimited charges
- Safe in Crowds cap removed
- Confident in Crowds cap removed
- Corrected the shadow offsets for a number of different items
- Fix for Killer Plant body and head highlighting separately on mouseover
- Giblets from War Zone NPCs do not spawn in water (for performance reasons)
- Fix for custom Shapeshifter sometimes appearing without a head after possessing people
- Fix for shirtless NPCs appearing to have a white body after progressing to the next level
- Fix for nude NPCs not always appearing nude on multiplayer client after being depossessed
UI / Controls[]
- Button image selections added to control settings
- Item Teleporter scrollbar starts where you left off after closing and re-opening the menu
- Fix for keyboard player not being able to click object buttons in split-screen mode
- Fix for Supercop and Upper-Cruster not appearing properly on multiplayer client character select
- Fix for player attacking on a click when the mouse is over the chatlog scrollbar and input field
- Fix for pressing Start at Save Character prompt in Character Creation opening the main menu
- Fix for objects sometimes losing camera focus when Operating Bar is onscreen
- Fix for issues occurring if the player attempted to name their custom character “UpperCruster” or “Cop2”
- Fix for skill bar "gained points" text sometimes remaining on the screen indefinitely
- Player can use scroll wheel to move scrollbar on Stats screen in 3- and 4-player modes
- Small text spacing fix on Stats screen
- Fix for selection boxes for players 2-4 not animating properly
Playfield Objects[]
- Sell-O-Matic per-level selling limit increased by around $70-$100 depending on the level
- Player can only use Alarm Buttons a certain number of times per level
- Fix for Turntables action "Spin Records" not working properly from multiplayer client
- Fix for elevator saying "Big Quest Incomplete" when possessing an NPC as a custom character
- Gorillas always have bananas in their refrigerator
- Fix for Floor Switch appearing in some spots where Crusher is operating continuously
- Potential fix for rare case where Crusher could hit someone through a wall
- Fix for cases where the player is not able to turn off security systems from Computer when hazards like crushers, fire spewers etc. still remain
- Fud Processor and Ammo Processor have infinite uses again
- Machinegun ammo count increased from 40 to 50 and base value increased from 100 to 110
- Flamethrower ammo count increased from 80 to 100
- Fix for Quick-Escape Teleporter occasionally firing when the player was left with 0 health, allowing them to continue playing when they should be dead
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for NPCs who were infected with Zombiism, then fell in a hole, respawning outside the hole
- Fix for cases where client player could appear as ghost on multiplayer host after being knocked out
- Fix for NPCs sometimes becoming aligned due to Random Reverence immediately after being depossessed
- Safeguard against multiplayer client becoming Werewolf permanently
- Fix for Shop Drops triggering a second time for NPCs who have already become zombies
- Fix for Killing Time not working with custom characters
- Fix for non-starting traits being removed when a custom character transformed into Werewolf
- Fix for multiplayer client’s starting traits not always being added back properly on host machine, when client has just depossessed or transformed back from Werewolf form
- Potential fix for Werewolf remaining in Werewolf form after becoming a ghost in online multiplayer
- Water projectiles refill the Water Cannon
- Fix for Cannibal’s Table Manners trait resulting in cops getting angry
- Fix for Vampire making cops angry when biting people during Super Special Abilities
- When Super Special Ability is active, player will not receive character-specific traits at the end of levels since these are redundant
- Super Special Ability for Slavemaster properly prevents Cops from getting angry
- Super Special Ability for Slavemaster results in bigger Slave Helmet explosions
- Fix for Research Gun not actually researching NPCs when Super Special Ability is active
- Wall Walloper + results in less durability loss from destroying walls
- Lock and Load restores a higher percentage of ammunition at the beginning of levels
Big Quests[]
- Timing on when arsonists may appear for Firefighter big quest has been changed slightly
- Player will not receive a floor bonus for Firefighter Big Quest if an arsonist did not appear
- Upper-Cruster NPCs can become Arsonists
Level Generation[]
- Soldier NPCs at Military Bases are not removed from a level during War Zone disaster
Artificial Intelligence[]
- If the player possesses someone who is hostile toward a questgiver or rescue target, they will not fail the quest
- Fix for errors setting up relationships which could lead to bigger problems
- Fail-safe for rare cases where Ideological Clash would affect NPCs that needed to be rescued for missions
- Fix for NPCs running from player with Fair Game after the player possessed someone and no longer has Fair Game
- Mayor will not join the player’s party if they like the player’s joke
- Fix for NPC owners/cops who had become Zombified sometimes not attacking other people when they were too far away from their starting position
- Fix for knocked-out NPCs being considered a part of the player's party
- Fix for small error that may occur when an NPC is becoming mutinous
- Fix for NPC party members teleporting alongside the player after the player has given them a task such as Stand Guard
- Player cannot bribe Bouncer after enslaving them
- Modified the description of the Ghost Gibber to include reference to electricity so people won’t be confused why this damages people in water
- Potential fix for cases where host player could die, other players could finish the level, and the game would still end
- Fix for levels not completing correctly when the last player who had not exited the level fell into a hole and died
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to attack and perform certain other actions while falling into a hole
- Fix for player health bar reading incorrectly for other players after a Werewolf transformation
- Fail-safe for rare error when shooting bullets from multiplayer client
- Levels will not be considered complete if the last remaining player is in a “knocked out” state
- Fix for cases where a client possessing someone could remain possessing that person into the next level
- Fix for issues stemming from client being knocked out when time limit to reach the elevator runs out
- Fix for client reappearing after teleporting or falling into a hole if the time limit to reach the elevator runs out while doing these things
- Fix for Diminutive players not always appearing diminutive at the start of levels on client
Saved Games[]
- Better safeguards against player’s save data being deleted due to a crash or power outage during the save process
- Removed code that copied player's save data from the its pre-mid-2018 folder to its current folder on launch if it had not been previously copied
- Lots of work on console-specific stuff
- Completed “making-of” DLC content
Beta 74b (April 13)[]
- Fix for player 1 not being able to mouse over anything properly in a split-screen coop game. This also breaks the "keyboard player not being able to click object buttons in split-screen mode" fix, but you can still choose object buttons with W, S and E.