Streets of Rogue Wiki
Streets of Rogue Wiki
Disambig This page is about the thievery tool item. For the Shapeshifter's Special Ability trait, see: Body-Swapper (Trait).
Body Swapper

  BodySwapper   BodySwapper   BodySwapper

Item Type: Tools
Value: $40
Custom Character Points: 2
Custom Character Quantity: 3
When used on an NPC your position will be swapped to the NPC's position and vice versa
In-Game Tooltip
"Target a non-prisoner to swap places with them... In the "position" sense not the "Freaky Friday" sense."

The Body Swapper is a Tool in Streets of Rogue. When used on an eligible NPC, they will switch positions with you and get afflicted with Dizzy for a few seconds.

Tips and Strategies[]

  • Body Swappers could be seen as an alternative to Wall Bypassers. Both items teleport the player albeit in different ways. While a Wall Bypasser only teleports you 2 tiles twoards the direction you are facing, the Body Swapper allows you to swap positions with a targeted NPC, while having indefinite range.
  • You can try swapping places in very dangerous situations, such as being close to an impending explosion triggered by a Generator or Time Bomb, or while being on the Mine Cart or Train's tracks.


  • "Freaky Friday" in the tooltip refers to a movie called Freaky Friday in which the 2 main characters swap bodies.
  • Even though they aren't a standard NPC and don't technically have a body, it's possible to swap bodies with Ghosts.


Weapons Melee Axe Axe  · BaseballBat Baseball Bat  · Crowbar Crowbar  · Fist Fist  · Knife Knife  · PoliceBaton Police Baton  · Sledgehammer Sledgehammer  · Sword Sword  · Wrench Wrench
Projectile FireExtinguisher Fire Extinguisher  · Flamethrower Flamethrower  · FreezeRay Freeze Ray  · GhostGibber Ghost Gibber  · Leafblower Leafblower  · Machinegun Machinegun  · OilContainer Oil Container  · Pistol Pistol  · ResearchGun Research Gun  · Revolver Revolver  · RocketLauncher Rocket Launcher  · Shotgun Shotgun  · ShrinkRay Shrink Ray  · Taser Taser  · TranquilizerGun Tranquilizer Gun  · WaterPistol Water Pistol
Modifiers AccuracyMod Accuracy Mod  · AmmoStock Ammo Stock  · RateOfFireMod Rate of Fire Mod  · Silencer Silencer
Thrown BananaPeel Banana Peel  · BearTrap Bear Trap  · DizzyGrenade Dizzy Grenade  · Grenade Grenade  · EMPGrenade EMP Grenade  · LandMine Land Mine  · MolotovCocktail Molotov Cocktail  · ParalyzerTrap Paralyzer Trap  · Rock Rock  · Shuriken Shuriken  · WarpGrenade Warp Grenade
Wearables Headwear CombatHelmet Combat Helmet  · GasMask Gas Mask  · HardHat Hard Hat  · MayorsHat Mayor's Hat  · SlaveHelmet Slave Helmet
Other BraceletOfStrength Bracelet of Strength  · BulletproofVest Bulletproof Vest  · Codpiece Codpiece  · FireproofSuit Fireproof Suit  · MayorVisitorsBadge Mayor Visitor's Badge
Tools AmmoProcessor Ammo Processor  · AmmoStealer Ammo Stealer  · ArmorDurabilitySpray Armor Durability Spray  · Blindenizer Blindenizer  · BloodTransfusionKit Blood Transfusion Kit  · BodySwapper Body Swapper (Item)  · BombProcessor Bomb Processor  · BooUrn Boo-Urn  · Boombox Boombox  · CardboardBox Cardboard Box  · CigaretteLighter Cigarette Lighter  · DeliveryApp Delivery App  · DoorDetonator Door Detonator  · DrinkMixer Drink Mixer  · Duster Duster  · EarWarpWhistle EarWarp Whistle  · Explodevice Explodevice  · Fireworks Fireworks  · FreeItemVoucher Free Item Voucher  · FriendPhone Friend Phone  · FudProcessor Fud Processor  · HackingTool Hacking Tool  · Haterator Haterator  · HiringVoucher Hiring Voucher  · HologramBigfoot Hologram Bigfoot  · HypnotizerMark1 Hypnotizer Mark I  · HypnotizerMark2 Hypnotizer Mark II  · IdentifyWand Identify Wand  · ItemTeleporter Item Teleporter  · Lockpick Lockpick  · MechKey Mech Key  · MeleeDurabilitySpray Melee Durability Spray  · MemoryMutilator Memory Mutilator  · MonkeyBarrel Monkey Barrel  · Necronomicon Necronomicon  · PortableSellOMatic Portable Sell-O-Matic  · Possess Possession Stone  · RemoteBomb Remote Bomb  · RemoteBombTrigger Remote Bomb Trigger  · SafeBuster Safe Buster  · SafeCrackingTool Safe-Cracking Tool  · SkeletonKey Skeleton Key  · SlaveHelmetRemote Slave Helmet Remote  · SlaveHelmetRemover Slave Helmet Remover  · TimeBomb Time Bomb  · WalkieTalkie Walkie Talkie  · WallBypasser Wall Bypasser  · WindowCutter Window Cutter
Passive CubeOfLampey Cube of Lampey  · ElectroTetherVest Electro Tether Vest  · FourLeafClover Four-Leaf Clover  · KillAmmunizer Kill Ammunizer  · KillHealthenizer Kill Healthenizer  · KillProfiter Kill Profiter  · MiniFridge Mini Fridge  · QuickEscapeTeleporter Quick Escape Teleporter  · Translator Translator
Consumables Antidote Antidote  · Cigarettes Cigarettes  · Cocktail Cocktail  · Cologne Cologne  · CritterUpper Critter Upper  · CyanidePill Cyanide Pill  · ElectroPill Electro Pill  · Giantizer Giantizer  · KillerThrower Killer Thrower  · MusclyPill Muscly Pill  · RagePoison Rage Poison  · ResurrectionShampoo Resurrection Shampoo  · Shrinker Shrinker  · Sugar Sugar  · Syringe Syringe
Healing BaconCheeseburger Bacon Cheeseburger  · Banana Banana  · Beer Beer  · BloodBag Blood Bag  · FirstAidKit First Aid Kit  · Fud Fud  · HamSandwich Ham Sandwich  · HotFud Hot Fud  · Whiskey Whiskey
Special ChickenNugget Chicken Nugget  · Key Key  · Money Money  · RecordOfEvidence Record of Evidence  · SafeCombination Safe Combination
Quest BigBomb Big Bomb  · Blueprints Blueprints  · Briefcase Briefcase  · CircuitBoard Circuit Board  · CourierPackage Courier Package  · Evidence Evidence  · HardDrive Hard Drive  · IncriminatingPhoto Incriminating Photo  · MacguffinMuffin Macguffin Muffin  · SignedBaseball Signed Baseball  · Tooth Tooth  · Will Will
Unused AugmentationCanister Augmentation Canister ·BFG BFG ·BodyVanishingSalt Body Vanishing Salt ·Chainsaw Chainsaw ·FiveLeafClover Five-Leaf Clover ·GrapplingHook Grappling Hook ·GuidedMissileLauncher Guided Missile Launcher ·KeyCard Key Card ·MagicLamp Magic Lamp ·MoodRing Mood Ring ·PlasmaSword Plasma Sword ·PropertyDeed Property Deed ·Shovel Shovel ·SixLeafClover Six-Leaf Clover ·SniperRifle Sniper Rifle ·Teleporter Teleporter ·TripMine Trip Mine ·VoodooDoll Voodoo Doll ·WarpZoner Warp Zoner
