Streets of Rogue Wiki

Buildings are various formations that house Objects and Characters. All Missions take place in a building. Below is every Building, sorted by which Stage they first appear in.


Name Owner Protection Restrictions Additional Information Image
Shelter None None None Wooden house
Apartment Someone
  • Owner wants you to leave, unless they are Friendly or are a quest giver
House Someone
  • Owner wants you to leave, except if they're Friendly
This is approximatively 1/3 of the entire house
Shop Shopkeeper Shop
Office Clerk
  • You can "Motivate" Office Drones by giving them food or Cigarettes
  • also is really good for mobsters since there are about 4 people to mug after shaking it down
Bank Clerk
  • Safes will spawn in the back
    • The safe will always contain money or a quest item.
  • Vending Machines can spawn inside.
  • You can ask for loans from the Clerk of the place even if you do not have Moocher.
Hospital Clerk and Doctors Hospital
Bar Bartender Pub
Casino Bartender Pub2
Slave Shop Slavemasters
  • The Slavemasters that can be armed with strong melee weapons.
  • Buy Slaves
  • Comes in indoor and outdoor varieties.
    • Indoor Varieties are made from Wood Walls, so they can be burned down.
Slave shop
Arcade None May be guarded by Goons None Casino
Public Toilets None None None Public toilet
Graveyard Ghosts None None Graveyard
Laboratory Scientists Laboratory
Hideout Goons, Slum Dwellers, Gangsters, Drug Dealers or Thieves Military complex
Police Station



  • Always has a Prisoner in a Cell.
Prison Goons
  • Guarded by at least 1 or 2 Goons
Armory Goon Secured chest
Drug Den Drug Dealer None DrugDen


Name Owner Protection Restrictions Additional Information Image
Industrial hideout Goons and Factory Workers FactoryHideout
Fire Station Clerk Fire Station


Name Owner Protection Restrictions Additional Information Image
Greenhouse Scientists Greenhouse
Military Outpost Soldiers MilitaryOutpost
Cave Cannibals or Gorillas
  • Trespassers will be asked to leave (Gorillas) or killed on sight (Cannibals).
Park Cabin Office Drones, Cannibals, Gorillas or Vampires None
  • Owner wants you to leave (Others) or killed on Sight (Cannibals).
  • Will get annoyed if you walk on the garden crops.
Cage Office Drones, Cannibals, Gorillas or Vampires None Cage
Vendor Stall Shopkeeper or Bartender
  • Doesn't sell items to Characters with Suspicious, Malodorous, and Wanted.
  • Vendor Stands can drop items, when destroyed but angers the Owner.
Ponds None None None ParkPond
Hedge Maze Cannibals
  • Trespassers will be attacked on sight
  • Contains a Chest.
  • You can teleport inside the place


Name Owner Protection Restrictions Additional Information Image
City Park None None None ACityPark
Hotel Clerk
  • Characters with Suspicious, Malodorous, and Wanted aren't allowed.
  • Only allowed inside the rooms if you buy a key.
  • Room Owners might want you to leave.
  • You can buy a hotel key from the Clerk, allowing you access to one of the rooms. Doing so, makes them friendly with you. This can be used for the Safe Travels achievement.
Church None None ChurchBuilding
Dance Club Bartender and Musician DanceClubBuilding
Movie Theater Clerk
  • Extraordinarily expensive food can be bought from the Clerk.
Music Hall Bartender and Comedian MusicHallBuilding
Arena Jock None.
  • Can fight against 1-2 Wrestlers for cash.
  • Arena is guarded by a bouncer and blue laser
  • Wrestlers are neutral but turn hostile when you enter arena to fight.
  • Escaping via Quick Escape Teleporter will count as a loss and you will not be given a reward.
Mall Shopkeeper, Soldier, Upper-Cruster, Gorilla in their respective stores. MallBuilding
Ice Rink Clerk
  • A Generator appears in the middle of the rink.
  • Contains a Chest or a Safe in the restricted rooms.


Name Owner Protection Restrictions Additional Information Image
Gated Community Various residents
  • Only allowed inside if you allow the Bouncer to hold onto your weapons.
  • Residents will want you to leave their houses, unless friendly.
  • Supergoons and the Bouncer will protect the residents from harm or when provoked.
  • Consists of several locked one-room houses, each of which may or may not contain a resident.
Mansion Upper-Crusters, Mobsters, Office Drones or Vampires
  • Owners will want you to leave, unless friendly
  • A large, multi-room, fenced-off residence.
  • Some mansions have a swimming pool.
  • Has a "Panic room" and if the alarm button is pressed by a Upper-Cruster. The Room will be protected by a Steel door for a while.
Uptown House Someone
  • Owners wants you to leave, except if they're Friendly
  • A slightly larger House with multiple rooms.
Bathhouse Clerk
  • Usually there is a Safe or Chest behind a locked door
  • A Water Pump can be used to contaminate the pools.
Zoo Clerk ZooBuilding
Private Club Clerk
  • Has a "Panic room" and if the alarm button is pressed by a Upper-Cruster. The Room will be protected by a Steel door for a while.
Deportation Center Clerk
  • Certain Cop Bots will attempt to teleport the player here upon catching them
  • You can bribe the Clerk to get out
Confiscation Center Supergoons and Bouncers
  • May Contain a Chest or a Safe.
  • This is where Cop Bots will teleport illegal weapons and drugs upon confiscating them from the player.
Police Outpost Supercops None PoliceOutpostWithSupercops
Broadcasting Station Clerk Broadcasting Station
Outdoor Fenced Pits None None None
  • If Fence is broken, the holes could be potential hazards.
Outdoor Fenced Pits

Mayor Village[]

Name Owner Protection Restrictions Additional Information Image
Security Checkpoint Bouncer
  • Only allowed to pass inside if you allow the Bouncer to hold onto your weapons, unless bribed.
  • Passing through the blue lasers or destroying without disabling them will summon Cop bots to wander the floor to track the player down.
City Hall


Mayor's House


Podium Park




  • This is where you would make your speech to win the game.
  • Also this is where you would go if you running for an election if you asked the Clerk at the 'City Hall' to become the new mayor.
Mayor Village House


  • Owner might ask you to leave.
  • Turntables might appear inside.