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Streets of Rogue Wiki

Bullets (Projectiles) are the defining part of a projectile weapon.

List of Bullets (Projectiles)[]

This is a list of all Bullets (Projectiles) currently in the game:

Icon Name Description Used By
Bullet Bullet A standard bullet. Pistol Pistol
MachineGun Machinegun
Dart Dart (Bullet) Tranquilizes the target (Tranquilizer Gun).
Inflicts a chosen status effect (Water Pistol).
TranquilizerGun Tranquilizer Gun

WaterPistol Water Pistol

Flame Flame Does 2 damage. Sets flammable objects on fire.


GhostGibberRay Ghost Gibber Ray Deals damage to ghosts only.

GhostBlasterGhost Gibber

IceBullet Ice Bullet Causes Frozen when it collides.

FreezeRayFreeze Ray

Rocket Rocket Will explode on impact.

RocketLauncherRocket Launcher

ElectricBullet Electric Bullet Causes Electrocuted on impact


ShrinkerBullet Shrinker Bullet Causes Shrunk on impact

ShrinkRayShrink Ray

Wind Wind Has strong knockback. Deals no damage


Extinguisher Extinguisher Puts out Fires FireExtinguisher Fire Extinguisher
Research Research Used for the Scientist's Big Quest, inflicts random

status effects if the Big Quest is completed and the

"Super Special Abilities" mutator is active.

ResearchGun Research Gun
RevolverBullet Revolver Bullet Shot from the Revolver Revolver Revolver
ShotgunBlast Shotgun Blast 3 standard Bullets in a horizontal spread Shotgun Shotgun