Streets of Rogue Wiki
Disambig This page is about the standard Generator. For the Overclocked Generator, see: Overclocked Generator.

  Generator   Generator   Generator

Object Type: Usable
Damage Threshold: 30
Flammable: no
Creates a large explosion when damage threshold is reached. Can be quietly set to explode if tampered with a Wrench or struck by EMP.

The Generator is a usable object in Streets of Rogue which causes a large explosion when destroyed.

Once a certain damage threshold has been reached, unlike other objects, it won't immediately be destroyed. It will instead flash for 5 seconds before exploding. However if it is dealt enough damage before the 5 seconds is up, it will explode earlier.

Notes and Interactions[ | ]

  • You can make a generator explode without attacking it or making noise by using a Wrench or an EMP blast.
    • The Wrench will lose 30 durability doing this.
    • If you don't have a wrench, you character will say, "I have nothing to tamper this with!"
  • It is entirely possibly, given your character is strong enough, to blow up a generator immediately with a single melee hit (bypassing the countdown mechanic entirely).

Trivia[ | ]

  • Despite seeming to be generating power for the facility it's in, when destroyed it doesn't switch off other powered objects such as security cameras. In fact there is little effect whatsoever, besides the explosion itself and making noise.

Spawns[ | ]


Barriers Doors Door Door  · DoorLocked Door (Locked)  · DoorDoNotEnter Door (Do Not Enter)  · DoorSteel Door (Steel)  · DoorSteelLocked Door (Steel + Locked)
Walls BorderWall Border Wall  · BrickWall Brick Wall  · Cave Cave Wall  · GlassWall Glass Wall  · WallHedge Hedge Wall  · LockdownWall Lockdown Wall  · SteelWall Steel Wall  · WoodenWall Wooden Wall
Other BarbedWireFence Barbed Wire Fence  · Bars Bars  · Window Window
Containers Chest Chest  · Crate Crate  · Refrigerator Refrigerator  · Safe Safe  · TrashCan Trash Can
Decorative Altar Altar  · ArcadeGame Arcade Game  · Armchair Armchair  ·BarStool Bar Stool  · Bathtub Bathtub  · Bed Bed  · BigTable Big Table  · Boulder Boulder  · Chair Chair  · Counter Counter  · Corpse1 Dead Body  · Desk Desk  · Fireplace Fireplace  · Gravestone Gravestone  · Giblets Giblets  · Lamp Lamp  · Plant Plant  · PoolTable Pool Table  · Rails Rails  · Shelf Shelf  · Speaker Speaker  · Table Table  · Television Television  · Tree Tree  · Tube Tube  · VendorStand Vendor Stand
Hazards Crusher Crusher  · DartTrap Dart Trap  · EMP EMP  · ExplodingBarrel Exploding Barrel  · Explosion Explosion  · FallingBomb Falling Bomb  · Fire Fire  · FireHydrant Fire Hydrant  · FireSpewer Fire Spewer  · FlameGrate Flame Grate  · FlamingBarrel Flaming Barrel  · FloorSwitch Floor Switch  · Gas Gas  · GasVent Gas Vent  · Hole Hole  · KillerPlant Killer Plant  · Laser Laser  · LaserEmitter Laser Emitter  · Manhole Manhole  · MegaTurret Mega Turret  · Mine Mine  · MineCart Mine Cart  · Oil Oil  · PoliceBox Police Box  · SawBlade Saw Blade  · SecurityCam Security Cam  · SlimeBarrel Slime Barrel  · SlimePuddle Slime Puddle  · Stove Stove  · Train Train  · TrapDoor Trap Door  · Turret Turret  · Water Water
Removed Fountain Fountain  · Wastebasket Wastebasket
Usable AirFiltrationSystem Air Filtration System  · AlarmButton Alarm Button  · AmmoDispenser Ammo Dispenser  · ATM ATM  · AugmentationBooth Augmentation Booth  · Barbecue Barbecue  · Bush Bush  · CloneMachine Clone Machine  · Computer Computer  · Elevator Elevator  · Generator Generator  · GoodieDispenser Goodie Dispenser  · Jukebox Jukebox  · LoadoutOMatic Loadout-O-Matic  · OverclockedGenerator Overclocked Generator  · Podium Podium  · PowerBox Power Box  · SatelliteDish Satellite Dish  · SellOMatic Sell-O-Matic  · Sign Sign  · SlotMachine Slot Machine  · Switch Switch  · Toilet Toilet  · Turntables Turntables  · WaterPump Water Pump  · Well Well
