Streets of Rogue Wiki
Streets of Rogue Wiki


  Giblets   Giblets2   Giblets3

Object Type: Decorative
Damage Threshold: Infinite
Flammable: no
Body parts and viscera from a body (whether long dead or recently alive) which has been gibbed.

Giblets are a decorative object in Streets of Rogue. They are found when a living being is gibbed, when a dead body is gibbed, or flowing from a tube in Industrial. Besides being flammable, giblets cannot be interacted with, but you can hit giblets that were spawned from a tube in order to move them, although this serves next to no purpose.





Killer Thrower saves the day once again!


Demolitionist surveying the carnage after a hard day's work of blowing up everyone.

Barriers Doors Door Door  · DoorLocked Door (Locked)  · DoorDoNotEnter Door (Do Not Enter)  · DoorSteel Door (Steel)  · DoorSteelLocked Door (Steel + Locked)
Walls BorderWall Border Wall  · BrickWall Brick Wall  · Cave Cave Wall  · GlassWall Glass Wall  · WallHedge Hedge Wall  · LockdownWall Lockdown Wall  · SteelWall Steel Wall  · WoodenWall Wooden Wall
Other BarbedWireFence Barbed Wire Fence  · Bars Bars  · Window Window
Containers Chest Chest  · Crate Crate  · Refrigerator Refrigerator  · Safe Safe  · TrashCan Trash Can
Decorative Altar Altar  · ArcadeGame Arcade Game  · Armchair Armchair  ·BarStool Bar Stool  · Bathtub Bathtub  · Bed Bed  · BigTable Big Table  · Boulder Boulder  · Chair Chair  · Counter Counter  · Corpse1 Dead Body  · Desk Desk  · Fireplace Fireplace  · Gravestone Gravestone  · Giblets Giblets  · Lamp Lamp  · Plant Plant  · PoolTable Pool Table  · Rails Rails  · Shelf Shelf  · Speaker Speaker  · Table Table  · Television Television  · Tree Tree  · Tube Tube  · VendorStand Vendor Stand
Hazards Crusher Crusher  · DartTrap Dart Trap  · EMP EMP  · ExplodingBarrel Exploding Barrel  · Explosion Explosion  · FallingBomb Falling Bomb  · Fire Fire  · FireHydrant Fire Hydrant  · FireSpewer Fire Spewer  · FlameGrate Flame Grate  · FlamingBarrel Flaming Barrel  · FloorSwitch Floor Switch  · Gas Gas  · GasVent Gas Vent  · Hole Hole  · KillerPlant Killer Plant  · Laser Laser  · LaserEmitter Laser Emitter  · Manhole Manhole  · MegaTurret Mega Turret  · Mine Mine  · MineCart Mine Cart  · Oil Oil  · PoliceBox Police Box  · SawBlade Saw Blade  · SecurityCam Security Cam  · SlimeBarrel Slime Barrel  · SlimePuddle Slime Puddle  · Stove Stove  · Train Train  · TrapDoor Trap Door  · Turret Turret  · Water Water
Removed Fountain Fountain  · Wastebasket Wastebasket
Usable AirFiltrationSystem Air Filtration System  · AlarmButton Alarm Button  · AmmoDispenser Ammo Dispenser  · ATM ATM  · AugmentationBooth Augmentation Booth  · Barbecue Barbecue  · Bush Bush  · CloneMachine Clone Machine  · Computer Computer  · Elevator Elevator  · Generator Generator  · GoodieDispenser Goodie Dispenser  · Jukebox Jukebox  · LoadoutOMatic Loadout-O-Matic  · OverclockedGenerator Overclocked Generator  · Podium Podium  · PowerBox Power Box  · SatelliteDish Satellite Dish  · SellOMatic Sell-O-Matic  · Sign Sign  · SlotMachine Slot Machine  · Switch Switch  · Toilet Toilet  · Turntables Turntables  · WaterPump Water Pump  · Well Well
