Streets of Rogue Wiki
Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound

"Collect Ship Parts from vending machines of all varieties."

DLC Required
CharacterPackDLCcharacters2 Character Pack DLC
Character: Alien Alien
Playstyle: Objects, Pacifist
Difficulty: Medium
Ability required: (none)
Traits required: (none)
Items required: (none)
In-Game Tooltip
"Raid vending machines to collect the parts you need to build a makeshift rocket ship and get off this planet!"

Homeward Bound is the Big Quest of the Alien (and can also be chosen for Custom Characters).

In this quest, the player must "collect ship parts" from 3 vending machines on each floor. Collecting ship parts from vending machines is considered an action and thus requires the Operating Bar to fill up, which it will do quite slowly.

Vending machines which have been "collected" will be disabled and cannot be used, the same as if they'd been hit by EMP.


Super Special Ability[ | ]

While playing as the Alien after completing Homeward Bound, with Super Special Abilities (Mutator) enabled:

  • Bigger Mind Control blast radius.
  • People under Mind Control do more damage and take less damage.
  • People Mind controlled can now walk and smash through certain walls.

Tips and Strategies[ | ]

  • Collecting ship parts from vending machines always causes an alarm to go off. Cops or Property Owners will become Hostile if they see you doing this.
  • If you're planning to use vending machines such as cloning machines or sell-o-matics, don't collect the ship parts yet and save them for later until they ran out of use or at the end of the level.
  • Remember to use a Hacking Tool on vending machines such as ATMs to spit out money or making sell-o-matics give out more money, before collecting parts from them!
  • It's a good idea to take Nimble Fingers or Sneaky Fingers. Sneaky fingers will also make you no longer trigger alarms when collecting parts from vending machines.