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Streets of Rogue Wiki

The Level Editor is a game mode in Streets of Rogue that, as the name indicates, allows players to create levels. It also allows creation of custom Chunks and Campaigns.

The Beta of the Editor was released on November 21 2019 Version 85 and was fully released in Version 87 January 10 2020 with the Steam Workshop support for the user-made Chunk Packs, Campaigns for the players to play and download.

Players can access it in the Main Menu by going to Custom Content and find the Level Editor there.


There are Four Modes in the Editor. Chunk, Level, Campaign and Chunk Pack Mode. They serve differently in regards to level making and their uses. The Editor always loads Campaign mode first.

Chunk Mode[]

A guide to chunk creation is coming soon!

One of the most integral parts of creating new levels and the most important part of the game. Chunk mode allows you to create new chunks and buildings, such as Police Stations, Fire Stations, Casinos, Banks, Shops etc, or even create new types of buildings.

Creating a new custom chunk has important parts:

Panel Description Notes Additional Information
Size The Size of the Chunk.
  • This is required for your Chunk.
  • You cannot change the size for chunk.
  • There are 3 types of Sizes, 1x1, 1x2 and 2x2.
Description What type of Chunk it is.
  • Required for creating chunks.
Special Type If the Chunk is Special
  • Has to be a 1x1 Size Chunk.
Floors The floor tiles for your Chunk.
  • Required for creating chunks.
  • There is also 3 Floors, allowing you to create layers, such as Bathrooms and Kitchens.
  • Prison IDs can also be used to create Prison Cells or Restricted Rooms
Objects Objects such as Chairs, Security Cams, Doors, etc.
  • Important when creating Chunks.
  • Can be marked as Important requiring to get the item from it in Retrieve Item missions if it's a Chest or a Safe or in Destroy missions.
  • Directionit's facing can either be North, South, East, West or None (The Game automatically gives makes face a direction for you)
  • Some objects have Extra Variables allowing to change it's type for different Doors, or the laser for Laser Emitters.
NPCs Non-Playable Characters in the Chunk to give it some life.
  • Optional. (If you want the Chunk to be empty or have no one in it)
  • You can select specific characters from Goons or a random group such as "Hooligans" which randomizes the NPC between a Gangster, Thief, Slum Dweller or a Drug Dealer.
  • Spawn Chance ensures if the Character whatever appears or not.
  • Important marks them in Missions to either Neutralize them or Rescue them from Prisons. Sometimes can be a Quest giver.
  • If the Owner ID is set to 1 or a different number. They'll own the chunk and objects with the same "Number" and protect NPCs with the same Number ID. If the Number ID is "99" they'll think they'll own everything in the chunk.
  • Default Goal can be changed to either just "Guard", "Patrol" or "Wander Between Objects". Default is "Game Choses"
  • Protects Property can either be set to make the owner Annoyed or Hostile if they spot a Player or a non-owner NPC.
  • Talk allows you give the NPC to have a box of text that you wrote.
  • The Direction the NPC is facing can either be North, South, East, West or None (Random)
  • NPCs can also be given 3 specific Items they'll drop. If it's a weapon such as a Machinegun or a Sword they'll wield it and use it as well.
Items Specifically Items placed on the Floor.
  • Optional.
  • "Owned By" Can be changed if it's owned or not by the owners in the chunk. Becomes owned automatically if there's a floor tile underneath it.
  • "Item Count" How many items are there. If it's a Projectile Weapon it'll become how much ammo it has.
Lights Lights up the Chunk
  • There are 2 Different types of lights for different settings. "Full" and "Medium" depending on the Player's lighting type setting.
  • The Light Size can be adjusted.
  • Lights can appear in either Full Lighting or in Med Lighting depending on the light setting the player is playing in.
Patrol Points Required for "Patrolling" NPCs
  • Optional. (If the Chunk doesn't have any NPCs that "Patrol")
  • Patrol IDs are important if there are two or more NPCs patrolling in your chunk.
  • Patrol Points are required for the NPC to go from 1, 2, 3 and then 4 then repeating back to 1. Sometimes they'll start to 4, 3, 2 and 1.

A screenshot of the Chunk Editor

Level Mode[]

Level mode allows you to create levels for the player to play in and are required for Campaigns you're making. They require chunks to piece them together (Either custom made by you or by others, or prefabs created by the game) and of course require the Level start and the end.

Creating a campaign has these options:

  • Mutator: The Mutator the level forces the player with. The current mutator disappear once goes to the next level.
  • Features: The Features of the level should Cop Bots appear and spawn or if Exploding Barrels and Slime Barrels be around the level. You can also select "District Defaults" to make the game choose the default settings of the level of the district you chosen.
  • Music: Allows you to choose a Music for your level it should play.
  • Difficulty: The level of Difficulty of the level. The level of difficulty can make some chunks or the level itself to more harder, with more guards or NPCs being more armed with better weapons.
  • Allow Teleport: Should the game allow the player to Teleport in your level.
  • Random Layouts: The layout of the level is randomized or not.
  • Random Quests: Missions will be placed randomly in different chunks in the level.
  • Refresh Chunks: Refreshes the custom made chunks if they were modified.
  • Extract Chunks: Extracts the custom chunks in the level, allowing you modify them in "Chunk Mode"
  • Refresh Campaigns: Refreshes campaigns that uses the level.

You can also place Empty or "Randomized" chunks in the "Prefabs" and you can also a specific Mission type for each type of chunks.

If theres no "Level Start" the game will give an error saying "Level must have at least one starting elevator. Try adding the chunk: Level Start".

Campaign Mode[]

Allows creation of Campaigns and set of levels for the player to play with. The Campaign itself requries Levels and Chunks, these can range from challenges to quests for the player to be invested in. The Campaign mode is always selected as default when the level editor is started up.

Creating a Campaign has these options:

  • Levels List: The number of levels in your Campaign.
  • Mutator: The Mutator the game forces the player with. The mutator is always present throughout in the camapign.
  • Chunk Packs: The custom chunks the campaign has. For Levels with Random layouts.
  • Exclude standard chunks: Prevents vanilla chunks from spawning. WARNING: Levels will not load of there isn't variety in the custom chunks to create the level.
  • Player: Should the Players Choose their Characters to play as. Or forced to play a specific character or a Custom Character of your campaign. For example Player 1 is forced to be a Soldier while Player 2 is forced to be a Firefighter.
  • Extract Levels: Extracts the levels from the campaign, allowing you modify them in "Level Mode"
  • Extract Chunks: Extracts the custom chunks from the campaign, allowing you modify them in "Chunk Mode"
  • Extract Custom Characters: Extracts custom characters from the campaign, allowing you to play in a normal game or to modify them"
  • Refresh Levels: Refreshes levels that are in the campaign.
  • Refresh Chunks: Refreshes the custom made chunks if they were modified.
  • Refresh Custom Characters: Refreshes custom characters in the campaign if they were modified.
  • Submit to Workshop: Submits your Campaign to the Steam Workshop. (Steam Only)

Chunk Pack Mode[]

Chunk Packs allow you to play your or others custom made chunks in a normal game in Custom Content to add extra variety.

Like Level Mode, Creating a chunk pack has these options:

  • Chunks: The custom Chunks that are included in the pack.
  • Extract Chunks: Extracts the custom chunks from the chunk pack, allowing you modify them in "Chunk Mode"
  • Refresh Chunks: Refreshes the custom made chunks if they were modified.
  • Refresh Campaigns: Refreshes campaigns that are using the chunk pack.
  • Submit to Workshop: Submits your Chunk Pack to the Steam Workshop. (Steam Only)

Play Testing[]

Important for testing chunks, levels and campaigns to look and find for any oddities, bugs and if the chunk is too easy or hard. This can be accessed in "Play Settings" to set what Character you're going to play as. "Play" lets you test the chunk, level or campaign.

There are a few options depending on what mode the editor is in. Allowing you to change the "Lighting" to either Full or Medium, and in Chunk Mode you can also change the theme with "District" and the level of "Difficulty" as well to test the spawn rates for the NPCs.

