Streets of Rogue Wiki

Teleport is a game mechanic in Streets of Rogue. It allows characters to manually move between two points on the map instantly, bypassing any hazards, objects or lines of sight between the two points.

Function[ | ]

Destinations for teleport can only be locations that have a minimap icon present. Unless the player has G-P-Yesss, the only teleport locations always available at the start of a floor are the entrance and exit elevators.

Limitations[ | ]

There are some situations during which teleport is not available:

Buildings[ | ]

Teleport is not available when inside a building of any kind. Note that this can also include open-air "buildings" where the player appears to be outside but is technically still within a structure or property.

Courier / Side Hustling[ | ]

If playing as the Courier or a Custom Character with the Side Hustling big quest, using teleport is still available but will damage any Courier Packages currently in Inventory. While this won't technically cause the quest to fail for that floor, it causes a significant disadvantage and should be avoided.

Disaster Levels[ | ]

Teleport by default is fully disabled during Disaster Levels, unless the disaster threat has been removed. For example, if the Killer Robot is killed or all Big Bombs found, teleport functionality returns to normal for the remaining duration of the floor.


Missions[ | ]

Teleport is not available during Rescue missions while escorting the prisoner to an elevator. This is for balance reasons, so that the player cannot instantly circumvent the challenge of escorting an NPC without them dying.


Overrides[ | ]

There are some circumstances in which the limitations of teleport are changed in some way:

Disaster Levels "completed"[ | ]

When playing a disaster level wherein the threat can be eliminated, teleport will once again become available when that condition is satisfied. Note that this override is only available for disasters where the danger can explicitly be fully removed. The conditions for this override to trigger are as follows:

Disaster Override Condition(s)
BigBomb Hidden Bombs After finding (and thus "disarming") all Big Bombs.
KillerRobotMap Killer Robot Killer Robot is dead.
CopSupercop Police Lockdown All the Cops and/or Supercops have been neutralized.
Fist Riot All outdoor Hostile NPCs have been neutralized.
Zombie Zombies All the Zombies have been neutralized.

G-P-Yesss trait[ | ]

Having this trait makes all minimap icons available from the start of the level, meaning teleport is immediately available to its full-ish potential.

No Teleports trait[ | ]

As the name indicates, this trait is a negative limiter on teleport functionality which prevents it in all situations, without exception.

Teleport-Happy trait[ | ]

All limitations are negated if the character has Teleport-Happy. This includes limitations during Disaster Levels, Missions, and within Buildings.


Trivia[ | ]

None of the default playable characters start with No Teleports or Teleport-Happy, so it's only available to Custom Characters.

Screenshots[ | ]

Coming soon.

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