Version 82 was an update released on July 22nd, 2019. It is the first post-launch update and features mostly bug fixes.
- Certain objects do not cause screenshake when destroyed by Giant, such as the Bush
- Fix for red “werewolf lighting” remaining in coop modes if the player transforms back to human form while his NPC followers are still werewolves
UI / Controls[]
- Resized and repositioned interface elements on single-player character select screen
- Tooltip is slightly larger, and text within is slightly bigger
- Changed toolbar arrow image to be consistent across platforms
- Text at bottom of Character Creation says "Create Character" instead of "Edit Character" when character slot is empty
- Version number appears smaller on the screen
- Added “Loading…” text to current message when switching between single-player and coop mode from home base
- Loading text appears when entering Character Select and Home Base from main menu
- Fix for missions screen related soft-locks during local coop mode
- Fix for quest markers remaining over NPCs if they die after the game has ended
- Fix for Game Over not occurring properly if Ghost is over Manhole when they explode
- Fix for player not being able to teleport to starting elevator in Mayor Village with Teleport-Happy
- Fix for analog stick menu movement being too sensitive on the vertical axis
Playfield Objects[]
- Bush shaking is slightly more visible
- Fix for multiplayer client hacking Police Box not working properly
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to broadcast from Satellite multiple times
- Fix for doors transforming from "No Entry" to "Normal" if player places a Detonator on them and disables it
- Fix for player not always tripping lasers when lunging through them
- Fix for Shopkeeper being able to offer Mobsters their Portable Sell-O-Matic
- Fix for Cardboard Box appearing to remain on players between levels in online multiplayer mode
- Unlocking Rocket Launcher is no longer a prerequisite for unlocking Fire Extinguisher
- Player can no longer attempt to remove the Slave Helmet from a Slave if he was interacting with the Slave when the Slave becomes free
- Fix for various issues with player using Primal Lunge while holding a gun
- Fix for Loadout items sometimes appearing twice in list
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for “E_InvisiblePermanent” appearing during Assassination Nation mutator
- Fix for Zombies not appearing Friendly to player Zombie during the Zombie mutator
- Homesickness Killer will not appear as an end-of-level trait if the player has Enslave
- Fix for weird stuff happening after Wrestler becomes Giant while holding an object
- People will stop biting or cannibalizing when they are bitten, they trip, or they jump
- Fix for custom characters with Addict triggering Withdrawal in Home Base
- Fix for Shapeshifter retaining Super Special status effects of Investment Banker’s Feelin’ Good after depossessing
- Potential fix for rare cases of being able to hit people after they had fallen into a hole
- Fix for tranquilizer darts and zombie spit causing knockback when shot from multiplayer client
- Fix for cases where player was assigned to neutralize a Zombie
- Added 1.0 mutators to the pool of potential mutators for Random Mutators
- Fix for Assassination Nation unlocking when the player died as an Assassin
- Added clarification to Continue mutator description that it starts after Floor 1
- Fix for orange arrows sometimes appearing above Werewolves' heads during the Many Werewolves mutator even if the player is not a Vampire
- Fix for Arsonist and Werewolf not appearing in levels when using Ape Town mutator
Level Generation[]
- Cannibals will not spawn in bushes during Radiation Blast levels
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for NPCs sometimes technically facing angles other than south when dancing, despite appearing to face south
- Fix for cases where player could offer beer or whiskey to bouncers when they had no more left in their inventory
- Fix for Door Detonators sometimes causing non-prisoner NPCs to act like they were just freed from prison
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to influence electability with mobsters multiple times
- Fix for translations of "Damage Other Players" description
- Fix for translations of Reward instructions in Home Base
- Fix for some Bouncer text in certain languages telling the player they should go into the arena despite there being no arena
- Fix for rare cases where player was able to knock Bouncer through a wall