Version 83 was an update released on August 21th, 2019. It is an update with a number of new items, bug fixes and lots more.
New Features[]
- Configuration saves for Mutators, Rewards and Traits - Save and load configurations of inactive rewards and traits, as well as active mutators, so that you won’t have to set them up every time you re-enter the game.
- Added option to reduce screenshake, as opposed to just turning it off
- Profanity filter for online games can be turned on or off in settings
New Mutators[]
- Speedrun Mode (Standardized) - Works the same as before, but all traits and items are unlocked, and are all set to be active. Here's the catch: If you take more than 4 minutes to complete a level, you die.
New Items[]
- Revolver - Fires quick and powerful bullets, but has a hefty cooldown time.
- Monkey Barrel - Technically a barrel full of diminutive and very angry gorillas. It'll take them a few seconds to break free.
- Ammo Stock - Increases the number of rounds that can be stored in a gun.
- Rate of Fire Mod - A gun trigger with racing stripes on it. Yeah. Shoot more rounds in a short amount of time.
- Body Swapper - Target a non-prisoner to swap places with them... In the "position" sense, not the "Freaky Friday" sense.
- Explodevice - Causes all nearby electronics and explosives to blow up.
- Fireworks - These fireworks are illegal, primarily because it's literally a bag full of rockets.
- Walkie Talkie - Call nearby Cops to take down a specific criminal. Or person you don't like. Or person you do like. Who cares?
- Memory Mutilator - Reverts people's relationships to you and each other to whatever they were at the beginning of the floor.
- Warp Grenade - Anyone on the receiving end of this grenade will be warped to a random spot, yourself included.
- Blood Bag - Drink this for health if you have Jugularious. Otherwise, see a Doctor.
- Antidote - Cures negative status effects, and prevents new ones from taking effect.
- Boo-Urn - These "rescue" ghosts need a new forever home! Use this indoors to scare away the building's inhabitants for good.
- Fix for NPCs not always switching from "dancing" to "dead" or "knocked out" state properly when they die off-screen
- Fix for player appearing incorrectly if they return to home base after ending the game while possessing someone as a custom character
- Fix for player shadow disappearing if you jump out of water while invisible
- Fix for water cannon and other items-in-hand changing color in character select when skin color is changed
- Fix for fading issues on ultrawide resolutions
- Fix for cases where NPCs could appear flashing red after resurrecting
- Potential fix for cases where NPCs appear to be sitting when there is no chair
UI / Controls[]
- Added profanity filtering to the multiplayer Join screen
- Multiplayer chatlog remains on the screen at all times during character select
- Player cannot change gamepad controls during the game in coop modes, as this could cause issues
- If the player is next to an object and they move the mouse off it, the object will not become de-highlighted
- Daily Run date changed to international standard format
- Fail-safes added to prevent cases where camera could become black
- Fix for occasional issues doing things like hacking in coop mode as player 2 when player 1 is using keyboard and mouse
- Fail-safe for rare cases when notification message could appear onscreen before the Level Start message and cause a freeze
- Fix for cases where quick-teleport wouldn't work properly on multiplayer client
- Better timer positioning when timed events take place at the same time as the speedrun counter is in place
- Fix for player sometimes being able to point the cursor over nonexistent objects on character select screen
- Potential fix for issue with player sometimes teleporting onto bear traps
- Fix for Hacker having their target open in the home base if it was open when the game was completed
- Fix for toolbar numbers disappearing when the player is dragging an inventory item
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for places where player could get option to knock on red doors despite them being inside a building
- Potential fix for refrigerator sometimes passing through objects
- Fix for multiplayer client being able to activate High Volume repeatedly on Television
- Fix for Crusher sometimes not being destroyed when the wall it was attached to is destroyed
- Fix for cases where huge explosions could miss certain objects
- Fix for hacker continuing to interact with objects after they have been picked up by Wrestler
- Vampire starts with 2 Blood Bags
- Player cannot place more than 10 Time Bombs at once
- Fix for projectile weapons in scrollbar weapons list not having a proper consistent hierarchy
- Player will always prioritize picking up a quest item over other items if it would result in the immediate completion of a quest
- Cube of Lampey drops money at slightly higher values, and sells at $4 base price per charge instead of $5
- Status text appears when the player runs out of Cube of Lampey
- Ghost Gibber is twice as effective against living NPCs
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for Diminutive not causing the player to do less melee damage, as specified in its description
- Fix for context menu on Arcade Machine not remaining open after player with Cyber Nuke hacks it and chooses Increase Volume
- Fail-safe for rare cases where NPCs would appear to be getting bitten after the player finished biting them
- Extra preventative measure for cases of player being teleported onto Bear Traps
- Fix for Possess not working with some types of custom characters in online multiplayer mode
- Bartender cannot offer drinks to NPCs with Jugularious (namely Vampires)
- Fix for Art of the Deal not always working properly when interacting with counters on multiplayer client
- Fix for NPCs getting angry at the player for hitting their owned items when the player has "Promise I'll Return It!"
- Being electrocuted removes Withdrawal
- Fix for certain traits appearing in the home base traits menu for certain players despite having been removed from the game
- Fail-safes for infinite Werewolf as online multiplayer client
- Fix for Zombie not facing correct direction if player uses the right analog stick to aim their spit
- Class Solidarity and No In-Fighting now protect your followers from touch-based attacks
- Fix for cases where Explosions would do no damage
- Fix for issues stemming from Butler Bot cleaning up bodies of non-War Zone NPCs
Big Quests[]
- Zombie is no longer required to complete Big Quest during War Zone disaster
- Cannibal is no longer required to complete Big Quest during Zombies disaster
- Fix for Disasters potentially starting while the player is on the Missions screen
- Fail-safes for rare cases where NPCs are not "cleaned up" properly during War Zone
- Bounty disasters have more bounty hunters
- Fix for cases where too many Butler Bots could spawn during War Zone
- Assassination Nation assassins are considered Guilty
- Fix for object info UI going a bit haywire on multiplayer client during Rogue Vision
- Fix for Mine Cart and Train sometimes not being invisible during Rogue Vision
- Upper-Crusters will still use Alarm Buttons during No Cowards mutator
- All NPCs are considered Guilty during Everyone Hates You
Level Generation[]
- Fix for cases where party members spawning at the beginning of levels could prevent certain other NPCs from spawning, and take their appearance in the process
Artificial Intelligence[]
- The player's party members will not get scared out of buildings by fire
- NPCs are less likely to become hostile toward other NPCs in their own party if they accidentally hit each other
- Fix for NPC Gorillas telling the player Gorilla that they are "unpleasant" if the player requests that they join their party when the party is full
- NPCs wandering in gangs react more appropriately when challenged to a fight by the Wrestler
- Fail-safe for instances NPCs could retain properties of having fallen into a hole despite appearing to be alive, running in place, and hitting the player
- Fix for War Zone NPCs disappearing after teleporting
- If you start Arresting, Biting or Enslaving an aligned person and cancel partway through, that person will become hostile
- Better AI reaction when prisoners are freed during a Radiation Blasts level
- Fix for NPCs coming after player during Bounty disaster even after the player has Hypnotized them
- Fix for NPCs getting annoyed at people who Bite, Chloroform or Cannibalize while Invisible
- Prisoners will not get annoyed at the player Biting, Chloroforming or Cannibalizing
- NPCs will not get annoyed at people who Bite, Chloroform or Cannibalize an NPC who Cops would not take issue with you killing, such as a Cannibal who popped out of a Manhole
- Potential fix for issue where "rescue" followers could stop following the player
- Spanish, German, Portuguese, and French now use the same font that is used for English
- Consistent fonts when displaying Polish characters
- “Damage Other Players” now reads “Damage Other Players (Friendly Fire)”
- Fix for Werewolf not having any interaction dialogue, which could sometimes result in errors
- Clarified the description text of Vicious Chameleon
- Removed “Get to the Exit” timer, which I believe has outlived its usefulness. Let me know if this causes unforeseen problems.
- Fix for cases where game could get stuck at the end of a level if a person left while other players were in the elevator
- Attempted fix for multiplayer client not completely disconnecting when leaving games
- Safeguards for cases where ghost player could not be interacted with
- Fix for cases where clones of the custom-character player might not appear graphically correct or might be missing their name when traversing multiple floors
- Fail-safe for cases where player could not move after becoming ghost or being revived
Version 83b[]
- Fix for items not always dropping when they were supposed to, which could result in other errors
- Fixed a number of pieces of missing/incorrect text
- Fix for NPCs not being freed from prison properly if the Warp Grenade is used on them
- Rate of Fire Mod and Ammo Stock cannot be used with Taser
- Fix for "secret werewolves" being in Home Base if the player is using the Many Werewolves mutator
- Thief NPC may have Body Swapper in his "shop" inventory
- Walkie Talkie cannot be used to kill the Mayor
- Fix for Perfumorous not triggering properly after Memory Eraser is used
- Memory Eraser does not affect NPCs in the player's party
- Fix for Shapeshifter not being hostile toward the player after Memory Eraser was used