Version 84 was an update released on September 9th, 2019. It is an update with a bunch of small tweaks and features.
Big Quests[]
- Custom characters can now have Big Quests
- When the Hacker installs malware, the computer will indicate that Cop Bots have been deployed, as there has been confusion as to where the Cop Bots come from
- Messages appear in the multiplayer chatlog when complete or fail their big quests for the level
- Added Slower Gameplay mutator
- Added Extra Health for NPCs mutator
UI / Controls[]
- Character select screen slots change color after you have completed the character's Big Quest
- Added a button on character select to randomize your character’s appearance
- Current disaster will still appear on the Missions screen when the player has Teleport-Happy
- When using Sticky Glove, “Empty” text will appear when moving the cursor over NPCs you have already pickpocketed
- Missions screen can be opened while player is incapacitated due to dizziness, freezing, etc.
- Fix for cases where "E_" could appear when displaying the names of custom characters of certain names
- Fix for countdown clock overlapping other timers when the Timer setting was set to On, but player is not in Speedrun mode
- Fix for Missions screen not updating teleport text if the player’s situation changed
- Fix for status effects not always appearing when the player mouses over someone
Playfield Objects[]
- ATM includes the option to destroy items that are stored instead of retrieving them
- Player can break into crates using Crowbar, which makes less noise than destroying it
- Gas cloud collider expanded a bit, but only for NPCs, so that gas is more likely to connect with them when they run out of buildings
- Player can split their stack of items in local and online multiplayer modes by pressing Alt+Left-click on mouse/keyboard or the left trigger on gamepad
- If the player gains Pacifist, Stubby Fingers, or Sausage fingers and is holding a weapon that they can no longer use, they will unequip the weapon
- Warp Grenade does not work on dead people
- Potential fixes for scenarios where Ammo Stock is not effective
- Fix for player being able to shoot revolver bullets through north/south facing walls
- Fix for Generators and Door Detonators harming players with Blaster Survivor when player uses Explodevice
- Player is blocked from accidentally using Resurrection Shampoo when they already have the status effect
- Fix for NPCs sometimes telling you to “knock it off” after using Memory Mutilator
- Fix for cases where Boo-Urn would not function properly
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Lasers Ignore You has been removed, and its effects have been merged into Graceful
- Blaster Survivor only works for actual explosions, and not for things like Dizzy Grenade or Warp Grenade
- Player cannot speak to NPCs who have Hearing Blocked
- Fix for Clumsiness Forgiven not always triggering when knocking people through walls
- Potential to Not Suck does not trigger when possessing a Slum Dweller
- Fix for Stable System causing status text to rise repeatedly from the player when they walk into a poisoned lake or come in contact with gas
- Fix for sleeping NPCs not being scared by Boo-Urn
- Fix for super special ability data sometimes appearing incorrectly for custom characters on stats screen
- Potential fail-safe for rare cases of melee not being usable after falling into holes
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Cannibals receive extra XP for killing Soldiers, and vice versa, much like rival gangsters, scientist/gorilla, etc.
- Different ending dialogue for Gorilla when you have the Translator
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Player can buy a round of drinks from the Bartender for NPCs in the building
- Fix for Vampire not ceasing their attempt to bite someone after becoming aligned/loyal/friendly
- Fix for NPCs having difficulty opening doors from the inside when diminutive or shrunk
- Bouncers at weapon detector lasers only ask for weapons if you're carrying one
- Bouncers at weapon detector lasers give player the option for their followers to leave their weapons behind
- Fix for NPCs spawned in the middle of levels not always having the correct relationship to the multiplayer client
- Fix for locked doors opening if the player tells a Thief to lockpick a door to which they are unable to path
- Fix for laser not always being turned off on multiplayer host when a a client would coax a bouncer to turn them off
- Butler Bot has interaction dialogue
- Resist Damage (Small), Resist Damage (Medium) and Resist Damage (Large) have actual descriptions
- Fixed various incorrect Chinese language translations
Saved Games[]
- Potential fail-safe for rare cases where save data could be deleted
- Work on level editor
Version 84b[]
- Fix for incorrect text for “Destroy Item” on ATM
- Fix for Crate quests not being completed if the player crowbar'ed the crate without destroying it
- Fix for “Empty” text not always appearing under NPCs when using Thief when it was supposed to
- Fix for “Disaster: ” text not appearing properly on missions screen when the player is able to teleport
- Traits that were removed from the game are removed from custom characters. In some cases, such as Lasers Ignore You, the trait on that character is replaced with a new trait, in this case Graceful
- Fix for player needing to have an open inventory slot to destroy an item in the ATM
- Fix for “Extra Health for NPCs” mutator applying to the player’s health as well
- Fix for end-of-level elevator stating that custom characters haven't finished their big quest when the player has not assigned them one
- Fix for Speed Coder not working properly when used on NPCs (such as Slaves) when using a custom character
- Fix for Comedian being unable to teleport for the rest of a level if they successfully tell a joke to a gang that is mugging them
- Fixed a couple of cases where player would not proceed to the next level if someone else joined at exactly the wrong time
Version 84c[]
- Steam multiplayer matchmaking replaced with Galaxy matchmaking. Let me know how it works for you! The other notes in this changelog are all related to this.
- /invite functionality has changed a bit. If you type /invite, you’ll get a numbered list of your Steam friends, for example 1. Madguy 2. Friend2 etc. So if you type /invite Madguy or /invite 1, it will invite Madguy. Also, /invite will only work if the friend has not yet opened Streets of Rogue
- Games can now be sorted by ping
- Region setting removed, all games should be shown at once now
- Linux version takes up several hundred megabytes more space as a result of Galaxy integration
Version 84d[]
- Fix for Steam names sometimes appearing incorrectly for players in multiplayer
- Fix for sorting by ping not working properly
- Player receives feedback in the chatlog when /invite’ing someone
- /invite list only shows friends who are currently online
- If the player selects a game from the Join list that is running a different version than they are, the notification will state which version the other player is running
- Fix for NPC info never saying “Empty” when playing as Thief if the NPC started with nothing in their inventory
- Speed Run mutators will not appear for Daily Runs
- Super Special Characters description clarifies that this does not apply to custom characters
- Fix for Cops becoming hostile toward a player if an owner hits the player by accident
- Fixed a couple of translation errors
Version 84e[]
- Fix for cases where the multiplayer host name field is interactable when it was not meant to be
- Fix for the player’s language on the game’s first startup not matching the Steam language
- Multiplayer games are filtered by ping by default
- Fix for multiplayer client sometimes not being able to jump into lakes in Mixed-Up Environments games
- Prevention from status effects appearing on the multiplayer client while they are a ghost
- Fix for player's "operating" bar not disappearing if they drop an object while doing this
- Fix for player being able to right-click an item to equip it while simultaneously dropping it
- Fix for player being able to click-and-drag an inventory item like Hypnotizer if they clicked on a target while simultaneously clicking on the item’s box
- Fix for vendors sometimes dropping 2 of the same item when using Shop Drops +
- Significant file size reduction for Linux version
- Added more extensive Galaxy support