Version 86 was an update released on December 18, 2019. It is an update with a new playable character, new abilities, new achievements, new big quests and several bug fixes.
Playable Characters[]
- Added Robot Achievement
Big Quests[]
- Added Robot Big Quest
- Killer Robot is now officially known as “Killer Robot” instead of “Robot” in-game
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Added Power Sap - Releases a blast of energy that recharges you if it hits most electronic devices
- Added Rechargeable - Your melee, firearms and speed attributes start very high, and get lower along with your battery
- Added Electronic - Status effects usually don't affect you, you can't eat food, and you're damaged by water and EMP blasts
- Added Sappy-Healthy - Power Sap gives you more health from electronic devices
- Added Sap Damage - Power Sap does more damage to people in its radius
- Fix for hacks not working properly for hired hackers on multiplayer client
Level Editor[]
- Custom characters can be submitted to the Workshop through the character creation interface (enabled only if the Level Editor is enabled)
- Added support for using multiple chunk packs at the same time
- Players have the option to use only the chunks from chunk packs and not use the normal chunks at all
- Levels, Campaigns and Chunk Packs can be refreshed from Chunk Mode when you modify a chunk
- Chunk Packs can be added to Campaigns to be used in randomized levels
- Campaigns can be refreshed from Level Mode when you modify a level
- Player can click and drag a selection square in Select mode
- Player can click and drag a square in Draw mode for Walls and Floors to draw a patch
- Custom text can be added to Sign object
- Specific Laser Emitter types can be selected
- “Allow Teleport” setting added to to level creator
- Items can be placed on the ground
- Specific items can be placed into Chests and Safes
- Specific items can be placed in NPC inventories
- Patrolling NPCs in user-created chunks can open doors
- Levels can be given a custom title that displays at the beginning of the level and on the missions screen
- Bars and Barbed Wire can no longer be selected as an Object when editing prefabs, and are now exclusively walls
- Wastebasket no longer appears in chunk prefabs
- Fix for chunks not being removed from chunk packs properly when requested by the player
- Selection boxes in level editor no longer appear stretched at times
- Fixes for when cursor goes out of bounds on the map
- Fix for level-based mutators carrying over to the next level
- Fix for Water Pumps not connecting to pools properly in chunks that are not in Uptown or Mayor Village
- Fix for campaign saved games not always loading properly
- Fix for chunk packs not loading in saved games with chunk packs
- Fix for chunks placed in level editor sometimes showing up as Apartments
- Fix for game freezing when Windows are destroyed when next to other Windows
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for elevator icons sometimes appearing in the wrong spots on multiplayer client
- Fix for player being able to press Trait/Reward/Mutator config buttons on gamepad after closing the menu
- Fix for cursor text appearing when mouse is over certain in-game objects (like computers) while on main menu
- Fix for rare cases where missions screen could soft lock after completing quests
- Status effects do not appear in cursor text when mousing over players
Playfield Objects[]
- Alarm Button is considered electronic
- Melee weapon durability depletes by much less when the player is a giant
- Fix for Boo-Urn not always causing NPCs to flee buildings
- Fix for multiplayer client seeing Rogue Vision lighting after exiting a Rogue Vision level in Random Mutators mode
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Arena fighters will not come and listen to player’s jokes
- Fix for Killer Robot being able to pick up weapons
Version 86b[]
- Fix for Tutorial level showing the wrong type of Lasers
- Fix for Robot not unlocking when the player hacks Cop Bot using Super Special Ability or Speed Coder
- Fix for Electronic not working properly after loading saved games
- Fix for objects that were not intended to charge the Robot (such as Lamps) charging the Robot after the first level
- Fix for Robot not receiving Above the Law properly
- Fix for Robot being able to heal themselves with First Aid Kit
- Fix for Robot being able to purge “Charge Level” status effects in toilet
- Fix for Robot being able to donate blood or receive a blood bag
- Fix for No In-Fighting and Class Solidarity not being triggering with Power Sap
- Fix for not being able to select objects in chunks made with the previous version of the game in the level editor
- Fix for holding Ctrl and clicking to “select all” in level editor not working
- Fix for incorrect text and images sometimes appearing for top Item entries in level editor lists
Version 86c (December 18)[]
- Fixed a number of cases where Robot could not receive certain status effects that they were meant to
- Player cannot remove or swap Rechargeable traits
- Fix for Blaster Survivor not triggering when player causes a generator explosion that takes place after a countdown
- Fix for players with Electronic attempting to use First Aid Kit when Quick Health button is pressed
- Refrigerator is now considered Electronic and can charge the Robot
- Player can add “Talk” text to NPCs in level editor, much like with Signs
- Fix for NPCs and Chests in chunks created in previous version of the level editor not having items
- Fix for text issues when selecting different Signs in level editor
- Fix for Patrol Points not being drawn in level editor
- Adding a Patrol ID to NPCs is no longer required. Instead, they will walk chose the patrol route of the closest patrol point
Version 86d (December 22)[]
- Modified level editor Help texts to reflect recent changes in how Patrol Points work
- Fix for level editor Patrol Points not being saved/loaded properly
- Fix for game freezing if the player loaded a level with certain custom buildings such as Deportation Center in a non-1x1 shape
- Fix for not being able to place Empty and Randomized tiles on the level editor map
- Fix for Slavemasters not becoming Hostile when player uses Power Sap on Slaves
- Cop Bot no longer refers to Robots as if they were humans
- Player can no longer Hack the Robot and Butler Bot
- Fix for Shapeshifter spawning from NPCs who had fallen into a hole
Version 86e[]
- Fix for Mayor Office and House sometimes not appearing in Mayor Village