Version 88 was an update released on March 14th, 2019. The update itself is mostly bug fixes. The change log also announced the development of a sequel to Streets of Rogue.
Version 88[]
Level Editor[]
- Player is shown the main menu after pressing Esc while testing a level, instead of immediately exiting the level
- Warning message appears when saving a chunk when walls are placed at the chunk edges
- Fix for yellow quest boxes appearing during gameplay when testing levels from the level editor
- Fix for NPC talk text always appearing on a single line when displayed in-game
- Fix for issues with text disappearing when creating Sign text and NPC Talk text
UI / Controls[]
- Added “Alignment Circles” setting in Gameplay Settings, which defaults to On. If an NPC is Hostile toward you, a red circle will appear beneath them. If they are Aligned/Loyal/Submissive, a green circle will appear.
- Level Editor button now appears beneath Custom Campaign and Chunk Pack buttons to avoid players accidentally entering into the level editor when they did not mean to
- Fix for Big Quest slot not always displaying all text in Chinese language version
- Fix for issues aiming with certain weapons in Trackpad Mode
- Fix for new Twitch votes appearing on interface after vote has ended
- Ghosts are prevented from traveling too far outside of map boundaries
- Player will no longer auto-aim at non-functional objects such as Turrets that have been deactivated
- Fix for rechargeable special abilities appearing transparent on interface after level completion
- If voting is tied between two items in Twitch votes, the winner will be randomly selected instead of selecting the first item
Non-Playable Characters[]
- Fix for NPCs not displaying user-created text on multiplayer client
- Steam/GoG Achievements will trigger upon completion even if they've already been internally triggered to reduce cases of people not being able to get all achievements
- Fix for custom character hair sometimes appearing incorrectly in Home Base
- Fix for custom NPCs sometimes appearing incorrectly when using chunk packs
- Fix for custom NPCs sometimes appearing incorrectly on multiplayer client
- Fix for Dizzy Stars not appearing and disappearing properly in Rogue Vision mode
Playfield Objects[]
- Fix for exit elevator being titled "Mysterious Elevator"
- Fix for Turret sometimes turning and shooting after losing power
- Fix for Signs not displaying user-created text on multiplayer client
- Fix for cases where objects attached to walls might not be destroyed if its wall was destroyed, but another object was attached to a nearby wall
- Fix for players who do an Augmentation Booth swap sometimes getting traits that they can't use because they lack the associated special ability
- Preventative measure for multiplayer client teleporting after using the level exit and not being able to exit the level
- Fix for cases where Refrigerator could be made to “run” after another player had picked it up
- A small noise occurs when travering broken windows
- Fix for Boo-Urn not working in some Industrial buildings
- Increased number of cases where health items cannot be given to NPCs who cannot use them (for example, giving a Ham Sandwich to a Cannibal)
- Player is blocked from giving follower NPCs weapons that they will not be able to use, such as if they have Pacifist
- Fix for player not being able to throw items at NPCs hidden in bushes
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Medical Professional allows you to use Blood Bag on yourself
- NPCs cannot have Addict or Rechargeable, since they have no proper way to take care of themselves
- Fix for Class Solidarity causing all custom characters to not be able to hit each other, rather than just custom characters of the same type
- Fix for player not being able to Cannibalize NPCs who transformed back from Werewolf form
- Assassins are no longer triggered by Random Reverence
- Cannibal players can no longer receive "Cool with Cannibals" as an end-of-level trait
- Fix for Cannibal continuing to Cannibalize after NPC body has been gibbed by someone hitting it
- On the House no longer triggers when using a Free Item Voucher
- Blaster Survivor triggers for bodies that explode as a result of the player’s actions
- Player cannot begin Chaaaarge while jumping
- Fix for interactions with objects not stopping when the player is bitten
- Fix for the player continuing to use “operating bar” when being arrested or bitten
- Fix for player getting stuck if they are being bit by a player when that player loses their online connection
- Fix for Lunge and Chaaarge not working properly for players who were Enraged
- If the player has Bullet Breaker, their rockets will not be destroyed when hitting other bullets
Stats / Unlocks[]
- Player receives Skill Points for successfully telling jokes
- Player does not unlock Gorilla if a Gorilla dies before they are freed from their cage
- Fix for Neutralize All missions potentially including Ghosts
Big Quests[]
- Fix for certain Big Quest related events occurring during New Character Every Level, where Big Quests are disabled
- Fix for Aligned NPCs that the player must kill for Big Quest not always being capable of taking hits, such as when player has No In-Fighting
- Most NPCs that must be killed for Big Quest are considered Guilty
- Fix for the No Guns and No Melee mutators not affecting NPCs in custom chunks who are given weapons by the creator of the chunk
- Zombies can be arrested during the Zombies Welcome mutator
- Fix for Bounty Hunters keeping their Rocket Launchers concealed during Rocket Chaos (this gave them away)
Level Generation[]
- Fix for certain cases where loading can get stuck when loading custom chunks
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Fix for NPCs not always sitting or sleeping when they were supposed to
- Fix for NPCs recognizing that the player hit them with Fireworks when the player is out of view
- Fix for enslaved NPCs not following the player to the exit if they had previously been involved in a quest
- Fix for Zombies becoming Submissive after being Enslaved
- NPCs will not become Annoyed when a player Bites their coop partner
- After player indicates that they want to run for Mayor, they are prompted “Are you sure?” Yes or No
- Fix for enforcers who are spawned during the Lockdown disaster not recognizing that Lockdown is in effect
- NPCs who become hostile toward someone after sleeping will walk around instead of returning to their bed and standing still
- Fix for Zombies not being hostile toward the player when “Everyone Hates You” and “Zombies Welcome” mutators are active
- Fix for player not being able to ask a submissive Slavemaster to hand over one of their slaves
- Fix for Cops becoming hostile toward players for shooting NPCs with Water Pistol when the Water Pistol contained a positive status effect
- Fix for Slaves becoming Friendly instead of Loyal if player removes their helmet with an EMP explosion or Power Sap
- Fix for prisoners not becoming Loyal toward players who deactivate computers and free them from prison through the use of Power Sap or EMP Grenades
- Fleeing NPCs no longer say “You’re ravaging my body!” since they may not have actually been attacked
- Fix for NPCs with Suspicious who are in the player's party being told to leave the Deportation Center when the player is teleported there
- NPCs are less likely to engage in combat while they are attempting to exit the level
- Fix for NPCs not reacting negatively to NPCs with Malodorous who had come from previous levels
- Added proper localization for lots of text that was added post-launch (previously some of this had been Google-translated)
Version 88b[]
- Fix for NPC state indicators not working properly, which could cause issues particularly when tranquilizing NPCs
Version 88c (April 7)[]
- Fix for NPCs in the player’s party sometimes not being aligned with the player at the start of a level
- Fix for some bullet sprites appearing incorrectly