Version 97 is a update released on August 27, 2022. With the usual being bug fixes and some gameplay changes, while also mentioning big news and features of the sequel such as improved art, new lighting and to new features such as crafting, farming and a faction reputation system.
And unfortunate news about the soundtrack for the original composer (Craig S. Barnes) being unable to return due to contract issues.
Version 97[]
- Added proper borderless window settings
- Fix for graphical issue when highlighting NPCs who are pointing their gun
- Fix for Mech body looking incorrect when dancing
UI / Controls[]
- Fix for player marker not appearing on minimap during tutorial
- Fix for player marker not appearing on minimap during the first stage of Daily Runs
- Fix for Virtual Keyboard only allowing the user to input 32 characters
- Various Steam Deck-specific fixes
- Skeleton Key appears properly in the Character Creation screen
- Fix for multiplayer client Wrench not losing durability when used with Generator, Satellite Dish, etc.
- Fix for the player not being able to light oil spills on fire with the Cigarette Lighter when standing directly to the north
- Fix for Four-Leaf Clover potentially having an effect in cases where luck should definitely be 0
- Fix for Wall Bypasser not allowing the player to teleport on top of items on the ground, into water, or onto conveyor belts
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities[]
- Fix for Cops attacking players who obtain Above the Law during a Police Lockdown
- Fix for bug that was causing auto-aim to sometimes target objects over hostile NPCs
- Fix for “Annoyed” sound effect not playing if the Comedian tells a joke and some people laugh and some get annoyed
Big Quests[]
- Fix for certain cases where Mech Suit could be chosen for Big Quest related tasks
- Mobster traits Revenue and Cop Debt are not applied with the New Character Every Level mutator
- Fix for Hologram being hostile toward player during Everyone Hates You mutator
- Fix for Mech Suit being hostile toward multiplayer client during Everyone Hates You mutator
Artificial Intelligence[]
- Player cannot command their followers to attack Train and Mine Cart
- Fix for NPCs getting hostile toward the player if they player bites, enslaves, or arrests them while Invisible
- Fix for player not being able to dismiss NPCs that they are rescuing if the questgiver has died
- Fix for NPCs not becoming Loyal to the player if the player breaks them out of jail by walking through a wall with a Giantizer
- Thief does not attempt to steal from Killer Robot or Butler Bot
- Fix for NPCs who attempt to mug a Bodyguard player preventing them from teleporting if they become a fan of the Musician
- Fix for Mech Suit becoming Arsonist
- Added Discord moderators to credits list
- Fix for multiplayer listings not appearing if the host had certain characters in their name
- Prevent multiplayer game list from breaking if bad characters are found
- (9/20 Stealth update) If the user's local hosting/matchmaking server is down, the game will attempt to use another one